Marching Band (Part 2)

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      "Hey goofus! Still stalking Bill?" Mabel asked cheerfully as she jumped out of nowhere behind him. His heart skipped multiple beats, and he nearly tripped and fell right there. When he realized it was her, he sighed in both relief and disappointment in himself. "If you were gonna hang around him anyway, you might as well hang out with him! Right?" Pacifica said, elbowing the brunette. "Yeah, yeah," he replied, not wanting to go further into this. Just then, he realized in horror that Candy and Grenda were missing from the group. He looked around for them, but when he spotted those two, he wished he hadn't. There they were, standing with Bill, talking to him, and pointing back at the now-panicking teen! Aaand, now they're walking over here. Even better! He thought sarcastically to himself.
      "So, ya change your mind then, Pine Tree?" asked the perfect man upon arrival, referencing the symbol on Dipper's hat that he always wore. He mustered up the best smile he could and replied, "Yup, apparently I did..." The blonde's face lit up, and he hooked an arm around Dipper's shoulders. "Great! There's this awesome ride I wanna go on but the guys won't do it with me! Let's go!" he said, steering them away from the group. All the muscles in the brunette's body tensed, heart beating a mile a minute with the sudden large amount of physical contact. The places where Bill was touching him trembled, which he hoped to god wasn't too noticeable as they walked.
        "So, you decided to accept my offer rather than stalking me all day, ey? Must've gotten boring!" the blonde said casually once they were finally out of earshot. Dipper nearly jumped out of his skin, all the blood retreating back into his blood vessels. He knew! He didn't know how to respond, so he remained silent like the awkward person he was. Bill chuckled; apparently that was enough of an answer.
"Well, here we are!" he announced, arms outstretched and gesturing to the towering Ferris wheel that glittered brightly against the early evening sky in front of them. "Your friends didn't want to go on this?" Dipper asked. It seemed ridiculous; he expected the ride to be some insane hundred-foot-drop roller coaster. But, there were only two-seaters. Wait, there were only two-seaters?!
"Can I tell you a secret?" Bill asked as they got in line. Before waiting for an answer, he leaned in and whispered in Dipper's ear, "They didn't not want to go on it, I ditched them for you," then added once they got to the front of the line so he couldn't escape, "I know about your crush on me. I must say I'm quite flattered~"
       That was it. Dipper couldn't feel his fingertips; his extremities down to the depths of his being were going numb. He tried responding, but he could think of nothing to say, but any words were caught in a lump in his throat, anyway. His breathing even began to feel labored, and he could do nothing except for stare ahead as they were ushered to a seat and strapped in. It wasn't until they began moving that he realized he wanted desperately to run. Run anywhere, as long as it was away from here. His senses had flooded back into him, tenfold, like a tsunami. Beside him, Bill just laughed. "Well, when your crush says they like you, the normal reaction would be to ask them out on a date. But since you're busy having a panic attack, shall I do the honors?" Dipper was snapped back to reality, just as the ride came to a halt at the very top, overlooking the entire colorfully-lit park below them. "Wait, you really do like me?" he said, utterly flabbergasted. How could someone so physically flawless and magnetizing, not to mention charismatic, have any interest in someone so plain and awkward? "You say that like it's surprising," Bill chuckled. "B-but, why me of all people?" he asked. He didn't know why he said it, the words jut kind of fumbled out of his mouth. This is a dream come true, quit ruining it! He imagined Mabel yelling at him. "What's not to love? You're smart and curious, to say just a few of your many traits, and not to mention hot. I've actually had a crush on you for the past... Since band camp, actually," he replied. "What, m-me? Hot? And hold on, you're the on that crushed on me first?!" the brunette replied, flustered, trying to absorb what he was hearing. Bill just grinned ear to ear and narrowed his eyes sassily.
      Before he could do anything else, the blonde's lips had found their way to Dipper's, smile unfading and even widening upon contact. The brunette's eyes widened in pure shock, and his heart sped up enough to rival the nearby roller coasters. Soon enough, though, he was swept away in the feeling of pure bliss the kiss brought him. Bill was a damn good kisser. Suddenly, all he wanted to do was lock lips with the boy in front of him; if only this moment could last forever. He slowly put his arms around Bill's neck, and Bill wrapped his arms around the brunette's waist as the kisses intensified.
      Just then, to their dismay, the ride came alive again with a forceful enough jerk to end their dance of tongues. They were left staring into each other's eyes, lost in the pools of deep chocolate or shimmering gold. Dipper blushed like mad; even the 'cool sax player' had a faint pink forming in his cheeks, enough to be seen amongst the colored lights surrounding them. Truth be told, neither boy had expected the kiss to be that electrifying, and were caught way off guard. Dipper gulped back his lust, fighting back the urge to swoop into another kiss as they arrived back onto solid ground. That was my first real kiss! He thought excitedly to himself. He never previously expected it to be with another guy, but now he couldn't imagine it any other way, since that guy was the man of his dreams, Bill Cipher. It was too good to be true.
