Chapter 5- How'd I lose it?

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Finally, the day I've been waiting for.

Volleyball try outs.

While walking inside the not so spacious locker room, the smell of perfume forces itself inside my nose. I instantly begin coughing while looking at all the girls. There's about sixty girls here trying out and I can already rule out who won't make the team.

After a couple of "excuse me" and some shoves, I finally reach my locker. I wouldn't say I'm "super pretty and better than you" but confident in my own skin that I don't mind changing in front of the other girls.

I walk towards the sinks that have a mirror after throwing on my clothes. A navy blue Nike V-Neck tee with black Nike spandex and a pair of black and white Roshe shoes. I tie up my crazy colored hair and begin walking towards the door when someone steps in my way. Kendra looks down at me since she's a bit taller and eyes me.

"I'm surprised to see you here" she scoffs.

"And why wouldn't I be here? Who's the one that got you to love the sport anyways?" I give her a fake smile hoping she would move out of the way.

Instead she continues on. "Just remember something Leah." She glares at me and looks me up and down. "Just because you think you're the shit, you're not. I'm captain and this is my team. I'm not going to let some bitch like you ruin it. I don't care how good you are you're not making it." With that she exits the door.

Why the hell didn't you say anything?

Look I wanted to, believe me. I just have enough on my plate and didn't want to deal with any more bullshit.

I sigh and walk into the gym.


Compared to the other girls, I just took a light jog. While most girls were dying and just wanted to pass out on their bed, the few who would handle it wanted to continue playing. I have to say that it's been a while since I've had this much fun.

I go and grab all of my stuff out of my locker. I chuckle to myself and think about how to blow up if my name isn't on the roster tomorrow.

I put on my headphones and play "Alive" by Sia. She's pretty much my spirit animal. I dramatically push the double doors of the school exit and begin my walk home. I probably look crazy as I'm singing my heart out.

Getting the feeling as if someone is calling my name, I whip my head behind me.

Get a hold of yourself.

I turn on my heel and suddenly crash into someone's chest. A yelp escapes from my lips. "Please don't hurt me" I say following me turning into fetal position on the floor. All I could hear is a chuckle. I instantly stand up and examine the person.

"Hi Leah" Nick says as he begins to eye me.

Don't stand there like an idiot, SAY SOMETHING.

"He- um Hi Nick" I say as I look down to my feet.

"Sorry it's just I saw you walking and you couldn't hear me screaming from my car." He scratches the back of his neck. "Let me give you a ride home."

"Aw that's sweet. I'll be fine walking, but thanks for the offer." I put my headphones back on and begin walking away. I'm suddenly yanked back to where I was standing before.

"Stop being so stubborn all the time. Get in the car" He more demanded than asked.

I walked towards the passenger's side and get in. Nick shuts the door behind me and gets into his side.

"I guess chivalry isn't dead." I chuckle.

"Yeah I guess it isn't" He gives me a small smile and begins driving.

"Um how do you know where I live without asking?"

He shrugs. "I pass by there on my way to school and see you"

"Oh" is all I could respond with.

The rest of the car ride is pretty quiet besides our occasional sighs.

Nick pulls up besides my house and smiles at me. "Hey if you ever need a ride, just ask."

"Thanks but I'll live. Thank you for the ride though" I walk out the car and wave.

He pulls off as I walk inside my house. I run up to my room and immediately plop down onto my bed. Out of habit I begin talking off my brac- Wait. Where the hell is it?????

Please don't tell me you lost it.

No I did not lose it. I must have misplaced it or something. I rummage through my school bag and the one with my clothes. Nononono it has to be here. I have to find it.

-30 minutes later-

I collapse onto my bed again and pull on my hair. Great now I have to look for it at school. I just hope nothing happens to it.

I hope so too or else we're fucked.


Short Chapters I know. But they'll get longer as the story moves on.

Anyways thanks for sticking with me even though I don't update as much <333

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