Blue Moutains

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This chapter is dedicated toooooo................................................................................................................. ALL OF YOU AMAZING READERS!!!!!!! Thank you for the 113 reads and the 9 votes! You guys are amazing!!!!! On with the story!!

I didn't reconise this place. I looked around to see people, dwarves to be exact  throwing food and plates while a halfling, wait sorry they call themslves hobbits, was saying don't bother, and please don't while one dwarf started singing a song.

Then all the sudden a sharp jab woke me.


I slowly peeked my eyes open. I saw a glossy gray wall, with dark taperstries hung all over the room.Beside my bed there was a tall man with a long braided orange beard.

 I reached for my sword which was amazing. It is long, metalic and has dragons.When I grabbed my sword all I felt was air. Where is my sword? I questioned myself then I lost it.

" Who are you? Where am I? And where are my weapons? "

"Ok, little boy,' he said. "  You are at the blue moutains, I am LOrd DAin  and your weapons are right here.'" he said while taking out all my weapons. My bow was there withn it's arrows carefully, carven wihch Elrond gave to me. My sword given from my father an amazing ranger. The daggers that  I stole from the orcs and all of my other weapons.

While I was digging up my stuff, Dain took my sword and examend it.

" Where would a little boy, like you get an elvish sword made with pure silver? "

" From my father," I simply answered.

" And who was your father" he answered back.

" A ranger from the north. He was called Cunning Creator. He made that sword."

" And how about your orcish daggers, your spear made by men and an elivish bow and arrow?"

" I got them from my travels," I muttered.

Then the big wooden door and a lady with a braided beard came in and held a bunch of bottles. A few of the bottles were labled and had a lot of dust. Looking around the room me, Dain, and the woman were the only ones in the room.

"What happened?" the woman asked Dain in her stern voice.

He replied simply, " Orc arrow,"like it was no big deal.Orcs put POISON, POISON  in their arrows and swords. I have poison in my blood stream. I CAN DIE. Yah, keep talking  while I slowly die in pain and you don't know. I AM ONLY 14 YEARS OLD! I AM TO YOUNG TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( THEY DON"T KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE> THEY ARE STILL OLD)

Before I knew it a pain  shot out on my leg and I bit my lip. Minutes after the pain settled down. " Wow, little one. Most of the people would of screamed out thier pain and made them deaf."

" Can I go practice with my weapons?" i asked.

" sure" dain answered. Let me show you to the washroom then i shall show you the practice feild."

Leading me through the castle he asked me a multiple of quesions like where do you live , what's your name and so on.

My name is ... Vance. i said

Brave ... good name. Here is the washroom.  Clean up you have bllod all over you. And this place is now your room. he replied

"Thank you" i replied.

I entered the room and it was huge. Taperstries hung on the walls  which were  stone. <It was cold and humid with little drops of water hanging on the walls. THe celing was grey and made of cement.the lit was dim and moths flew all around it.  The bed sheets were  blue and black. I layed down before   realislising that someone can discover my identity. I walked over to the  sink and grabbed my gnarly dagger took clump of my hair and sliced it so my hair fell to my shoulders. I tilted my hood so only my pink lips were showing.

I meet  Lord  Dain on the practice field my face still covered with my hood.  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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