23. Thankful For Friends

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I woke up on the living room floor with dry, blackish blood covering my knuckles. Glass covered the right side of the floor and a beer bottle was spilled all over the coffee table.

What happened last night?


"Cut the crap Zayn." Harry stops me by holding my arms back. "Its no use.." I let out a frustrated grunt and walk over to the big hall mirror.

"Zayn don't-" Before I had let him finish I had already punched the mirror, sending glass to crash onto the floor. I watched as the blood on my knuckles dripped onto the expensive white carpet, staining it red. When I turned around to look at Harry, I had felt the blood start to boil inside of me. I could punch him right here, right now if I wanted to.

But Harry had already bolted out the front door leaving me alone to stare at the monster in the cracked mirror.

And that monster was me..


Getting up from the couch, I stumbled over to the telephone and called Perrie.


By the fourth ring I had already disconnected the phone and decided to send her a quick text.


Meet me out by the dock at 10:00.


Why exactly?


Just come. Please, its important.


Fine, I'm on my way.

Stuffing the phone into my back pocket, I quickly heading to the bathroom to fresh up a bit. Washing my hands in the white pearl sink, I watched as the red blood slowly came off and slide down into the drain. After all of it seemed pretty clean, I wrapped some gauze over it and went to go get changed while coming across another mirror in my room.

How can you live with yourself? A voice sounded in my mind.

"Shut up." I said to myself, frowning at my reflection. Honestly I know what I did was bad. So why do I just keep getting reminded of it?


Once I had gone down to the dock I saw Perrie sitting on the edge of the dock in a blue flowy top and zebra print jeans.

"Hey." She said while peering out at the black sea.

"I have to talk to you." I say as I heave a heavy sigh and take a seat next to her side.

"As your 'ex', I am obligated to do just that."

"Good. Okay, I just want to know why were not together anymore." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair. She suddenly turned around to face me with a blank expression filling her pretty features.

"That's because I cheated on you." My heart sunk at her words, so I had to ask. "Why?"

"Uh, I don't know Zayn." She huffed, angrily folding her hands together on her lap. "I just didn't feel anything between us. No sparks, no fireworks, no butterfly's or jitters. I'm sorry but I sort of lost feelings for you a long time ago." My heart pounded violently inside my chest.

"What? Why didn't you just tell me this instead of going out behind my back and cheating on me?" I spit. She then turned her head to look down at her feet and stayed silent for a couple of seconds before answering back.

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