Chapter three.

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The little encounter with my neighbor made me even more curious to figure out who he was. Why would he hide away all day?

Millions of thoughts were running through my mind at the moment, but I had to push them away. I had stuff to unpack, and I couldn't get distracted or it would take me years.

So when I finally finished unpacking, I looked at the clock. It was 12:06am. Shit, I still had stuff to do and it was midnight! I had to grab clothes out of my car and shower.

I grabbed my keys and headed down to the parking lot where my car was. It took me a few minutes to get everything out of the car, but I managed to get everything.

I was too deep in my thoughts to realize that there was a person standing by my door. So when I saw my mysterious neighbor standing there, I almost let out a scream but his hand covered my mouth.

"Shh," he whispered. "You're gonna wake up the whole complex!"

"S-sorry," I whispered. "You scared me."

This is the first time I've ever talked to him, or really ever been close to him. He was cute, that's for sure. His blonde hair made me think of a surfer.

"Sorry, sweetheart. So you new here?"

I nodded.

He let out a small smile. "Do you need help with any of that?"

"No," I answered. "I'm fine."

I tried to open the door with the pile of clothes in my hand, but it didn't really work. I could hear him laughing quietly behind me. Okay, so maybe I did need help.

"Here, let me take those," he said and took the clothes out of my hands. I thanked him and unlocked the door.

"You can put those on the couch. I'll get them tomorrow."

He nodded and set them down gently on the couch. When he was done, he looked over at me without saying anything.

"Thank you...uh, I never got your name."

"It's Leo," he smiled. "Well, my full name is Leonardo. But please, call me Leo."

"Hi Leo. I'm Lauren."

He smiled before taking a seat down at the counter in the kitchen. Well I guess he's making himself at home.

"Hello Lauren," he replied. "So why did you move here?"

"I needed my own place. I just graduated from college a few months ago, so I'm in the real world now."

"Wow. How old are you?"


He smiled. "I'm 25."

I nodded, not knowing what to say. Why was he telling me all of this? I thought he didn't say much...

I pushed the thought away. He seems nice. Might as well try to make friends with my neighbors because I'm gonna be here for awhile.

"Do you have a job?" I asked him. He looked up at me with a smirk.

"Yes. I work at a music store down the road. It doesn't pay much, but it keeps me on my feet."

"Music? That's really cool."

He smiled, making it seem like he liked what I just said. He was cute, that's for sure. But there was still something a little off about him. I was determined to find out what it was... But not yet.

"Yeah, it is. We sell all kinds of things. Guitars, drums, all that. But I work in the 'vintage' section. Y'know, selling records and all."

"No way! I have a record player. I've been looking for a place to get some new music."

He swung his feet back and forth. "You have a record player? Not many people have those nowadays."

"It was a present for my 20th birthday. All the records were my parents, though. I'm not really a big fan of today's music. Into all that old stuff, y'know?"

He laughed, "That's really cool. Maybe I'll drop off some records for you one of these days."

"Really? You don't have to."

"I'd do anything for-"

He couldn't finish his sentence due to his phone, which started buzzing. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and looked at it before letting out a curse word.

"I'm sorry but I really have to go," he said as he jumped off the counter and started walking towards the door. "I'll talk to you on Wednesday, though."

"Wednesday?" I laughed. Why Wednesday? "Tomorrow's Tuesday... Are we not gonna talk tomorrow?"

He shook his head. "Unfortunately. I have lots of things to do tomorrow. I'll see you Wednesday, though."

He turned towards me and leaned close to my ear. I didn't know what he was gonna do, but he surprised me when his lips pecked my cheek softly.

"See you later, Lauren," he whispered in my ear, making me shiver.

I watched him as he walked out of my apartment and turned into his. And with the slam of his door, he was gone.

What just happened?

There's something off about him. Why was he so...friendly with me? Everyone here says he never comes out of his apartment. And why was he waiting for me at my door?

There were so many questions running through my brain, but I had to push them aside. I had so much to do, and so did Leo.

Neighbor (Leonardo DiCaprio)Where stories live. Discover now