I know this is no chicken noodle soup but...

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"Ugh," you groaned out. You've been coughing and wheezing the whole night. Damn this cold.

You've been sick for three days so far, ever since your little fiasco in the rain. You were walking home after picking up a 'meal' from the Antieku before it just started to pour down rain. The forecast said nothing about rain so of course, you didn't bring an umbrella. The worst part is that you just dwelled in it, walking just as slowly back to your house. Paying no mind to the rain whatsoever, which is exactly why you're like this now.

You pulled the blanket closer, framing your chin with your comforter as you let out another cough. Ayato was due to pay a visit anytime now. He has no idea about your current state and let me tell you, he won't be happy about it.

Time passed you by as you slipped in and out of consciousness, your body grasping any kind of rest it could lay its hands on to try and nurse itself back to prime health. Just as you were dozing back into another sleep, your boyfriend kicked open your bedroom door. Jolting you awake as you glare at him and seethe, "What the fuck? Ayato I swear if you break my door your paying for it." A scowl already plastered on his face as his lips pull back more. "Don't what the fuck me, what the fuck you! How come you didn't tell me you caught a shitty cold?" He plopped himself right next to you. Softly stroking your hair out of your face but his mood still tense and annoyed. You stared at him then coughed in his direction. He froze before standing up with his hands up in disgust. "I can't believe you just did that," He gawks. You smile slightly, "Oops."

His brows furrow. "Fine, I was going to be considerate and nurse my shitty girlfriend back to health but if you want to act that way," he walks out of your room. You smile to yourself.

You were just playing around, you know he'll be back within an hour or two.

Just as you said, here he was. In your room with two bags, one of medicine and one that was a crime scene itself. If it were any human, they'd run for the hills at the smell but you could only smile and feel warm-hearted at his gesture.

"Look I know this is no chicken soup but I stopped by the Anteiku and got you some food and on the way back I picked up some cold medicine that shitty white hair boy recommended me." He pushed the bags onto your lap and you smiled wider. "Thank you, my love," you opened up the bags and took out the medicine. "Can you get me a glass of water?" He nodded and walked out, following your request he brought you back a glass full of water to help you swallow the pills. "Thank you, my baby," you cooed at him.

He simply stared at you, dismissing your childish affection.

Taking the pills and devouring your meal, you sat together on your bed as he played a movie for you. His body heat lulling you to sleep as if his sole purpose was to be your comfort. He looked down at you and kissed the top of your head before muttering into your hair, "You're welcome my love."





"You got me fuckin sick," Ayato groaned as you placed a wet rag against his forehead. You smiled and pecked his nose, "Not my fault you decided it would be okay to kiss me."

He huffed in annoyance as you giggled and brushed back his hair, "I love you." You spoke softly, bringing him at ease. He looked at you the looked away before muttering, "I love you too."

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