Chapter Six

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"Look, before you come in, I gotta warn you...about my mother... She's uhm... You ever seen a beached whale?"

Unfortunately, I have, "Yeah..."

"Yeah, she's like that."

"Okay," I kinda laugh and follow him inside.

"Gilbert, who's that?" I follow the sound back to Gilbert's mother. I hate to say it but he wasn't lying. 

"Just a friend, Momma," he gives me a sideways glance and starts up the stairs.

I study their little house, and it seems nice enough. It's cozy. Better than my house. "Look, I'm sorry about... You really don't have t-"

"It's fine, Wynne," he smiles. Well then I guess it's fine. He turns into a room and stands to the side as I enter. "Here we are, this is Amy's room," he lowers his voice and adds, "She's probably the best person in the house,"

I smile and look around. Amy's room is covered in Elvis posters, which doesn't bother me. "Thanks Gilbert. But really, if you can't do this I'll be alright, I c-"

He grabs my shoulders, "it's fine, I promise. Now, I think we have a cot in the closet. We'll get you something better tomorrow but uh, that's all we got for ya right now."

"That's fine with me," I smile.

After Gilbert has set me up I stay in Amy's room for a while to rest. I open my suitcase and check that I moved the money from the glovebox to the case. It's there along with everything else I packed before. I change and head downstairs.

Amy approaches me, "Hi there, Wynne, right?"

"Yeah," I smile, "Uh, Gilbert said I could stay in your room, is that okay?"

"Yeah, of course, Gilbert let me know. As long as you don't mind staying with me," she laughs.

I nod, "Not at all," I pause and think up something to make me look polite and useful, two things I didn't consider myself before. "You, uh, need any help with dishes or-?" 

"I'm alright, thanks though," I catch Gilbert in the kitchen giving me a look like she's-always-like-this-don't-worry. 

I laugh to myself and continue with Amy, "Alright, well lemme know if you need anything," I smile and move into the kitchen with Gilbert. "Need anything?" I ask jokingly.

"Ya wanna go for a walk?" He asks.

"Sure," I follow him out a door in the kitchen to what I suppose is the back yard, but there's no fence or anything to really finalize that.

We find ourselves walking together again and I replay the events in the cemetery the other day. I remember how I used to feel about Gilbert. I try to remember some subtle change that made me okay with him but nothing. I look at him. My God, a few days ago I was disgusted and now I'm staying at his house. But... That hug. I guess I connected and... 

"Wynne?" My thoughts are broken off.

"Y-Yeah? What?" I ask, trying to escape my thoughts and get back to reality.

"Nothin', I was just checking' on ya,"

I nod, "Yeah, sorry, uh, thanks," I smile.

We walk around in silence which is kind of nice, I guess because we both understand the simple need for silence every once and a while. I like that. My problems I had when I came here have been forgotten to the most part, and it feels good. I've never had another place to go. I probably shouldn't have this place to go, but I said he didn't have to do this. And he said I could stay. So I guess its alright. We sit on the porch and I figure it must be pretty late because the sun is setting and eveything is brushed with this golden tone. I observe the yard of the Grape family. There's this tall, lone tree and a tire swing hangs from it. The rest of the yard is open. The road is quiet, and there are a few houses here and there, but not enough to be called a neighborhood. The sun is barely peeking over the horizon now, and without a word, we both know its about time to go inside.

"Goodnight," I say as we part ways at the top of the stairs.

"Night," he gives a wave and goes into what I believe to be his room. 

I find my way back to Amy's room, and to my surprise, Amy is waiting inside. "Hi there," I smile.

"Hey there! There's a cot over there," She smiles and I can tell she feels bad that I have to sleep on a cot. She's the kind of person who cares for everyone. I like it.

"Great, thanks," I say and look around at the walls, "You like Elvis, huh?"

"Oh, uh, yeah," she blushes a little, "Do you?"

"Sure, he's alright. Never really been able to listen to much music at all, but I liked what little I heard from him,"

She gives a little gasp, "You wanna listen to him then?!" She asks, apparently very excited to share her obsession with me.

"Oh, uh, yeah, sure," I reply, trying to be polite to the lady who's sharing her room with me.

"AMY!" We both turn, hearing a voice from outside the door. Another Grape perhaps?

She glances at me, "Little sister," she rolls her eyes and turns to the doorway, which is now occupied by a girl of about fifteen.

"Amy, my brother Gilbert has always been out to get me, I know it, but this..."

"Ellen! What happened?!"

"All of my lip gloss is gone! My magazines! Gone! I cannot believe this. My one little ray of happiness is stolen by my ever selfish brother! Amy go speak to that man! Go!"

"Look, Wynne, do you mind if I...?"

I nod, "Oh, yeah, of course, no problem." 

We all leave the room and Ellen leads the way to Gilbert's room. She doesn't bother to knock, rather she swings the door open. "Gilbert, big brother, dearest big brother. What have you done with my lip gloss and magazines?" 

Gilbert sits on the edge of his bed, "Jesus, Ellen, calm down,"

"Gilbert!" Amy scolds.

"Here," Gilbert says, handing over a stack of magazines. "I don't know where that crap you feel the need to-"

"Gilbert please..." Amy pleads.

"I don't know where your lip gloss is."

"Suuureeeee." Ellen says moving further into his room. I remain in the doorway and study the bedroom. It's average, a little messy, not much. 

Ellen continues her search but Gilbert jumps up soon enough and grabs her, "I.Don't. Have.It." He carries her into the hallway and sets her down in her room.

Amy moves past me and gives me a "sorry-about-the-awful-family" look before following the two of them. I wait in Gilbert's doorway, when I see Arnie out of the corner of my eye. There's some shiny stuff slathered all over his face. Lip gloss. I find Amy giving Gilbert some kind of lecture and have to tap her on the shoulder.

"Arnie," I whisper. 

She turns, and Arnie, who is on his hands and knees, has followed me. She sees what has happened and sighs. "Dang," she turns around, "Oh, Gilbert..."

"Oh, damn." Gilbert mutters, peeking over Amy's shoulder and seeing the scene. "Good job, Arnie," I hear him whisper as he opens a door with a sign that says "Arnie's Place" on it. He returns a !minute or two later with a fistful of lip gloss containers. "Here," he hands them to Amy, obviously not wanting anymore interactions with Ellen.

The rest of the night goes smoothly and Amy and I get to know each other a little better. We even laugh a little bit together. Finally we both go to bed, and it feels good to have some peace for once. The problems come in the morning when there's a knock at the door.

"Is Wynne here?" I hear a gruff voice at the bottom of the stairs. My father.

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