Day Sixteen: Type Up Something You Wrote When You Were Little

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Day Sixteen: Type Up Something You Wrote When You Were Little

I wrote a lot of short stories when I was little, but I can't seem to find them now . . . :|

I did comb through the drawers for anything that might've been left behind, and this is what I found. It's a report on one of the fifty states (I chose Virginia), so it's not really anything interesting, but I couldn't find anything else. I have several pictures included in there, but since I can't exactly type those up, I'll just show you part of the written part of the report. Here:

How Virginia Became a State

The English came into Virginia first and Walter Raleigh claimed it. He named it Virginia after Queen Elizabeth, whose nickname was the "Virgin Queen" because she was never married. After Queen Elizabeth's death in 1603, the new king, James I suggested that they buiild a colony. After the British took Elizabeth's death in 1603, the new king, James I suggested that they build a colony. After the British took over Virigina, the British Parliament demanded heavy taxes which the colonists disliked. So the Virginians began to work together with the other colonies and sent delegates to the Continental Congress in 1774. Although the House of Burgesses was gone, the Virginians continued governing themselves. IN 1776, the Convention declared that Virginia was free from the clutches of the British Empire. Thomas Jefferson started writing the national Declaration of Independence.

When the Revolutionary War began, General George Washington was selected to head the army. Virginia's capital, which was Williamsburg at that time, was moved to Richmond, by the urging of Thomas Jefferson because he thought Williamsburg would be vulnearble to a British attack. But it seemed impossible to beat the British. The British army was well trained while the colonial army consisted mostly of the poeple who volunteered and farmers. So Washington asked the French to join them. At first, the French refused because they thought they wouldn't be able to defeat the British. But Washington said that if they would be able to beat the British, France would finally be able to get revenge on their old enemy, Britain. They agreed and started to work.

The French trained the farmers and the volunteers so they would be fighting fit. They gave them new weapons. By the time the next battle started, everyone was ready to fight. Together, they trapped the British army on Virginia Peninsula. Then on October 19, 1781, the surrender of the British led to the peace in Paris once again. This secured Virginia's independence. Then on June 25, 1788, Virginia became a state.


Wow, now that I go back and reread it, I'm cringing at how badly I wrote reports when I was younger. I hope I improved. o.o I also wonder if I knew what I was typing about at all. o.o Because I don't remember typing any of this . . .

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