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  • Dedicated to Precious Lara Dalojo



        -PART 3-

I woke up with nothing but beads of sweat on my face, not even a dream appeared last night. I head inside the bathroom, I just stared at my reflection on the glass window With this new powers I have and new comrades to help me shape the world into order, the order that i want, but this plan I want this to be a secret for sometime I think they wont understand my reasons the reason to change the world of it's filthy image, one day they will understand why I have to do this.

The cafeteria was so big,but we had kitchens in our designated houses, but I don't want to eat alone,Lara invited me to eat lunch today I saw her nothing but her armor and a tray of fish and stew, I glanced back at her with a smile, how long will she realize about my plan to take over the world, but I don't want to think about that I'm hungry as hell.

"Sleep well last night?" she asked.

"yeah. but sadly no dreams came up so it was a long blank sleep." I replied.

She stared back at me like she didn't want the others to know that we can share the same dream or worse be in them.

"what the hell are you talking about Andrew?" Jack asked, he's my partner in training in the academy. And he's like my only friend that i can talk to here for the past few months, And yes their is an academy hidden underground in England I was shocked, It's like a whole city under here but they call it the city of trenno, the name sounds familiar.

"Is tenno and trenno related?"

"Whoa! shut it those names are the most wanted men in the Meta world until you killed tenno."

"Whats up with them anyway?" I asked to get some more information.

"Trenno and Tenno were brothers who came to earth 34 years ago Trenno the eldest was gifted with a wide hybrid powers, while Tenno was given the power of manipulation and telekinesis super strength and materializing things into the material plain, like yours, but in 1934 everything changed, Tenno grew bored of his intentions to  help unlock the human abilities, He slaughtered a  town full of loyal subjects and burned the academy to the ground, Trenno the oldest reasoned with him but it was no good, ......He killed Trenno with one blow since then he  is traveling through the world eradicating the Meta humans He now Calls afront to his god...but you killed Tenno Andrew now we only have to worry  about the Xentera's, their running around with out a leader to lead them so rounding them up will be easy."

"Wait you mean... i'm gonna turn like Tenno cause i have the same powers as he has?" I ask nervously.

"No!...... you won't end up like him I won't allow it I"ll stop at nothing for your protection!"

We all starred at her,  I was shocked at first she caring about me, no way no way she would. It's impossible for her to like me, but this emotion like this are a distraction to fulfilling my plan, I stood up and walked away from the table, I reached my house at the age of the underground city,I don't want to call it Trenno, I have more problems to deal with. I heard a faint knock at my door, It was Lara, She was crying, I had no idea I hurt her, She slapped me at the left cheek of my face.

"What's the big--."

She slump her body at me and puts her face near me, her hot tears fell at my face, and went to my lips the salty taste of her tears were full of sorrow and despair, as i go closer to her i keep dragging her near to me our lips touched, her lips feels like soft flesh and it was wet, the feeling was unimaginable, i drag her inside the house and closed the door. we both slammed at the couch not stopping for a breath of air, My lips were wet Her tongue reached the insides of my mouth, I grabbed her hair and I took of my shirt and she took her off as well, I know where this is going, I act like i don't know but I do and all I have to do now is go with he flow.

I woke up like never before, I stroked a strand of her hair away from her pale ceramic face her red lips out shines the most but her eyes were black as night, I never felt like this before, the feeling of her beside me is overwhelming and I loved it every moment.But this blinds me from my goal if i start falling for some one the thought of losing her will make me weak and vulnerable, I left the room her still naked in my bed sleeping, I can't just forget what happened last night. The more i think about it she can be useful for my plans.

The next day we went for a walk outside the city, I never seen her this way she's not just the girl of my dreams she is my girl, For a moment in time, We shared a lot our dreams,future,love ones who perished and died because of us, and children's , We thought about what if we have kids, kids that will be hunted down by the same aliens who hunted us like pigs on a pen slaughter us in front of them.

This morning were out to rescue some Meta held captive by Xentera's some where near Paris, We went out in armored plating suits and gloves that enhance and adapt to our powers and rail guns just in case,As we go near our target we head out quietly to the woods.

" This is sierra 1 come in bravo 2 and alpha 1 over?" my team captain said.

we were split into 3 teams i was in Alpha Lara was on sierra because they do the most of the extracting.

"we both hear you loud and clear over"

"c'mon guys lets finish this and this captives will be safe and----"

BOOM!!!! BOOM!!! BOOM!!!!, three loud explosions were heard from the warehouse, "crap!" i said.

Lara was still in there, i sprinted down there, then flashing lights were blinding me i fell and tumbled down, they were shooting at us it was us Xentera's and the UN forces. I was stunned I held up my hand and amplified my telekinesis and strength at them making a very big burst of radio active pulse wave blowing up the chopper with them. I sprinted down the warehouse, their were 2 Xentera's blocking my way, I didn't hesitate or think I just acted, Lifted the first one by his leg and swung him ripping his legs out of it's body then i plunged the decapitated leg on the other ones throat so deep it went through his chest they both collapsed but the one with the one leg was still moving, this is when the rail gun comes in handy i did not feel any mercy or empathy or any emotions i aim for it's head and shoot. As i run by most of the Sierra squad was still breathing but I have no intentions on saving them I only Looked for my pawn. and that is Lara,  But as i Lifted her and she is still unconscious I realize she is more than my pawn, I carried her out just in time for the ware house to blow up along with the squad in it, They should be honored for their last remaining days was seeing me pass them by as they awaited death in their door step.

She looks helpless and tired the state that she is in right now. the doc said she will be fine n the next 2 days no serious injury was found but their was one thing that shocked me the most, A miracle that my parents nor anybody that was killed by Tenno will every or never will see.

My first child with Lara, and this fills me with such contempt and joy.


to be concluded.

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