Day Two: Write A Rant

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Day Two: Write A Rant

Name one thing that you hate most about Wattpad. I'm sure that's not hard. The hard part is which one to choose.

No, no, I'm not saying that Wattpad is a bad website. I'm pretty sure that my writing skill would be down in the drain if it weren't for this wonderful writing community. Now that I look back to the very first book that I've ever written and published on Wattpad, it's TERRIBLE. Absolutely and definitely terrible. No, it's not The Game Until 18. It's some other book, written and published and finished on some other account. One wonders how I managed to get forty-four votes on that book.

Which is exactly my point. I've only been on Wattpad since March 2, 2013, and even my first and worst book has managed to get forty-four votes.

So why do some people have over ten thousand fans and one hundred thousand votes on something that is so terribly written with a cliché plot and bad grammar?


There was this book I saw the other day, in the 'Stories You Might Enjoy' section right above the newsfeed.

It was a fanfic.

I don't usually read fanfics. But I decided to give this one a shot since it had over two million reads. TWO MILLION! Keep that in mind please.

And so . . . I clicked on it. And I read it. Well, you know how that goes, so I won't explain it.

And guess what the first chapter was about?

The main character meeting Harry Styles on the very first day of college/university and having s*x with him.

>.< Gosh, could it have been any more realistic? (And in case you didn't catch it, that was sarcasm.)

The minute I read the part where they started kissing, I immediately stopped and went straight to the comments section.

And well, you'd have expected that this book would have gotten many negative comments about this, right?


Most of the comments were something like, "OMG. SO CUUUTEE! CANT W8 2 READ MORE. PLZ UPD8."

Please tell me if I made a mistake in text talk. (Oh the irony.) I just simply cannot write or read text talk, so yeah. That also brings me to the subject of bad grammar, but we'll get to that later.

Anyways, I kept on scrolling through the comments, unwilling to believe that there was not a single negative comment in all this sh*t.

Finally, I FOUND ONE.

I don't remember it exactly, since I read it a couple days ago, but it was something along the lines of, "Please. Try to keep it more realistic. The MC will not just get naked with someone, much less Harry Styles on the very first day of university. Plus, I've never heard of boys and girls being able to sleep together in the same room. It would be better if they lived in a flat. This needs major editing and changes . . ."

Yeah. I'm not gonna type out the whole thing. You get the point.

As I scrolled further down, I saw similar comments.

"You need an editor."

"This is far too unrealistic."

And so on.

Then I scrolled back up, wondering why all the negative comments were near the bottom.

And I got my answer.

The supporters of the author and the author herself bashed all of the helpful reviews / constructive criticism.

For example.

"Bitches. Don't mind them [insert the author's name here]. They're just jealous of your writing ability."

"It's called fiction for a reason. The author can do whatever she wants to do. Just piss off if you don't like it."

The last one really got on my nerves. YES, I know it's fiction. But do realize that it says fan fiction. It's the person's fiction, their dreams, their imagination. It's not meant to be in real life, unless it's fantasy or something.

And the MC having s*x with Harry Styles on their very first meeting? Yeah, it's definitely fiction.

Your fiction.

Ugh, and remember how I said that it had over two million views?

Sighs . . . the book itself had over fifty-thousand votes. Everyone kept telling them to update. TT^TT

Now, I don't have anything against fanfics. You want to write them, then you write them. But do try to make it a bit more realistic. If you wanted the MC and Harry Styles to end up together and stuff, at least let them start out with a solid friendship and then slowly progress things. At least people can then relate to it and like your book and stuff.


What's your least favorite thing about Wattpad? Comment below. :)

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