Being found, but still scarred- chapter 15- On show for all

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Chapter 15

On show for all.

Blake's POV:

Smiling always smiling. Just keep cool with the fact that your sister just had a date with your best friend, yeah nothing unusual there then. I guess it comes with the title. I mean being the prince and all, you get a lot of girls throwing themselves at you; it was almost normal. But it was weird when your sister who had been missing for years came home and then began dating your best friend. All she did was talk about her date; it annoyed me. I mean who wants to here about that sort of thing, certainly not me. Although she was more confident and happy now, but I mean seriously what is it with girls and gossiping about everything.

But the good news was that she was all recovered now. And we had to announce her to the public. They had found out about us getting her back through the press, those damn people, and now they were getting pretty restless. They wanted to see her, they wanted to greet her and they wanted to meet her. They weren't content with not knowing anything. The news was buzzing with excitement over her, every time we went out in public they questioned us. Every time we turned on the news we were flashing all over the screen with headlines and camera's and supposedly people who knew things.

So we had come to the conclusion of announcing her to the public through a début ball. She would meet and greet with people within our society. And it also gave her a chance to interact with other girls and boys her age. As well as getting used to the life she would have to live in front of the public's eyes. The life of glamour and make-up, always in the papers or news.

We were trying to keep it a secret from her, but it wasn't working especially as Arabella would talk about it. And then blurt out what it was to Marney, that girl couldn't keep a secret at all. We couldn't trust her with anything.

So now Marney was nervous and excited. She wasn't used to do this. She didn't see why she had to do it, or why she was being made to. She was going to have to get a dress pretty quickly though it was only a few days away. Arabella would be going mad trying to find two perfect dresses for them.

It seemed a lifetime ago that we didn't have Marney. Everything had changed in a good way.

Sometimes I question myself what if we never found Marney? What if she was dead now.? What if? What if? If she had died when her dad stabbed her or if he had done it before then. She hadn't deserved to live that life, she didn't deserve anything that happened to her before now.

Marney POV:

“So I have to have this ball thing?” I ask, nervous just thinking about it. “Yup it's an official thing, we all have had a ball, apart from Willow she isn't old enough for hers yet,” Arabella replied. “Oh, I've never done anything like this before. I haven't been to a party since my mum and brother died. I don't get on well with large groups of people. I get nervous and shy,” I admitted timidly. “Really? I mean you missed out on so much. When I had my ball I was nervous too, mine was a lot different to what yours will be,” she explained. “I don't want to be the centre of attention.” Arabella looked at me, “It won't be so bad, you'll have fun. You always have us to be there, plus you get to bring a date meaning Caleb will be there,” she adds, trying to cheer me up. “Oh really? That will be good I suppose. I will probably just make a fall our of myself,” my reply doesn't satisfy her. “You know the press will be there and only the people connected to upper society will be there. It's a rather grand event. Plus it means an excuse to take you shopping,” She exclaims. I sigh if Arabella was as obsessed with shopping as she was clothes then that could take days. And I never really liked shopping. “Great” I say with sarcasm. “We could go to England, France or even Italy they all have amazing designer shops and original clothes and dresses. Plus we can update our wardrobes at the same time,” she gushes happily. “Just us, alone?” I ask. “Well yeah, or the boys can come too, and maybe even mum and Willow. But dad never comes shopping, he hates it and he hates how much we spend,” she tells me. “I guess I inherited my hate for shopping from dad then,” I reply.

She then goes about screaming and staring at me. She lectures me about shopping and how much I should love and how I am a fool not to like it. I just sit with a blank expression not really listening.

She then decides I'm not worth the talking to and leaves with a huff. My sister was definitely a drama queen. I am glad we didn't have that in common. I lay down on my bed thinking of how much we don't have in common and wonder what we do have in common. All I knew was that she thought I was going to be into all the things she liked. But I had different tastes and opinions. I preferred to be out of lime light where she would always like to be in, she loved fashion and shopping and I hated it. My real mum was the same and my real dad was hated anything like that. I was obviously more like him then the others were even Willow was a girly girl. I had grown up a tom boy and was going to remain one.

The idea of going to other countries was good but not when it was just for clothes. I had always dreamed of escaping and travelling to a country in the middle of no where. Where no one could find me. I'd love to go around the world exploring and having adventures. Meeting people and experiencing their cultures. And eating new foods, now that would be good. I used to dream of backpacking around the world, climbing mountains, swimming in oceans, walking all day and setting up camp at night. Taking pictures of everything, enjoying everything and learning new things. I knew it would never happen, but it didn't hurt to dream did it? It was one of the few things that kept me going, that made me see through the bad things happening to me. Dreaming of adventures was my escape, and I wouldn't let anyone take that away from me.

There was so much to see, to try and to learn. I just wanted to experience that, to have one good thing to happen. But it was never going to happen, I had to have duty's now. I wouldn't be allowed to leave and travel the world by myself. They would say I couldn't and I wouldn't be allowed on my own in case something happened to me, I after all wasn't a normal girl. I was a princess. Something that didn't suit me, something that wasn't meant for me. I was just girl. All I ever wanted to be was normal, but life couldn't give me that. I went from being an abused girl to living as a princess. And it wasn't me. I couldn't live the way they do. They take everything for granted, where as I see what everything really is. They have things because they want them not because they needed them. It was silly. I never had any of this stuff before. And I had a lot ore than some people.

All I wanted to do was help people. To give them the things they needed, to give them meals to make sure they weren't in poverty. Or being abused and mistreated. I could go an be an aid worker around the world, I would do anything to help people. But I couldn't really, I was supposed to be like Arabella spoilt and rich, buying things all the times. Wearing the latest fashion. I wasn't like that I didn't want to be like that. I was me, I'm not her.

I just wanted to be normal that's all I ever wanted, instead I got this. Something I didn't want at all. But I had to live with it, I had no choice. I at least owed it to these people to be the daughter they wanted. The daughter who had been stolen from them so many years ago. I had to be what they wanted me to be. Whether I like it or not. I had to be what they are. It was only right. They needed me, but I didn't need them. I would have been fine with out them, I could of handled my dad. He wasn't a bad person deep down, he'd just gotten mixed up. He didn't know what he was doing, he didn't know that I had been the daughter of a royal family, to him I was the girl who had been left when his wife and son died.

Caleb POV:

This ball was my chance to show Marney how much she meant to me. She was like the other part of my soul. Like we fit together. She was making me so happy. No other girl had made me feel this way before. It was all so new to me. Never did I think I would fall in love with my best mates little sister. But she was different, she wasn't like the rest of the girls I had met. She wasn't fake, she wasn't trying to get publicity through me. And she wasn't using me to get to Blake. Our date had made me feel like I could explode with happiness, I was glad to be there with her. She meant the world to me. I know people would say it was only teenage love and it would be over but it didn't feel that way when I was with her.


Hey guys hope you like xxxx

well I am nearing the end of this story, theres about five chapters too go.

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