chapter 5

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Once everyone was awake that began to pack what they needed. While Sofia and Roxane went next door to her house without being spotted by anyone and quickly packed up clothing that the would need and they were lucky Sofia and Roxane wore the same size clothing. All packed in two separate backpacks, red Sofia and purple for Roxane. Once they were done they quickly headed back to Brian's house to regroup. Once they're they all quickly got to the house, then they notice that Brian had a black backpack, while Richard had a white backpack. Once they were ready they quickly added any last minute things like food, first aid kits, feminine products for the girls, and anything else. They quickly ate and made sure Sofia and her cousins had their bat necklaces.

Once they left Brian's house while the sun was still out, they quickly went in the shadows where they quickly started sneaking out of, Shatter Star City, and entered Dark Shadow Forest where they began their adventure to Silvervile City. The forest was dark and gloomy and the reason it's called Dark Shadow was because once you enter you can't see a thing even when the sun is up that's why all four of them took out their flashlights in order to see. But, Roxane and Sofia were frozen stiff, to scared to even move, that's when Brian and Richard notice they are not moving. Then Richard asked, "Sof, Roxy what wrong we got to keep moving?" but the girls didn't move. "But, there's got to be another way to Silvervile city because the forest is haunted," Roxane said nervously. "Yea people have been saying that they say a mother and a daughter once ran in and never came out because next thing they knew they heard a scream coming from inside of the forest and last I heard that someone tried looking for them and never came out," Sofia said while still shaking.

Then Brian immediately came up to Sofia, held her hand, and look her right into her eyes to reassure her everything will be alright and that he'll be with her the whole time and Richard did the same with Roxane almost like a brother will do with a sister. Then they immediately went in the forest. While they were there, the boys kept the girls close to make sure they were okay. As more than half way through the day. they then stop to make camp for the night. They started by making a fire first so they can see what they were doing so Richard told Brian to stay with the girls while he went to get fire wood, while the girls set up the tents up.

Once Sofia and Roxane finished putting up the two tents, they quickly went to the fire to make the food that they were going to eat and waited for Richard to bring more wood. Brian kept his guard up the whole time until he heard a twig snap and immediately grabbed his flashlight to see that it was Richard with the firewood and sigh with relief, "Man dude, you scared me half to death, I didn't see you at all," Brian said. "Sorry, but my flashlight's battery just died so I just followed the light from the fire," Richard said, "So how are the girls, are they okay?" "Yea there fine, just making the food, come on," Brian said. While they walked to the girls they notice that they were talking about something until both girls turned and notice the boys.

Roxane got up to help Richard with the firewood while Sofia stayed to keep an eye on the food. Then Brian went up to her to make sure she is okay. "Sof are you alright," Brian asked. "Yea, just a little nervous because I heard different rumors about this forest and I miss my father," she said. "Everything will be alright and I will be with you every step of the way okay," Brian said. All Sofia did was nodd her head.

Once the food was ready everyone got around the campfire to eat. Then Brian asked, "Can you girls tell us the full story behind this entire forest? And I mean the whole story like how it was made to the rumor." All Roxane and Sofia did was nodd there heads and said that they will tell them once they finish eating. Then once they finished eating, Sofia asked, "Do you guys remember the history about the goddess Maria and how she created this whole world?" All that the boys did was shake their heads no, then Roxane spoke, "Well the story goes is that the goddess Maria was mixed of every race that was created here in this world, and how she created this world was by compressing a lot of hot air into her hands and squeezing it really tight in order to make our world. So once she did that, she created two of each race in order to produce more people in this world. So she created vampires, werewolves, demons, and etc. And one time there was a man and a woman, the woman was a werewolf on the man was a demon, and well they wanted to have a baby, but the woman couldn't have one. So the goddess Maria told the woman that she could help and give her a baby girl, but she would have to name her Nevaeh. And the woman accepted the offer of having a daughter so when she found out she was pregnant she was really happy and when she told her husband and he was ecstatic to be a father." After Roxane took a breath Sofia then continued with the rest of the story, "So when the little Nevaeh was born she looked more like her mother, but had brown hair with silver highlights like her father, and she also had the mix of reddish-brownish in her eyes. So when her parents saw her they were really happy for having her. But, when someone found out that she was born they started chasing after her because she was a hybrid and when her parents tried to stop them, but they ended up being killed trying to protect. Then when the goddess Maria saw this she sends rain in a little spot and told her to run towards it. And when she was in the rain a lot of trees started to grow and all of a sudden those people start running in there and they found out that they couldn't see a thing and even the sun was out. But, all of a sudden the trees started moving in pushing those people out. Also they say what ever happen to Nevaeh, they believe she was killed, but she wasn't, all that happened was that the goddess Maria turned her into her wolf form that has a pure white fur and several pieces of fur silver. But, really did this in order to protect her and made her immortal so she wouldn't die, but in order for her true form to come back she needs it to be broken by the one she loves, and she is still in this very forest helping anyone that we know of from getting lost."

Once both girls finished talking they noticed that both boys had their mouths wide open with jaw-dropping expressions, and the girls started giggling at them and that immediately snapped them right out. "How did you know about all of this," Brian asked. "Well I found the story in my mother's stuff that was passed down from generations and also the journal that was passed down in the women's in our families and I found out that my 200,000 year old grandmother on my mom's side used to be friends with Nevaeh before she was chased out of her village before she was able to say goodbye. So I could meet Nevaeh and tell her about Great Grandma Rosie," Sofia said. Then both were surprised again by that answer until they all jumped by, "Well, can you tell me about what happened to my friend Rosie after I left, please," said a brown wolf with silver specks in the fur who had a sad look on her face.

Then Sofia slowly stood up and asked, "Um, are you really Nevaeh the first ever hybrid child ever made?" "Yes, I am now can you introduce yourself and your friends here please," Nevaeh said. "Oh, right. Well my name is Sofia Misty Vamp and I'm a hybrid just like you, but only part vampire/demon. These two are my cousins Roxane Fang and Richard Night both are vampire's and this is my boyfriend Brian Gomez he is a werewolf," Sofia said. So once Nevaeh heard that Sofia was a hybrid like her she was surprised by how she was able to stay alive about it, but asked, "Why are you all here in Dark Shadow forest?" "Well we need to get through, in order to reach the next town over, so we can get to Silvervile city in order to save my father from the council, because he had me his hybrid daughter," Sofia said while almost having tears in her eyes. All Nevaeh did was look down and feel sorry for her.

Then Nevaeh got up and told them that it would be 2 1/2 weeks to the other side of the forest and that she will help them get through. But, first she said that they would have to rest, and that they would get moving in the morning so she would keep watch while they sleep. All of them agreed and went to separate tents then Sofia remembered, she quickly went to Nevaeh and said, "Nevaeh, my grandmother Rosie wanted to give you this neckles, because she believed it was your favorite and that she was going to give it to you for your birthday before you ran off and she didn't have a chance to say goodbye to you." While holding out a black chain necklace with a white moon to represent her mother and and rose attached to the moon to represent her father, and asked if she could put it on her and all Nevaeh did was nodd her head yes and had her head down with tears in her eyes while Sofia put the neckles on her. Then Nevaeh asked, "Could you tell me more about what happened to your Grandma Rosie tomorrow morning please?" And Sofia just nodded her head and went to bed.

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