Chapter 19

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(Louis' POV)

Liam shook me lightly for me to wake up. I just groaned and turned over not wanting to wake up just yet. This is what I get for staying up all night and falling a sleep an hour before you're suppose to wake up. I finally got up and walked to the restroom to get ready.

When we all finished, we went to the elevators and went to the fourth floor where the meeting is going to be held at. While in the elevators we love to jump up and down because of the funny feeling you get in the elevators! We all had a good laugh and we then got out and looked around for the right room to go in to.  We finally made it to room 410 which is the room the meeting is in and that is starting in thirty seconds so we are right on time!  We all walk in and take a seat while being greeted my Natalie and Nick. Natalie and Nick are our main management people. 

I seriously think that Natalie and Nick are in a secret relationship. They way she looks deeply into his eyes when he is talking and Nick also does the same. It's very deep. Harry and Niall agree with me and Zayn and Liam disagree they think they are related. How? We don't know their last names so we and we don't want to ask anything, yet. So we don't really know about them. 

Nick is telling us about our up coming shows and Natalie here is doing what I was just saying. She is staring deeply into his eyes, maybe some lust in there too. I smirk lightly knowing that I might be right. I am confident that something is happening between them. Back to the really reason why I'm here, we are fist having some shows here in England then other places in Europe. I'm seriously not listening to the places because I wan't to be surprised when we get there. 

Natalie then started talking about our opening act, now I'm listening I can't wait!

"So for your opening act, we are having two. For your European Take Me Home Tour we are having Camryn, yes the same Camryn that was your opening act for the Up All Night, but for the United Kingdom, North America and Australia, Take Me Home Tour, we have a band called 5 Seconds of Summer," Natalie says having a big smile on her face and Nick smiling seeing her like that, " they are incredible guys from Australia and they have amazing voices! Here take a look." Then Natalie shows us a video of the guys and showed us different videos. One of them an original song called " Gotta Get Out,"  and it was acoustic and it sounded really good! Then Natalie showed us a few other videos which where covers and they where all oh-so good. While during one of their covers I decided to go on twitter and tweet this out to everyone. 


It's been another thirty minutes of them just talking about tour and I'm ready to sleep on someones shoulder. Natalie then finally says, "Is there any questions before we leave?"  I then stand jump up and shout "No we don't-," right when Harry says he has a question. Ugh! Why Harry I wan't to go already!

"Yes Harry what's your question," Nick asks?

"uh- well you see the t-thing is t-that um... I wanted to um, well is it okay if um," Harry says stuttering.

"Just say it already," Zayn then says!

Harry then goes like, " Okay well I was wondering if our friend, Leah, could come on tour with us. She really wants to go back to California to visit her friends there, but her dad wont let her unless there is somebody with her and we are going to be in California while on tour so we could take her! So..... Yes?" 

Wait. What?

"Um well Harry we are not so sure about that yet. We will call you probably tomorrow to let you know. Okay," Natalie says giving Harry a weak smile. 

"Yeah, okay, that's fine," Harry says returning the weak smile.

Wait how come I've never heard this before he didn't even ask any of us yet if she could come on tour with us. Would it cause drama with our fans that a girl is on tour with us? I wonder what the other boys think about having Leah on tour with us.

We then all walk out of the room and straight to the elevators going back to the room we where once at. We all go to one room to hang out together. I then go sit on the couch while everyone else are in a deep conversation with someone. I sit there and think to myself about Leah. The feelings I already hae for Leah will it grow stronger if she is with us everyday of the week on the tour bus with us. What about Harry? I know he likes her. I may like her too, Harry just doesn't know that yet. 

It is getting quiet late now and we all are staying another night here then leaving tomorrow back home before we start rehearsals for tour, and so I go into bed. I close my eyes and I'm very tired so I fall asleep right away. 

It's eleven in the morning when I wake up. I smile about the dream that I just had. It was about Leah, my smile then fades away when I notice it's not true. I wake up and go to the small kitchen in the hotel to see Harry on the phone and is just about to hang it up. 

"Natalie and Nick just called," Harry says whispering then raising his voice, " and they said yes!! Leah can come on tour with us!! I'm so happy, she will be happy and we all will be happy right!!" Harry just looks and me trying to find my excitement. All I can think of is will Harry and I's friendship be ruined by Leah? 


Well finally I got chapter 19 done! Wow 19 chapters already!!

Just wanted to say a big thanks for reading this story ! It really means a lot. 

6.4k reads is incredible!

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