Chapter 92

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Avery's POV
    Walking through the Underworld, I found it was nearly nothing like what I imagined it to be. It seemed to be an airport, like security to get into the land of the dead. Thalia grabbed her stomach, obviously thinking it looked like an airport too and not enjoying the memories. The two lines that Charon had mentioned were there but what I didn't expect was a huge dog, twice the size of a mammoth standing above the lines, each of its heads sniffing people as they walked by.
    "Cerberus." Luke managed under his breath.
    One of Cerberus' ears flicked on the medium head before all three heads turned to look at us and growled lowly.
    "Great." Thalia congratulated sarcastically. "I've always wanted to know how being a chew toy would be like. Especially by the guardian of the Underworld. Definitely scratch that off the bucket list!"
    With a deep growl, Cerberus stepped forwards, making Luke and Thalia step back. I stayed put, curiously looking at the dog. Cerberus walked forwards and with each step, his growling becoming more powerful. He stepped on a few spirits, but he didn't care, and they didn't seem to mind being squished by a ginormous paw.
    Threateningly, as if his size wasn't threatening enough, Cerberus stalked forwards, a low growl deep in his throat. Thalia latched onto Luke's arm while Luke had his other arm outstretched to me. He tried to walk forwards but Cerberus didn't allow him to, snarling viciously when he moved.
    Whispering my name, Luke called to me, "Avery." He pleaded. "Avery come here."
    My face scrunched up in concentration as I took another step forwards.
      Panic was clearly in his voice and he sounded emotional. He went to take another step again but immediately stepped back when Cerberus gave a ground shaking bark. Luke jumped back but still called my name. "Avery, Avery please."
    "Hang on," I gestured for them to wait for a moment but I knew that all Luke wanted was to grab me. They just had to wait for just a little more.
    I walked forwards again, stepping cautiously. Cerberus gave me the evil eye but didn't actually do anything besides continue a low growl in the back of his throat.
    Thalia joined in the soft calling of my name, both her and Luke sounding desperate but still I continued forwards, cautiously walking as I slowly moved my hand back to my side. Cerberus' eyes sharply followed my every move, even when I swept the hair from my face. His left paw moved forwards as if he were about to jump at me, but I knew he wouldn't attack me since he hadn't already.
    Sneaking a nervous look behind my shoulder, they both had given up on trying to call me back. Thalia was biting her lip and hiding her eyes behind her hands, taking quick peeks once in awhile as if to check if I'd been eaten yet. Luke was at her side, tensed, his hand on the hilt of his sword. I could tell he was ready to attack at any moment and race to my rescue and that comforted me. There was this feeling, that told me to approach Cerberus, and I knew I had to, but that didn't make it any less nerve racking. I knew Cerberus wasn't going to attack me, but with the way he acted around my friends, I couldn't say the same for them so I was still cautious and scared out of my mind, praying I didn't do something wrong.
    Breathing out, I kept walking until I was at the base of Cerberus paw. I looked up at him, his three heads towering over me, all three pairs of eyes blinking down at me and his breath going down my shirt. All three heads were tilted and I heard a small whimper in the back of one of his throats.
    "Why aren't you screaming away in terror?" The right head asked, sounding completely puzzled.
    A wide grin spread across my face. "Because you're so cute!" I exclaimed throwing my arms around his trunk-like front leg, burying my face into his fur.
    Cerberus stiffened before barking in delight then licking me with all three tongues. I laughed and scratched him until he flopped on his stomach, squishing spirits who were in the way. I laughed again before using both of my hands to scratch him while his legs pawed the air playfully in pure bliss.
    Thalia yelled at me in a whisper. "What in Hades name are you doing?!"
    Upon hearing his master's name, Cerberus' ears flicked on his middle head, the other two heads still enjoying the belly rub. The middle head growled at Thalia then gave me a big lick before barking at the other two to focus.
    I was surprised when the head that spoke was a girl, and even more surprised when the other two heads who answered with an apology, were both boys. From all the Mythology that I had ever read, Cerberus was always described as a boy, not a girl, and not a mix. Cerberus was always mentioned as "he".
