Chapter 11

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(Lottie's POV)

"I think I like......... ummm well probably-" Leah started.

" You better not say : Harry or Niall! You know how they are fighting over the girls. Don't you understand?" 

"Never mind I'll call you later I got to go do something." Okay well that was weird Leah doesn't go anywhere accept when she goes shopping for things or with me...... I think she just really need that time to think about Harry and Niall probably.

(Leah's POV)

Oh gosh I think I almost told Charlotte that I like Louis but she thought I men't Harry or Niall. Why them? Well I have thought about it but , Louis is so nice and charming! We hang out and talk a lot when I'm over at the house. He is so dreamy............ Snap out of it Le, this isn't going to help. So i got up and put on some other clothes and walked to the park not far from here. The park is nice and peaceful, not a lot of kids play around here. I think it's because well Lottie told me this story of this guy and he died here right at this park because a drunk driver hit him and ran off. So that's why I come here sometimes I like to look around probably figure things out  about this guy. 

I go over to the swings and sit on one. In my opinion swings help me think because they rock back and forth slowly or I can go fast. ( haha dirty mind moment ;D) The weather is nice and that just makes everything better. When I think of something it goes straight to Louis. I just need him to notice me a little more! Should I wear more make up? Or should I show my skin more as in shorts and tanks ........ It has to be something! I need to ask Charlotte what he likes in a girl so I can be that girl but, I can not let her know. Me almost telling her 'I think I like him' is me going out of my mind, what was I doing!?!?!  

"You okay...?" I heard someone say besides me and took a seat on the other swing.

"Yeah." I said then I looked up to see that it was Louis. Why now?

"So what are you doing here alone? Wheres Lottie?" 

"I came here by my self to think. I just need to take everything in that has happen in the past month. So what are you doing here."

" I come here to think too because, it's quiet and not a lot of kids come here!"

"Yeah I like it quiet too," well there's one thing we both like, quietness, "so what where you going to think about?" 

"Oh just some stuff about work." 

"Oh okay cool."

"Yeah..........," no not the awkward silence come on think of something to say," hey it's getting late we should go. I can walk you back.....?"

"Yeah sure!"


"Thanks for walking me back Louis!" I said.

"Yeah no problem, don't wanna let you get hurt out here alone! Bye!" 

"Bye!" Wow he cares about me I guess, I mean he doesn't want me to get hurt! This is a good thing right?


Hey I'm back!! Well I just got out of school on Friday so I have all summer to write but I still have to do this summer reading project ugh noooooooo....... Well I have thought about it I wont be updating every friday because I can't keep up and so I have decided that I will update whenever I want!! Thanks for reading this story it means so much to me and :   Keep voting and commenting !!! <3 Bye and have a GREAT SUMMER OF 2013!!! <3 Love Ya!! 

My Best Friend's Brother [One direction/Louis Tomlinson fanfic] *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now