32. Seeing Again (Part One)

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"No freaking way." I shake my head vigorously. "Clayton? What the sugar scoot happened to you?!"

"Perrie. She gave me a new make-over look. Like it?" He turns on his heal and spins around for me. I practically have a mini spasm over how different he looked. My whole entire life anybody who knew him knew that he was a complete dweb. Now that despite his looks have changed, some of those people could possibly mistake him as a Hollister model.

"You look hawt!" He chuckles at my use of words. Turning around to see Paul walking towards us, it then dawned on me that we were in a deserted part of the beach and therefore nobody is aloud to see the boys. Suddenly using my ninja instincts, I shoved Clayton behind the palm tree beside us to where only I could see him. Paul abruptly stopped walking and squinted at me in the distance. Acting casual, I laid my elbow on the tree and gave him a small wave. I watched as the man waved back and headed back down to the shore.

Phew! That was a close one....

"What's going on?"

"Well, your technically not supposed to be here at the moment." I say surprisingly faster then I had intended to. "How'd you even find us?"

"I was walking on the beach and herd you scream like someone was stabbing you." He said offensively. I wanted to explain the whole reason to why I had screamed earlier, but it sounded so ridiculous in my mind. Oh, I thought Reins father was trying to drown me! (Sarcasm there) Practically anything sounded ridiculous in my mind at the moment.

"I thought I saw a shark.."

"Your lying aren't you?" He raises an eyebrow up at me. Really, what was I thinking?! I know I can't lye and get away with it when Clayton's here! Clayton's like a freaking lye detector.

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that you need to leave now before I get in serious trouble." Clayton quickly nods before running back down the other side of the beach. I watch him intently, tapping my fingers nervously on my side, and praying that he doesn't get caught.

About half way from where I was standing he turned around and mouthed the words, 'you owe me a long explanation.' I nod and shoo him away. Once he's completely out of sight, I lay my towel on the sandy ground and decide to tan while I compare the old Clay to the new Clay. I'm really going to have to get used to this...

"Wazzup?" I hear Jack as she sits beside me and pokes my back.

"Just tanning."

"Oh.." She trails before continuing. "I have a question to ask you."

"Bring it on sistah." I laugh, turning my head to the side so I can see her face. The Jack I knew never took a thing serious. So why is she now?

"Every time I'm around Niall my stomach twist and turns like a blender with asparagus in it. I don't know why, but my hands shake when he touches me and I blush when he complements me. Gosh something's seriously wrong with me." Her eyes look afraid when I look up at her through my sunglasses.

"Jack, nothings wrong with you." I slightly laugh to let her know its normal to feel these things. "It's called growing up and finding certain guys more attractive then others." She looks down at me and fidgets with her overly large Rolling Stones t-shirt.

"But what if-" Jack stops in the middle of her sentence to let out a huge sigh. "Ugh! I Don't like being a girl! Being a guy would make life so much easier!"

"Jack, if you were a guy Niall wouldn't have been able to like you like he does. Well, unless he was gay, but that isn't the point."

"What is the point then? Why cant I stop these girly feelings for him?" She asks frustrated at me. I stay silent for a while before answering her questions. There really is only one explanation to all of her problems.

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