Chapter twenty-five.

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"Hi," he smiled at me.

I couldn't even speak. I didn't know what to say or what to do. How can he just show up to my apartment and think it's okay after everything that's happened? And how does he know where I live?

"Lauren?" He spoke, breaking me from my thoughts.

"L-Leo," I breathed. "What- what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, of course," he replied. "May- may I come in?"

I stepped aside so he could come in. He looked around my apartment in awe while I stood there and watched him. I don't trust him at this point.

"Let's talk," I said as I directed him towards the couch. "We obviously have a lot to talk about."

He nodded, knowing that there was still a lot of stuff left between us, and took a seat on the couch across from me. I didn't even know where to start with this boy.

"Look, I'm sorry-"

"No," I interrupted him. "You can't just come into my apartment and act like everything's okay when everything is not. You've been gone for over a year! And not for the best reason. I mean, how do I know that you're still not addicted to drugs?"

"I'm done with all that," he said as he looked me in the eyes. "I went to rehab. Trust me, I'm better. I promise."

"I don't know if I believe you," I truthfully said. After everything that's happened, my trust for him has gone down.

He sighed and leaned his elbows on his legs. "I understand where you're coming from. Just give me a few weeks to redeem myself. I still love you, I always will, and I want to spend my time with you."

I started thinking about everything, mostly Dakota. She needs her father, there's no doubt about that. As for me, I still love Leo. I always will. My mother said she saw him in rehab a few weeks ago, he has to be better.

"Okay," I said. "I'll give you another chance. But Leo, if you mess this up, I'll make sure you'll never see our daughter ever again, you got that?"

His eyes lit up at the mention of "our daughter". I have to admit, it was kinda scary to know that Leo would now be spending time with us, but there's always room for change.

"Can I see her?" He quietly asked.

"She's sleeping," I said as I stood up. "But follow me."

A smile appeared on his face as he stood up and walked silently behind me. When we appeared by Dakota's door (which has her name on the door, of course), I turned around to look at Leo.

"You named her Dakota?" Leo asked and I nodded in reply. "That's really cute."

I slowly opened the door to her room, just to make sure I didn't wake her up. When the door was open, I turned to Leo and put my finger over my mouth to tell him to be quiet. He nodded in reply and headed over to her crib.

I stood by the doorway, not wanting to interfere with their little one-on-one time together.

"I can't believe I have a daughter," he whispered. "She's so beautiful."

He looked down at her, and I swear I saw tears fall from his eyes. It was really heartwarming, if I'm being honest.

He looked up to me, and his puffy eyes gave me the answer that he was indeed crying. I wanted to walk over and give him a hug, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. We needed to talk about more stuff, but not right now.

"Leo," I whispered. "It's getting kinda late..."

I didn't want to ruin the little money between these two, but I was so tired, it was even hard to keep my eyes open.

"Oh," he replied. "I need to leave anyways."

I nodded and walked him to the door. I could tell that he obviously didn't want to leave, but that's what he needs to do right now.

"We still have to talk...about other things. And I'm letting you see Dakota, for now."


I handed him a piece of paper with my new number on it. After everything happened with Leo, I changed my number immediately.

"Here's my number. Just text me."

"Thank you," he smiled as he walked out the door. "It was nice seeing you, you know?"

"You too, Leo."

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