heaven was needing a hero- Finnick Odair

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I found this song of YouTube and every single time I listen to it, the only person I can think of during it is Finnick Odair from the hunger games because of his death in Mockingjay, he died a hero in my mind, I really liked Finnick's character and I think Sam Claflin portrays him perfectly, Finnick is definitely one of my favourite characters because I just think he was always so kind, I mean he saved Katniss and he was always nice to Peeta and literally revived him and him dying is the saddest bit in the whole film for me and the fact that no one could go down and save him because it was too dangerous and I just think it was slightly unfair as he fought them off while they all climbed up and when he went to no one could do anything to save him( I wanted to sacrifice myself for him tbh and it just felt so real) , I didn't cry when Rue died, when Cinna died, when Prim died, ( though I cried a little when she was telling buttercup idk why) but Finnick's death really hurts my heart for some reason, I had to pause the movie and sob for a half hour before I could watch the rest, and I cry near the beginning when Katniss says about his honey moon and he replies with " well we'll just have to Finnish it in the capitol, once we take it" and that for some reason always makes me cry because I now know that he wont be back and that he never gets to see his son, so after seeing the movie for the first time, it creed harder because when I first saw it I obviously didn't know that Annie was pregnant so the second time I watched it, it made me cry more and I watched it again the other night while on FaceTime with my best friend and she was laughing at me because I was lit rally sobbing to the point I couldn't breathe, anyway this is getting too long but ENJOY my feeling put into this piece of writing this is probably not very good and thank you for reading

I came by today to see you

oh I had to let you know

if I knew the last time that I held you

was the last time

I'd have held you

and never let go

when you became a rebel, you and Finnick Odair had just gotten married, you had won the games at sixteen, two year after Finnick won, meaning he too was sixteen, your relationship just got stronger from being immune to the games, until f course he was sent back in and you were completely devastated, and when you were taken to thirteen to see him there, he proposed and got married tough soon enough you were both sent off to be part of the star squad, traveling Miles behind the front line, that last night spent in the tunnels, you held each other tight, he wanted nothing more than to live through this and live happily in a house by the sea, with the love of his life and little kids running around making a mess as you chased them around, him returning from the market, or from collecting shells or just returning from anywhere, to find you asleep on the couch with them cuddled up next to you and as much as he wished and prayed to make it through this, he didn't know and he never could be sure that or if either would make it out though what he did know was that he would do anything to keep you safe, even if that meant bad things for him

As you tucked your hands tightly in your jacket pockets, each breath you let out made a little cloud as your warm breath hit the cold winter air, you had returned to district four and to the house in the victors village that you and Finnick had once called home, no more hunger games, no more president snow, no more reaping, no more worry, sure the nightmares would continue and without Finnick there to hold you and tell you it would be okay, along with the fact od your pregnancy, no Finnick to rub your back where morning sickness called, no Finnick to talk to the baby and tell stories about his day and that daddy loves him or her, no Finnick to hold your hand through labour, no Finnick to help with the early morning feeds or cry with happiness when he see his baby for the first time, the baby would have to grow up without a father, nothing could bring him back, he would miss raising the life he helped create, what about when it grows up and needs advice on how to wow the girls or just a hug from her dad when a boy breaks her heart, or what hairstyle his dad wore to get such a beautiful girl like his mother to marry him or what her mother wore to wow her father, or even to walk her down the isle

you had started showing a few months ago, you were now six months pregnant, you till went to his grave everyday

" when those mutts got you, I-I lost myself Fin, I miss you so much, I- I need you, little baby needs you, I'm finding out the gender today, so I can tell you, maybe you can already see, maybe your watching over us, every time I try to come to a conclusion as why you had be taken, and every single time, it brings me to, heaven was needing a hero, a hero like you Finnick Odair, brave enough to stand up for what they believe in and to follow it through to the end, I miss you so much but I guess they needed you more up there, but I need you too, we love you Finnick, both of us" you sniffled, trying to dry your eyes

"I remember the last time I saw you

oh you held your head up proud"

When Peeta announced they had released mutts Finnick was up and ready to protect, strong and proud, you hoped your child would grow up to be like him, he was truly the best man you had even met, the best man you would ever meet and what you wouldn't do to see him again but he was free, free from the constant nightmares and tragedies of this cruel world, the games me be gone, but their memories will forever be implanted in your head, the images of Finnick being mauled to death by those alien faced mutts will forever haunt your dreams and the piercing screams he let out, your name being the last name on his lips, the way Gale held you back from throwing yourself back in after him as he whispered in your ear " for the baby y/n, for the baby" he mumbled over and over as your distraught sobs racked your body, coin didn't know you were pregnant as you only found out the day before your departure, Finnick knew, so did Katniss and Gale, that was all

as much as you needed him, heaven must have needed him more, he had a pure heart of gold, he had a barrier up though, he was sold to many people for his looks and body, but once you got past that, he was pure gold, heaven was needing a hero and they took the best one possible, there was always those 'what ifs' in the back of your mind, ' what if he had made it up that ladder' 'what if he was here right now' 'could I have saved him' 'I wish I could put snow and his family in that situation' he was dead now but it was always a wish'

" your safe now Finnick, no one can hurt you, and I know your watching over us down here and I know you wish you could be here with us but Finnick, let me tell you something, our baby boy will know who his father was and what he was, a hero, I know you fought as hard as you could and I want to let you know that this baby will grow up safe because you fought, you fought a force that send kids to the games to fight to the death, it wasn't all Katniss, you were there too, I miss you Finnick I really do, please protect our baby boy down here, you were such a great person Finnick, you didn't deserve what happened to you, I went to bed every night feeling loved because you lay there next to me, every night when I woke up kicking and screaming with tears and sweat rolling down my face, you were there, you were right there next to me, always, and when you woke me by accident because you had a nightmare, and you told me everything, remember that game we played, where we would tell each other all the good things about ourselves or each other, I still do that now, only its to myself, not to your beautiful face, I miss the way we would hold each other so close and I love you so much Finnick, I remember what you said to me before you left for the quarter quell, you said ' oi, no sad tears, when it happens, only happy tears okay, remember me for the good times and not the bad, I will ALWAYS love you and I will ALWAYS protect you no matter how far we are apart, always together, never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart , you remember that alright baby, I love you more than words can say' that's what you told me, and I'm trying it and it seems to be working, I tell our precious baby boy stories about you every night and when he's born, I'll continue it until I can't anymore, i now know why you always told me you loved me, and I would say I loved you too, you knew didn't you, you knew either of us could be taken at any time so you had to make sure our last words to each tier were always I love you, i love you so much Finnick and I will never forget you and even though he never got to meet you, our baby boy will know his daddy through pictures and through memories, I've chosen Gale to be godfather and Katniss godmother, because i want to fix their relationship, anyway Finnick I love you so much, never forget it" you blew a light kiss into the cold air and let the last of your tears slide off your face

" it has been said that 'time heals all wounds' however I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind protecting it's sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens, but is never gone"- Rose Kennedy

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