    "Technically," The middle head spoke, making me jump as my thoughts shattered. "We are a boy. Two male heads and me as a female. More of one gender equals the whole gender."
    "She's just jealous." The left head announced.
    With a snap of her teeth, the middle head threatened him, growling for him to shut up.
    Nodding my head I answered, "It makes sense but... how did you..."
    "Know what you were thinking?" The left head finished for me and I nodded.
    "Common question. And you are a child of Artemis," the middle head tilted her head. "Artemis was the one to decide."
       "How did you know that Artemis is my mom?" I asked, scrunching my eyebrows together.
      "There is a certain aura about you from when you first entered." The left head explained.
        Understanding,  sort of - I nodded slowly, "Alright just one more question. Are you all named Cerberus?"
       All three of them shook their heads. "Together," the right head spoke, "we are Cerberus, but each head has a separate name if referring to only one of us. I am Ceb."
      "Ce Ce," the middle head spoke, her eyes flashing in happiness.
      "I am Ceber."
      "So you all start with the letter C?"
      They nodded in unison.
        "Avery," I jumped when Luke touched my shoulder,  him and Thalia walking up to me when Cerberus and I were distracted. Cerberus growled but I held my hand up, silently explaining they were friends. They obeyed but were still wary of them, all three heads growling before licking the top of my head.
    "What are they saying?" Thalia asked, eyeing the dog skeptically.
    I turned to Luke, about to explain but frowned when I saw his hand still on his sword. Gently, I moved his hand away while he stiffly allowed me to.
    "Don't make any harsh movements," I warned. "Just let them sniff you,"
    Luke and Thalia gave me a weird look but I shrugged, not giving in to their looks. Cerberus stepped forwards and started to sniff Thalia first.
    "All godlings." Ceb noted.
    Ce Ce gave a small snort sniffing Thalia. "Zeus's spawn, as if he needed to be sleeping with more people."
    I gave a small snort of laughter, thankful Thalia couldn't hear.
    While sniffing Thalia, Cebet didn't know his own strength and knocked her over. Thalia shot up and gave Ceber a glare which he returned.
    Once all three of them were satisfied with Thalia, each head went to Luke. He gave me a worried sideways glance but I held his hand to reassure him. He pursed his lips but allowed them to come closer.
    Taking a step towards him, Cerberus moved forwards to sniff him, but all three heads suddenly shot back, as if they'd been burned.
    "What?" I asked, seeing their looks. All three heads looked at each other then finally their eyes landed on Ce Ce, who was clearly the one in command; the alpha. Ce Ce narrowed her eyes, skittering backwards nervous. "Kronos." She said distastefully.
    Both Cerber and Ceb whimpered at the name.
        "Kronos?" I repeated.
    Luke flinched making me turn to him. I rubbed his hand reassuringly knowing how he felt, or at least thinking I knew how he felt. I was scared of Kronos, and I assumed everyone felt the same way
    "What does he have anything to do with Luke?" Thalia cut in, her voice sharp. Cerberus gave her a low growl then turned to me.
    "Be wary little one." Cerber warned
    I blinked, not understanding but nodded anyway.
    "We wish you good fortune with our Lord." Ce Ce gave a small bow to me with her head.
    Muttering under his breath, Ceb noted, "There is no good fortune in the Underworld." But immediately he was shut up when Ce Ce snapped her jaws at him And he whimpered before staying quiet.
    "And you, Son of Hermes." Ce Ce turned to Luke who tensed when their eyes landed on him. "Be certain of what you are doing."
    Without another word, Cerberus gave a small bow to me before returning to their post.
        The three of us simply stood there, blinking. Finally, Thalia shook off her surprise, straightening. "Let's move." She commanded. "We need to speak with Hades as soon as possible. We can't just wait around." She walked off with a purpose, her face determined. I looked over at Luke who was still staring in the distance, lost in thought.
    "Hey," I squeezed his hand and he snapped his head to me, his eyes wide. "You alright?" I asked softly.
    "Yeah." He shook his thoughts away. "Yeah I'm fine. Come on."

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