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Hello! It's lovesicktheanime! Sorry for not updating but now I ill every once two weeks! Hope you enjoy this diary!

Hello, Diary.
Sorry for not writing for a while. I had a supper weird and long day today. Well, today the director went to Miyaji Academy to complain about the "incident". Wow what a shock the director received. So, we had to follow on this little "excursion" to file a complaint. When we reached the Academy, all the students were the same. Blushing or acting shock that famous idols came to their school, omg! Yeah, yeah all that stuff so we headed for the student council as planned and they were shocked but I guess calm too. They weren't freaking out or anything just continuing their work. Until a guy with black hair with a cup of tea in his hand said, " Hello, I'm Tatewaki Naitou, the president of the student council. How may I help you?" Right after that, the director starts complaining to them about the incident and described the "Villains" as one blue haired guy, one red haired guy, another brown hair dude and one girl that he couldn't see but knows. "Oh, I do apologize for the trouble they caused, I will call them immediately." Naitou said before saying "Suwabe, take care of the front desk, I will be leading them to the Cardfighting Club." "Yes sir!" Said A long purple haired male also known as Suwabe. We all looked confused but didn't said anything as we followed Naitou. He led us to a door and sign saying "Cardfighting Club" and he opened it. We saw them so call "culprits". They were playing the game I hate and Naitou was not stopping them but watching with enthusiasm so we also had to watch too. They were playing mid game I think and it was that blue haired boy against the red haired boy.

It looked like the red haired boy's turn just ended and it was the blue haired guy. After he drew, he had eyes. But I have no idea but it looked familiar, determined eyes I feel like I seen those but I really can't recall and seriously I really can't remember. Or maybe I'm dreaming again urghhg can't concentrate. So the match ended and none of them realised we were here until they finished. "This is Aichi Sendou and Naoki and there is Shingo and Misaki." They looked up until Aichi said," Hello, there! Have something happened?"
Right after that, the director started scolding him and his friends for ruining his "Master Piece".
I actually feel kind if bad for these people, getting scolded for something so minor. All of them said nothing stand in a straight line and bowed and said "Sorry! Please forgive us!" That took us a back and then Naitou stepped in and said " Okay now. Now look at the time, clubs like yours should be going now. You may leave." The Cardfight club bowed for thanks and left quietly.
"Well Mr Director and ladies, I hope this will not happen again and thanks for being patient and understanding." Naitou said and bow. We bowed back and started leaving. When we are at the car, Rekka said," Hey, don't you think the director was a bit harsh on them." "Hmmm... I think so. They were at least polite and didn't fuse up when we scold them." I replied. "Oh, what's this. Kourin for once pitying people? I can understand, that blue haired guy ... Aichi his name was pretty cute!" Suiko started to tease.
"SUIKO! SHUT UP!" Suiko and Rekka started laughing but I didn't quite care. Aichi.... I thought is that blue haired boy. He seems so familiar...
*sigh* never mind. Maybe I will see them again and maybe ask him....
With lots of confusion and hatred for Suiko for bringing that up,

So how was it? Review please? :333
Hope you enjoyed this diary. This will we updated next next week (2 weeks from now) Next week, I be updating Leon's Soryuu love story! Check it out!
Hope you have a great day ahead!
Signing out: lovesicktheanime

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