La Più Bella Del Mondo (Nico di Angelo x Reader)

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Me: ALEXANDER HAMILTON- Alexander Hamil- We are waiting in the wings for yoooou
Bill: *grunts* Excuse her obsession, half-mortals
She doesn't own the characters-
Bill: Why was I so unfortunate to get here, and yes, I didn't die
But dying would be better than getting stuck with THIS DAM AUTHOR
Me: Wow -_- Okay guys, enjoy the story
This was a request made by MostDemigodishness and so it's dedicated to her c:
Enjoy, my dearest subjects!
This should have been posted like ages ago, but procrastination got me.

It was a beautiful evening. The stars were out and the full moon was shining bright. And so a couple chose this time to set out a blanket and have a picnic under the starry night sky. And who are these two? (Y/N) and Nico.

       "This reminds me of the first time we met," Nico said. His companion, (Y/N), gave a small laugh.

       "So it does to me."

       Flashback to a few years ago. Camp Half-Blood. Another starry night like this one.

      It was the very first time (Y/F/N) set foot on Camp grounds. Being a forbidden daughter of Artemis made her life harder and much more dangerous. With guidance from her mother, who, surprisingly, hasn't killed her, she got safely to the demigod haven. Artemis chose to bring her there after the war (I WENT BACK TO NEW YORK), since that was the safest time to do so. Revealing her existence while Gaea was rising could have been the worst thing to do.

       The young girl walked around, noticing that no one was out until a harpy spotted her. In all its screeching fury, it half flew, half ran to her and it took all of her sanity not to scream. Luckily, she had her bow- a gift from *drumroll* ARTEMIS- and she quickly knocked an arrow. Before she shot the silver-tipped arrow, however, a centaur appeared and halted the harpy.

       "Lady Artemis told me of your arrival," the centaur said, facing her after the harpy left. Her silver eyes (I DEMAND IT) found his soulful brown ones and the centaur sighed. "My name is Chiron. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, young one."

       Chiron told her of the basics she needed to know. He handed her a scroll that contained her schedule. Walking inside Cabin 8, she found herself wondering about what her life there would be. Seeing it would be hard for her to fall asleep., she snuck out of the cabin. Remembering Chiron's warning about harpies, (Y/N) decided to be more careful.

       Our young demigod strolled around, hidden by the trees. She familiaried herself with the surroundings, marking a blank parchment which she turned into a map. She was just minding her business when she collided with someone's back. She involuntarily gave a small squeak. Dropping the parchment to the ground, she drew out her dagger and it clashed with a sword.

       "You a camper?" she asked, unable to process what to say, really. The weapons lowered and she immediately picked up her parchment, folded and pocketed it.

       "More or less. You're new here, aren't you?" The boy stepped out of the shadows. "Nico di Angelo, son of Hades," he said with an outstretched hand. (Y/N) took it and as their hands connected, they both felt a spark. No, not the spark of love, like an actual electric spark that got them drawing their hands back.

       "What the Hades was that?" Nico asked, rubbing his hand.

       "Probably Mother's dislike of men. The name's (Y/F/N), daughter of Artemis." The son of Hades raised a brow and gave her a questioning glance.

       "You mean like the maiden goddess?"

       "No, not really, 'cause she's not the only goddess named Artemis."

       "Ha-ha, funny."

       And ever since that faithful day, they gradually became inseparable. Percy and Jason approved her like proud fathers since they claimed she 'brought out Nico's happy side.'

       You know what, enough with the flashback.

       Back to the future...I mean present.

"I remember those times Jason and Percy worked to get us together," Nico said, taking (Y/N)'s hands in his and resting his forehead against hers. Her silver eyes sparkled as she giggled softly.

       "You're being unusually romantic today," she said. "Oh gods, now you remind me of that time Percy sealed us in an air bubble after he and Jason threw us in the water." This got a laugh from Nico. All of a sudden, the Italian boy started singing, and (Y/N) recognized it as one of the songs he'd sing to her late at night.

"Tu sei per me
la più bella del mondo
e un amore profondo
mi lega a te.

"Tu sei per me
una cara bambina,
primavera divina
per il mio cuor." Just then, his beloved joined him which surprised Nico.

"Splende il tuo sorriso
sul dolce tuo bel viso
e gli occhi tuoi sinceri
mi parlano d'amor...
Tu sei per me
la più bella del mondo
e un amore profondo
mi lega a te.

Splende il tuo sorriso
sul dolce tuo bel viso
e gli occhi tuoi sinceri
mi parlano d'amor...

Tu sei per me
una cara bambina/bambino,
primavera divina
per il mio cuor."

       "You never told me you could sing, PLUS speak Italian," Nico said. The daughter of Artemis gave him a mischievous smile.

       "There are still things you don't know about me," she stated with a glint in her eyes. Nico chuckled.

"You wanna know something?" Nico asked, and (Y/N) nodded. "Look up to the stars. You see those stars, mia bella? All those stars are how many things I love about you, and you just added another shining glimmer of light." (Y/N) blushed deeply.

"I could get used to this romantic side of yours. But you wanna know something too?" the silver-eyed female asked and it was the son of Hades's turn to nod. "When I was old enough, Mother asked me if I wanted ti become a Huntress."

"And you said no?" Instead of giving a sarcastic response, the demigod nodded.

"And I'm glad I did, 'cause I found someone worth to give up immortality and maidenhood for." And the two shared a kiss under the beautiful night sky.

A/N: my gods, I feel like this one came out of a sappy film I LOVE IT YET HATE IT XD
You guys may want to check out the English translation of the song
It's really sweet :3

Heroes of Olympus x Reader | Imagines, Drabbles and One-Shots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz