Chapter 10

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I wake up bright and early to make sure that I'm completely prepared for all that the day holds. I'm nervous to have a private meeting with John, and I have no idea what to expect.

I get ready a little more than usual today. I put curlers in my hair last night, a box set I found in the bathroom closet, another gift from John. I take the curlers out and I'm surprised by how nice and proper my long hair looks. I decide to style it in an updo and leave a couple pieces out near my face. I put on more makeup than usual and spray some perfume I found in the bathroom. I decided on a light blue dress that clings well to my body and shows my best features.

I grab a small purse and head down to my car. I really hope this goes well. Within 20 minutes I'm there and the anticipation is driving me crazy. He said to go straight to him when I get there.

I walk in and head to his office. I take deep breaths, preparing myself. I see him through the open door, his back is to me and he's looking at his desk.

"Mr. President?" I ask, standing in the doorway.

He instantly turns around and smiles. "Scarlett, come in."

I walk in and sit down. He walks past me to close the door and leans in front of me, against his desk.

"You wanted a private meeting with me? Whats going on? Is my work okay?" I ask him.

"Your work is great. Exceptional, really. You stay on top of my files more than anyone else here does." He says, smiling at me.

I smile at the compliment. "Then why did you ask me to come here, John? I told you how I feel about the situation."

He smirks a little and moves away from the desk to be a little closer to me. "You told me how you feel about it, but I don't believe you. You want me just as much as I want you." He says and I'm completely breathless.


I just stare at him blankly before responding, not expecting him to be so open about it, especially in the workplace.

I finally speak up. "I'm a first option, even for the president. You have a wife already. I'm not going to be a second choice or your toy on the side." I keep a serious face.

He chuckles. "You ARE my first choice. I would have never done all of this for anyone else. Yes, I have a wife. I'm also the President of the United States and I have to keep up certain appearances. I love Jackie, she's the mother of my children. I'll always love her, but I'm not in love with her. That's the difference."

I'm in shock by his words. He's not in love with Jackie? But he'll always love her? How would I begin to cope with that.

"I can't do this, John. Either way." I stand up and walk towards the door. I'm not sure what exactly he wanted to discuss today but I can't let it get any further.

He gets in my way, blocking me from the door.
"Wait. That's not why I asked you to come here Scarlett."

I step back to hear him out but he moves closer to me.

"I'm slightly altering your position. You'll still be my private secretary but I want you to accompany me to certain business events and traveling. You'll keep my schedule and travel when I have to. I won't make you go to everything, that would be too much. But, to the important things. You'll listen to me practice speeches, what I have to say in meetings, and so on. When I'm here, you'll work in your office sorting documents."

Okay, so he did call me here for work. But, his travel secretary basically? I know why he's doing it, we'll have to spend more time together. I can't deny he is intoxicating. I would love to know what it's like to love him but I know it's wrong.

"So is that a deal? I'll need you to sign some papers." He smiles.

"Yes, it's a deal." I can't miss out on a promotion.

"Good." He says and motions me to his desk. I walk over and see papers to sign. I quickly read over them and sign.

While I'm leaning over to sign them, John walks behind me and when I stand up straight I nearly bump into him.

My back is to him but he's right behind me. He moves closer so that our bodies are against each other.

"I see you're wearing the perfume I picked out." He whispers and moves his face closer to my neck. He takes a large inhale and sighs. "It smells even sweeter when it's on your body." He wraps his arms around my waist, still standing behind me.

"John.." I start to say seriously but I feel him getting hard as our bodies are still pressed against each other. As much as I'm against this whole thing, something about him is so addicting. I can't stop what's happening, I don't want to. I know that it's the right thing to do.

I turn around and move away from him. He looks sad and slightly embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry Scarlett. You're so beautiful, I can't control myself." I don't say anything.

He walks over to his desk and grabs a paper with writing on it. "This is my schedule for the next month. We'll be going to New York in three days for a meeting. You're free to go until then. I'll call you with details. If you don't want anything, I understand. It's strictly business from now on." He leads me to the door and opens it.

"Thank you, John." I give a small smile. I turn to leave but he stops me.

"That dress looks great on you." He gives me a sad smile.

"Thank you, sir." It's strictly business now.

"I want to know you more. I like to know who my interns are. Strictly business, but be prepared to tell me about you during our flight to New York. I'll see you in three days."

I get home and my thoughts are racing. I caused the President to get sexually aroused. I'm embarrassed but also can't get how great it was out of my mind. It's strictly work related now and maybe this can work out without it being strange between us. Probably not.

That night John didn't call and I was honestly disappointed but it's better that way.

I plan some things to do in my free time before New York. I fall asleep to the radio playing.

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