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You groaned softly at the strong pain in your uterus. You had heated up a heating pad to soothe the pain which help for about 5 minutes, until it began in your pain.

You whimpered in pain as you tried to find the best position to lay to ease your cramps. You failed miserably, you gave up and reached for the remote. You stretched your arm far out to grab the remote, you had stretched out a bit to much and your body fell over onto the floor.

You cried out in pain and frustration. You heard a creak come from your bedroom no far away from your current destination. You heard a groan and heavy footsteps heading your way.

"What the hell are you doing on the floor?" a gruff voice erupted from the silence. "Shut up." you growled in response, you wrapped your arms around your waist groaning in pain again as he got the gesture.

Your boyfriend sighed as he picked you up and set you onto the couch where from you had previously fell from.

You sat with your knees to your chest as you stretched out your arms. Ayato sighed ad he sat down and cuddled you and softly rubbing your lower waist.

"Can you-" you were cut off from your sentence as your boyfriend left you. "Ayato!" you growled.

He walked back a few minutes later with your favorite movie, a bag of your favorite chocolate and soft silky blanket. He put in the movie and sat back down with you.

You smiled softly as Ayato began to sit down and give you a chaste kiss on the lips. You hummed indelight he cuddled you and pressed play on the movie.

"i love you Ayato-chan."

his cheeks flushed a bit from your tone.

"Shut up idiot." a few moments of silence for the move he quietly mumbled, "I love you the most..."

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