Bonus Chapter

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Long time no see! This chapter is basically an alternate universe chapter. This would be if Leo had never been friends with Lauren's brother, and as if they were meeting for the first time. Enjoy!


The wind blew my hair out of my face as I walked to the social science building across campus. It was the first day of my junior year of college, and I was beyond excited to get this year started.

Music played through my headphones as I tried to ignore the people around me. It was pretty warm out for the middle of August, and it made me excited to go to classes.

Once I got into my classroom, I took a seat next in the second to last row. I was never much of a student to sit in the front. People were slowly starting to come into the room, and one boy caught my eye. He was dressed as if he had just woken up, his hair a little messy. And he looked so very tired. He scanned the room for seats, and before I knew it, he was walking towards my row.

"This seat taken?" he said as he pointed to the seat to the right of me.

"Nope," I replied and looked down at my phone for a second before looking back at him. He was actually very attractive, and I found myself staring at him for longer than I needed to.

He sat down, taking his backpack off and setting it next to him. My phone buzzing caught me off guard, and I looked at it to see that it was just my friends texting me.

Jess: Party tonight! You're coming, right?

Me: It's a Monday?

Jess: So? It's to celebrate the start of the school year! We won't be there too late.

I thought about it. A party wouldn't be too bad. I didn't have class until 11 tomorrow, so maybe a party would be fun to go to.

Me: Okay. I'll meet you at your place around seven.

The professor began to speak. I put my phone into my pocket and began to pay attention to what he was saying. My attention span began to fade away after awhile, since all he was talking about was the syllabus for the class. Instead, I found myself thinking of the random boy that chose to sit next to me.

Why did he choose to sit next to me? There were so many open seats, yet he chose right next to me. Maybe it was just random?

"Hey," I heard someone whisper. I looked over to see the boy looking at me.


"I'm Leo, by the way," he smiled. "And you are? I mean- I just figured I'd get to know your name, you know, since we're sitting next to each other."


"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he winked, and I felt my heart race. "You know, I'm a senior. Well, I mean I'm in the fifth year of my program. I just took this class for a credit. Failed a class in my freshman-"

"Mr. DiCaprio, would you please stop talking?" the professor interrupted.

"Sorry sir," Leo said as he tried not to laugh.

The professor continued to talk, but Leo leaned over to me once again.

"Had him sophomore year," he whispered. "Not my favorite teacher. He needs to retire."

I let out a small giggle and Leo smiled at me, turning his attention back to the front of the room.

Before I knew it, class was over. I was just going to head back to my dorm and get something to eat before my next class. As I was walking out, someone tapped my shoulder. I looked to see that it was Leo.

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