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There's a first to everything.

Your first kiss with Ayato was not an ideal one but it was enough to make you swoon and melt into his arms. 

You had been involved with a Aogiri raid, a very brutal one at that. It was against another ghoul group who decided to test boundaries with Aogiri. The CCG even had gotten involved which put everyone at a higher risk. In the beginning you were stuck to Ayato's side like glue. He insisted you not leaving his side at all and he was very, very serious about it. Until you both had run into a group of Doves. You had ended up getting seperated from Ayato which threw him into a panic. You were very smart about the situation. You were strong but not strong enough to take on 2 Doves if it ever came down to it and in this situation it could. You hid yourself in rubble from a previous fight. It had felt suffocating stuck underneath the rubble, waiting for the end of this raid. About an 2 hours of being confined in the spot you heard a few ghouls coming by and checking the surroundings. "Are you sure you haven't seen her?" An annoyed gruff voice spoke out harshly. "I-I swear! I thought she was with you." Another voice spoke. "Obviously not you shit eating retard. Fuck!" The voice seethed. You peaked through a crack in the rubble and spotted Ayato kicking around rubble and scanning around the area. "A-Ayato!" You shouted from underneath the rubble. His ears perked up at your voice and he whipped his head in your direction. It only took him a second before he made his way towards you. "What the fuck? Are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened to you (y/n)?" He moved some rubble out of the way. You activated your kagune and pushed the rubble out of the way to allow you out from your spot. "Im fine. I didn't know what to do and there were so man-" You were cut off when he pulled you into a tight hug. He pulled away and pulled off his mask and moved yours aside before smashing his lips eagerly onto yours. A way of showing his relief and unintentionally his feelings for you too but that was already obvious. "Gross." The ghoul, who was accompanying Ayato, groaned.

Your first date with Ayato was well, not normal.

Ayato was never a big romantic but when it came to you he couldn't stress himself enough about it. He tried so hard to be as romantic as he could. He set up a dinner date with you on a high tower near your house. It got you a gorgeous view of the city. So here you both were, on a cute little blanket with a basket of 'food' and two cups of coffee. Enjoying the breathtaking view of the deadly city. You and Ayato mindlessly chatted away. That was until someone interrupted. Apparently this spot belonged to some cocky ghoul who went batshit crazy seeing the both of you occupying his 'territory.' This was a freaking building for gosh sake.The ghoul activated his kagune and spewed threats, saying he would eat the both of you after he killed you guys and how dare you step foot in his territory. Ayato was ready to fight but to prevent putting an even darker mood on this date, you held onto his arm and pulled him away. You apologized to the ghoul and packed up your things before taking your guys' leave. Ayato huffed and pouted the whole way to your house. You couldn't help but giggle at his childish behaviour. I mean sure you understood but it was too cute not to laugh at him. "Ayato dont worry its fine. I loved it. Just next time we got to find another rooftop." You laughed. He stared at you for a moment before huffing again, "I wanted to make this night perfect for you. I went through the trouble of even asking my stupid sister what would be a good idea. I just hate-" You turned to him and pulled him by the sides of his face into a kiss. "I loved it Ayato, it was wonderful but things happen and you can't change that. Now stop pouting dummy." You smiled with his head still in between your hands. He stared at you for a moment with a scowl but softened up before kissing you again.

First time either of you professed your love for eachother was a rather weird time.

Don't know how or why but, you were sick. Over the toilet hurling your insides out. As surprising as it may seem, ghouls do indeed get sick. It had been at least a full day of this and now you were pushing it to your second day. The first day wasn't this bad but you made the mistake of trying to soothe yourself with food. That obviously, did not work. You haven't been in contact with anyone since the day before yesterday and since you had a everyday routine of keeping in touch with your boyfriend it brought him immense stress not having the slightest clue of what's happened to you. There was pounding at your door that brought you back to the reality that you were zoning out of on the bathroom floor. You lout out a groan as the pounding went on again. "Open the door (y/n)! You better be in your apartment!" Ayato shouted from the other side of the door. You pulled yourself up and forced yourself to the door knowing that he wouldn't leave. Opening the door, your boyfriend almost rammed himself through to get in until he caught a good glimpse at you. "Wow. You look like shit." You glared up at him and flipped him off before turning back around and stumbling your way to your room. You almost fell but Ayato came and caught you. "Hey, hey relax. I got you. I'll take care of you now rest." He picked you up and set you on the bed. You smiled at him before cozying up. Only 5 mins of relaxation before you bolted up from bed and to the restroom. You caught Ayato by surprise as he followed behind you. Hurling your stomach's contents you moved your hand to swat Ayato's leg. "Please get out I don't want you seeing me like this." He rolled his eyes and kneeled near you, pulling your hair out of your face and held it back. "I'm not leaving you. You're sick and if you think that's really going to drive me away from you then i'm offended." You turned to him before turning back to the toilet and continuing again. "I love you." Your voice echoed from the toilet bowl as you let your head hang in it. Ayato laughed before saying, "I love you too babe."

As you can see, your firsts aren't exactly the braggable firsts normal people might have. Your relationship is a whacky, wild one and that's only the small fun in it.

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