Once they were away from the Ferris wheel, Dipper felt a hand slide into his and intertwine their fingers. He looked at Bill in shock, but didn't shy away. The brunette leaned in a bit to whisper, "Aren't you afraid someone will see?!" Bill shrugged in response. "Most people know I'm gay, anyway. Doesn't really bother me," he said casually. Dipper's eyes darted to every pair of onlooking eyes in fear. "What, you don't want to hold my hand, Pine Tree?" he said jokingly, but after getting a better look at Dipper's face, his smile faded. "N-no, that's not it at all! I just..." said the brunette, not really wanting to explain how he wasn't as strong as Bill and was often bullied for his sexuality, among other things. But apparently, it was written all over his face. Bill smiled sympathetically. "Hey, you're with me now, pal, if anyone dares to make fun of you, their ass will get a pleasant surprise," he said lightly, then whispered, "It's my foot! Get it?" Dipper couldn't hold back a chuckle at Bill's momentary dorkiness. Just then, the blonde gave his new love a peck on the cheek. Somehow, Dipper found he wasn't afraid... He didn't care who saw, for the first time in months, that he was gay. Yeah, he really didn't care who saw them at that point, which was proved by him giving Bill a peck on the lips, much to the blonde's surprise.
      Realizing what he had just done, Dipper directed his gaze to the ground to hide his embarrassment. By then they were in the game-booths section. Just then, the brunette felt Bill yank his arm, taking him into a secluded corner between two booths. "W-what are you doing now?!" Dipper whispered in shock as Bill pinned him against the wall. "I want a better kiss than that," he said with lustful eyes. Dipper's heart skipped a beat, and before he could utter a response, the blonde's lips had already made contact with his own. Almost immediately, the brunette began kissing back with nearly the intensity to match Bill's. His love used his thumb to gently part Dipper's lips, allowing his tongue to enter. The brunette inhaled sharply in surprise, and put his arms around Bill's neck to pull him closer. Bill responded by gently cupping Dipper's face, as though he were something precious and fragile.
Suddenly, Dipper could've sworn he heard a voice just around the corner, followed by a violent shushing. He forced one eye open to look in the direction of the sound. His heart sank and stomach flopped when he saw someone standing there, half hiding behind the corner of the building. All the color fled from his face. The brunette pushed Bill away by grabbing his shoulders and outstretching his own arms to their full length. Bill was surprised at first, but covered quickly, saying, "What is it, Pine Tr-" He was cut off as he followed Dipper's gaze and saw the object of his horror. There stood Mabel, Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica.
Never so much as in that day had he been so relieved and so horrified to see his sister and her friends. I mean, it could've been anyone that stepped in on us! At least it was someone that wouldn't tell the whole school! Dipper thought to himself, trying to put a positive spin on this. However, there was still much regret as they all came over and swooped him into an excited group hug. "We're so proud!" exclaimed Grenda as Mabel squealed as quietly as possible. "I can't believe you had your first and second kiss!" his twin excalimed. "Mabel!" he snapped, not wanting the embarrassment of Bill learning Dipper had never kissed anyone before him. Too late. "Woah, I was your first kiss? Not bad for a first time~" the blonde said sassily. And just like that, his extra-pale face turned bright red. He buried his face on his hands as though if he couldn't see them, he was invisible. But of course, that wasn't true.
Then, it hit him: how did she know he had (at least) two kisses that day? He looked up from his hands and narrowed his eyes skeptically at his twin. "Have you guys been... following us?" he asked, a bit afraid to know the answer. "Yup! Since the Ferris wheel!" replied Candy matter-of-factly. His heart sank further. Bill couldn't hold it back any longer, and burst out laughing. "Oh man, Pine Tree, looks like we have our own fan club already!" he said between breaths. "Hey, here's an idea! Let's go to the busses before they leave us here!" Dipper said nervously, wanting desperately to change the subject. The atmosphere changed immediately. Pacifica checked her phone. "Oh, crap! He's right!" she exclaimed. It was five minutes before they were scheduled to leave. "Wait, I was right?" he said to himself, dumbfounded, as the girls turned and dashed out from their crevice. Just as Dipper was about to run and join them, Bill grabbed his wrist. When he tuned to face him, the blonde planted one last kiss on the brunette's lips. "To be continued," Bill said simply before handing him a slip of paper and letting him go. As they ran to catch up with the girls, Dipper opened the crumpled piece of paper. It said 'text me' with a wink face and a number below it written in blue pen. He stared at the ink in awe. I have Bill Cipher's number... He thought to himself I disbelief, nearly tripping over his own feet.
"Come on, slow poke!" Bill said, grabbing his free hand and sprinting. Dipper shoved the piece if paper in his pocket and kept running. The world was a blur as it sped by; Dipper was still in his own world as they entered the bus, not really paying attention as they sat.
      Once he regained his grip on reality, he realized he sat down with Bill instead of Mabel. Realizing his mistake, he tried to get up, but his hand was still in Bill's, and the blonde dragged him back into his seat. "Where you going, Pine Tree~?" he said in a low, seductive tone. "Uh, I usually sit with my sister..." Dipper trailed off, but when his eyes wandered to where she was sitting, she had a huge, bright grin on her face and was giving him two thumbs up. He smiled; she was obviously more than happy that he was sitting with Bill.
      Suddenly, he got an idea. He whispered it to Bill, who nodded his head in agreement. Together, the made their way to the empty seats at the back of the bus, where Mabel had been siting with Dipper the way there. The rest of the bus ride was spent chatting and occasionally singing Disco Girl and things like it obnoxiously with his two favorite people in the world.

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