Being found, but still scarred-chapter 20- Balls Eye.

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Chapter 20:

Ball's Eye:

Anonymous POV:

Who'd of thought getting into a palace would be so easy. A palace full of security guards, CCTV and even searcher dogs. I guess it took a man like me, a man who was a genius. They wouldn't stop me anyway. I deserved to be here, I deserved my revenge. I had watched and waited for to long. This was my time. My only chance. If I didn't make it, then I never would. Yes I was a bad man, but not as bad as she was. She'd get everything that was coming to her, for what she did. What she did to them.

All I had to do was get in. And that would be easy, very easy in fact. I chose the right night for this many people came and went. Coming and going. I had my fake id to get in. Stolen from a camera man who had been entertained my the floor. I would carry his camera in pretending to be him. I would get inside and then get to work. And in front of most of the world too. My plan was genius, I had to admit. These people would never know what hit them. But first I needed bait, someone who would be important to her. Yet easy enough to fool.

Picking up the camera off the ground, I mad sure no one could see me or him. No one would expect a thing. I was dressed in a more formal attire as I would have to blend in with everyone else. Making my way up to to what was either a back or side door open especially for news crews. I laughed to myself. Just like stealing candy from a baby. “ID please,” the big security guards ask me.I flash it to them hoping they wouldn't notice anything strange. They let me through. I was in.

Blake's POV:

Dancing with some of the girl's at the ball was boring they were all the same, money grabbing, fake and bitchy. None of the things I would like to be or have. Having the same conversations over and over again was also very boring. Speaking to lords and lady's, to the rich families and to their kids. This was the most boring ball I'd been to in awhile.

I had my eye on someone though. Someone who wouldn't want me. I looked at her dancing with boy Adam. Were they just friends or was there something else going. But all I knew was that she had captured my heart. She looked beautiful in her dress of violet. It suited her, made her even more beautiful than before. Should I ask her to dance? I was nervous of doing so though. Maybe I could just cut in? If I just walk over and ask her maybe she will say yes?

I would, I could. I walked over. Stopping next to the couple dancing. “May I cut in?” I ask casually. Well as casually as was appropriate. They stopped moving. “Yeah I guess,” says Adam meekly boy that kid was odd. I smile at Anna as he leaves and take my place in what was his. Having my arms around her felt great, this was certainly a moment. Neither of us spoke. Just danced. Spiralling around the floor like the other dances. I did know how to dance, we were taught of course but could never remember their names.

From the corner of my eye I saw Marney and Caleb dancing, had they even stopped yet. The music was loud and the room was slightly hot. I would of suggested to go outside but I was busy watching Anna and watching them. They were graceful. Marney had done so well tonight but I could still see worry in her face. Servants and news crews were slowly coming back and forth through doors. Many wearing formal attire or uniform. They all fitted in but none of them were one of us. Until one caught my eye, one who looked very familiar and was a very bad man. “I have to go somewhere quickly,” I tell Anna letting go off her and rushing away. I didn't hear her reply. Looking around for guards or security I began to panic no, he couldn't be here. He couldn't ruin this. He couldn't hurt her. Where was all the security I couldn't find any. I could see him making his way around the room through the crowds, why had no one noticed him? Was it really him could it be? I had to find dad now. He was dancing with mum. I rushed through to them. Whispering in his ear. He stopped immediately, shocked by what I had said. Pulling out his phone he press a button that lead straight to security.

Arabella POV:

Spinning. My head, my body and my heart. Spinning. This wasn't just a dance any more, it was more than that. It was me and Caleb together. Maybe even forever. No longer was this ball a nightmare but a dream that I wanted to never end. I had no control over my feet. I was moving, I was dancing. I was amazed at myself for being able to. I had a million butterflies in my stomach before but now they had flown away. I guess in a way I had to, I was no longer the old Marney but a new better one. If this was a dream then I would never wake up. I had even pinched myself a couple of times to make sure this was real. And it was real. This was our moment. A moment that would last forever. Moments like this make memories. Me in Caleb's arms dancing. This was perfect.

And then everything stops. All in flash. Screams. Gunshots. No movement. Shouting. A voice. The voice. His voice. No, no he can't be here. He can't ruin this. He had come back for me. How had he gotten out. How had he gotten in. I began to shake, Caleb pulling me closer to him. “Hand over Marney or this one gets killed,” his terrifying voice boomed. No. Who had he got? Please. And then the cries of a little girl. No of my little sister. Willow he had Willow. He was going to hurt her. I had to do something. I had to make him stop. I began walking forward, until arms wrapped around me. Telling me no. Caleb was trying to protect me. But I had to fight I had to help Willow. I had to stop him. He wanted me not her.

He was after me. He would never stop. He would never forget. He blamed me for everything. He hated me. He wanted to kill me. He was mad. No. Please anything but Willow. She was innocent. She shouldn't have to be part of this. Struggling out of Caleb's arms. Time stopped and I was the only one moving. Trying to fight my way through people holding me back. He had to have me or else Willow would get hurt.

No one could stop me I fought hard making my way through them reaching the front. He had a gun to her head. “No!” I scream. His eyes flickers to me. A smile crosses his face. He had me now. I walk forwards again daring myself to carry on. I couldn't let him hurt even if meant he would hurt me. This was what he wanted. Where were the people who would stop him, or help me. They were here but no dared move. He would shoot her else. “Let her go,” I say not knowing if I really had. Where was this bravery coming from. “Not until you come here,” his voice sends shivers down my mind. I realise then the cries of my mother are sounding around the room joined with many others. My dad's pleading just being heard. This was not meant to happen.

This was happening though. Why now in front of everyone. Why did he have to do this. Hadn't he had enough of hurting me before. Every step I took felt like my last. My last of my life. He was ruining my life. I should have been hiding in the back kept safe by security, they should of saved Willow but no. He had won. He wouldn't let her go until I came to him. I would have to. Wouldn't I? This was my end. I am close to him now. He pushes Willow away. Who is crying in bewilderment. She must have been so scared. I am too. He grabs my arm pulling me to him. Holding his gun at me. This was the end. Wasn't it? I had no choice. He didn't speak and neither did I. This was scary so scary. He didn't move for awhile. And then he spoke quietly into my ear, “Goodbye Marney.” Silent screams. No they were loud I just couldn't here them. I was bleeding, I was lying down. No. I had been shot by him. Breathing heavy. Screams. Shouts. Movement. I had been shot. He had now be caught I could here it, but couldn't see it. So many voices around me. I couldn't hear properly. What was happening to me? “I love you.” Everything went blank.

Caleb's pov:

“I love you,” I said to her. We were around her. She was gone. Gone forever. She would always remain with us always in our hearts and in mine especially.

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