Chapter Five

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I wake up the next morning and go straight to the kitchen. I realized I didn't eat anything yesterday. I grab a box of Cheerios, a box that I bought and do not care anymore if anyone else needs that box. Anyways. I pour my milk and my cereal and go back to my room. If I have to be in this house I'd like to be in my  part of it. I stare at the wall. I have absolutely nothing to do today. I don't want to stay here but where is there to go? I live in Endora, if you forgot. Endora who has absolutely nothing entertaining to do. I think about yesterday with Gilbert, which sends me spiraling into an even deeper state of confusion about my life. This is getting me no where.

I walk down to the school. Or what's left of the school. I think there's one brick left of it. The rest is burnt down. I walk around the charred ground, pretending like it's still the school. I pretend like I'm walking to my locker, to math class, to lunch. Somehow I remember where everything was, even though it's all gone now. Funny. And then I remember the sick feeling of getting up and coming here everyday. I can't decide if I was better or worse when I was in school. At least it took up my time. I pick up the last remaining brick. I have an urge to throw it, but there's nothing good to use this last brick on, nothing to break. Nothing to make. I decide I'll bring it home and I don't really know why but I don't know why I do anything nowadays so why should I? I hold the brick tightly for a while, and then hold it lazily, which I probably shouldn't do because it could probably drop and break my foot if I got too careless. Oh. Well. I see someone off in the distance. I don't know if I should bring my brick or leave it here or why that's even a question because it's just a brick but something tells me to keep it with me. I move towards the figure and as I get closer I can tell that it's Arnie.

"Hey, Arnie!" I call.

"H-h-heyyyyy!" He says in that way that reminds me he isn't normal. "Wynne, right?"

"That's right. What're ya doing here?" I ask.

He ignores me and pulls a chunk of grass up. Suddenly, he takes off running. He's pretty fast, but I chase him anyways. The brick- my brick- is slowing me down but I still have something telling me to keep it so I do. Arnie starts to slow down anyways, so I break into more of a jog than a run. He rounds a corner and we find ourselves at the water tower. Oh God. 

"Arnie," I say, in between a yell and a normal voice.

"Yeah?" He has his hand on the first rung, he's ready to start climbing.

" Does... Does Gilbert let you do that?" 


"Does he?"

"Well. No." 

"Right. So maybe we shouldn't do that?" I'm impressed that I've been able to hold his attention and stay so calm. 

"Hmm." He stares at the top of the tower for a while.

"Arnie!" We both turn and see Gilbert, still wearing his work apron, coming towards us. "Arnie no!"

Arnie giggles and tries to pull himself up so he can get his foot onto the ladder, but Gilbert grabs him before he can. "Gilbert!"

"Arnie. I told you, you can't do that anymore. Okay?"

He nods and runs off. I turn to Gilbert, "I'm sorry, I saw him and followed him here but didn't know how to handle him."

"No, it's fine, thanks for holding him off for so long,"

" No problem," I say, remembering the brick in my hand. I hide it behind my back.

" Whatcha got there?" He asks, noticing my hand.

I pull out the brick, "I was walking around the old school. It was the last one and I don't know why but I can't bring myself to leave it, yknow?" I laugh like, isn't that the craziest thing? But its not.

He laughs, "Yeah, some things are like that,"

"Yup. Look, Gilbert, I better get going," I say,  turning to leave.


I stop but don't turn around. " What?"

Figuring I won't be turning around, he walks in front of me, "Look, about yesterday, I'm so-"

I stop him, "Gilbert, it's fine." It's not.


I'm back at home. I remember the money I found in the car yesterday and I'm outside fast. I count it again. All the money is there. I go back inside. There is a single suitcase in my closet. Everyone has a suitcase, even if they never go anywhere, it's a sign of hope that one day they will. But mine isn't a sign of hope anymore. It's a sign of action. I pack the suitcase all the while doing math in my head. Endora is not an expensive town. At all. I can live off of 1500 dollars for about a month if I'm smart with this money. I can do it. 

I go outside and I put the keys in the car. Everything is moving in slow motion but its also going too fast for me to know what I'm really doing. I don't know how that's possible but I guess some things are like that. My suitcase is in the passenger seat. I pull onto the road and I start driving. Driving up and down every street of Endora I search for something for rent, for sale. Anything. Why did I do this? Am I really gonna magically find a house for sale and everything is gonna be better? And if I do, I'm not gonna be able to move in today. I have nothing. Damnit. I drive by the water tower and I park. I lay my head on the steering wheel.

I'm jolted from my rest by a tap on the car window. Part of me does not want to look up. I do anyways. It's Arnie.

"Hi Wynne!" I can barely make this out so I roll down the window, "Wynne!"

"Hey, Arnie," it takes all my energy but I manage a smile. 

"What're you doing?" He giggles.

"Well, Arnie, sometimes..." What am I gonna tell this kid?

"Can you take me home, Wynne?" 

Can I? "Sure, Arnie," I guess I can.

Arnie gets in the car and kicks my suitcase to the floor. I guess he doesn't care what's in there. Good. He buckles himself up and we're off. He shows me where to go and it gets my mind off  of my whole situation. Finally we get there. Gilbert and some other people are on the porch when I pull up. Arnie gets out of the car and Gilbert jogs up to me.

"Gilbert! My legs were, were, uhm, tired. So uhm, she took me home. Yup."

"That's great, buddy. Hey, Amy has ice cream for you on the porch!"

"Okay!" Arnie takes off for his ice cream.

"Hey, thanks for that," he notices the suitcase on the floor beside me, "Wynne? Are you okay?"

"Uhm. I..." God. I can't get out of this one. I've got nowhere to go.

"Why don't you come inside?"

Only until I can find somewhere to stay. No longer. 

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