Chapter 21

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(Harry's POV)

"No, Harry put that down," Leah half shouted," and get those shoes over there with the blue lines please!" I was over at Leah's house helping Leah pack her things for tour. It's been three weeks since we asked her and her dad did say yes and tour is starting in two days. So Leah is kind of behind since all five of us boys already packed everything two weeks before. Louis is downstairs getting some drinks and snacks for us in the kitchen. Leah and I thought he needed a break so we sent him to get those for us. The rest of the boys helped her pack yesterday and it's Louis and I turn to help pack. We all made a deal to help her pack her stuff.

Well today the boys said they will be hanging out with some friends/ girlfriends. Zayn and Liam are hanging out together with Perrie and Dani. (Just pretend Payzer is still going on) Niall well he said he will be hanging out with some friends that he knows that live around here and meet up with his lady friend. I think her name was Jenny or Julie, I don't really know... I don't really know her and Niall doesn't really talk about her he only talked about her once. But when he was texting her, he left his phone on the couch while he went to use the toilets and he was texting her. How cute, right?

"Harry I said the socks not my bra, so put it down!" Leah yelled. I put her bra down and laughed and got different pairs of socks. She had a bunch of socks, but they're really vivid colors and has different funky designs. That's whats cool about her, that she has different taste in clothing and she likes to mix it up.

" I made lemonade if that's okay with you guys, because I'm wanting some lemonade myself right now," Louis said while walking in with three cups of fresh home-made lemonade. Well lemonade doesn't sound too bad right now, so why not?

"Thanks Louis," Leah said, " I love lemonade!" Her smile brightening the room. Why can't she see that I'm the one falling for her? Louis is going to do nothing but stand there and not notice how in love she is with him. Gosh damn it! Is she blind or something?

" I'm going to go to the toilets. I'll be right back," I then left them two in Leah's room and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I seriously need to calm down right now. And I shouldn't tell Leah how I feel about her just yet. She might think that I'm just going to be like on how I was with 'all the other girls I've been with'. I don't want her to think that. I should get to know her a bit more and I should wait a bit longer. Okay so my plan is to wait until I know it's the right time to ask her out or tell her how I feel, but I should try to figure out how she feels about me. I could probably asks the guys to help me out.


(Leah's POV)

"Is everyone on the bus," Paul asked checking for the third time to see if everyone is actually on the bus. Louis said that once Niall forgot his snack and went back inside the building to get it and nobody really noticed and so they said yes that everyone was on the bus until Zayn spoke up and finally noticed Niall not around and they where forty minutes down the road without Niall. So they had to turn back around the bus and get Niall.

"Yes everyone is on the bus!" Niall stood up and gestured around to show that everyone was 'really' on the bus. Everyone then laughed and rolled their eyes at Niall. Niall sat back down and pulled out his phone, a smile then appeared on his face instantly. I haven't seen Niall so big in a while. Something must be up. If it's a girl I will totally be happy for Niall. I think he deserves a totally awesome, sweet, nice, and loving person in his life that is not his mom. Somebody that he can love all his life because that is what he will give you. I'll just deal with him later.

Since the bus got us at Louis' house we have to go to London for the first show which is tomorrow. So I sit back, relax and put on my music and maybe fall asleep. Now this is going to be something I won't ever forget.


"Psst, Leah wake up," someone whispered in my ear, but I refused to open my eyes due to my sleepiness, "come on sleepy head! We're in London!" Once that person said that we have made it to London my eyes shot open. I always wanted to look around and walk the streets of London. It kind of seems like a romantic place like Rome, but not quiet.

We get a hotel since the boys perform in London for two days and so we don't have to sleep on the beds in the bus. They can get really uncomfortable. As the boys have told me and my experience I just had.

Paul comes to us and informs us that we will have three rooms. That also means that I have to share a room with one of the guys. Well that doesn't sound as bad because I share a tour bus with four other guys too. We all go into the elevator and wait until we get onto the seventh floor. I hope I'm in a room with a great window view of London. I always love to sit at the windows and look outside on the streets. Especially on a bright summer day on vacation when you look out onto the streets. It can be a wonderful sight to take in. Sometimes I just wish I had a camera for all those moments.

I actually bought a video camera just a few days ago too just for this tour. I want to take every single second of this tour. This is a once and a life time opportunity to do this with the biggest boy band, or should I say almost guy band in the world! I could just vlog like those YouTubers out there, but this one about my One Direction Tour experience. Well this shall be something else fun to do! I can feel my excitement all over my body.

" I call to be roomies with Liam," Niall said while pouncing onto Liam and clinging onto his arm. I look over at Niall and see all of his beautiful structures. His nice blond hair with his brown roots. Also his big pretty ocean blue eyes, and that perfectly, white, and straight teeth. I bet anybody could stare at his face all day long and never find a flaw on his perfect face of his. Who ever this girl is, that gets Niall is going to be so lucky. She better not let this one go. Everybody deserves a Niall in their life. His personality is also great. 

" I'll deal with Harry," Zayn says flatly. Harry then gives him a glare and Zayn starts laughing kidding around with Harry. Oh those boys are so precious. Louis' eyes and mine lock into each other. I start to feel my cheeks heat up and I look away. This means that Louis and I are going to be 'roomies' as Niall would say. I don't know what to feel right now. Awkward? No. Embarrassed? No. Happy? Maybe. Scared? Probably. I don't know where this is going to go.

"Since you guys picked who you want to room with then it's going to be like this for the rest of the whole tour at every hotel we stop at. It's final." Paul said to us. You got to be kidding me.


Well I don't think I will be updating in two weeks probably so I'll just say it now. Happy Thanksgiving!!! :D

This story will be going through some editing soon. (Just letting you know) 

Just wanting to say thanks for the comments! Please give me feed back and your lovely comments! I want to say so much more, but I just don't have the words just yet. 


No this story isn't over yet if you thought it was. I have a some more plans coming soon!!!

Question: How are you? Good, bad, sad, grumpy? PM me if you need someone to talk too. I'll try to help if you need help or you just want to rant about something or if you just want to say hey. No worries I don't bite! :D Love y'all!


My Best Friend's Brother [One direction/Louis Tomlinson fanfic] *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now