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[GRAY's Point of View]

Hi! I'm Gray Davis. I just graduated from Senior High and I am happy about that. But my parents could not just deal with each other anymore. To be honest, I also hated my father. He did nothing to help my mom for my graduation. He was not even there. After my graduation, they seperated. My mom, I, and my little sister moved here in her hometown.

Everything is great here. The house, the place, and the neighbourhood. I can see a new start and great life here. I just know it. After we moved our stuffs from the truck, I asked mom if she would let me explore the place where she came from. Because, I've never been here. My father wouldn't let us.

"Hey mom, could I explore the whole neighbourhood?" I said.

"Go ahead honey." Mom said.

"Okay mom. Thanks! I won't be gone too long."

"Gray wait!"

"Yeah mom?"

"Try to go to the park. Just turn left there. That was my most favorite place when I was a kid."

"Okay mom. I'm gonna go take a look."

"Okay Gray. Take care. Be home early. You know the rules."

"Yes mooooom." I said with a smile.

I explored the neighbourhood. Then I finally saw the park. When mom said it was her favorite place before, I got interested on taking a look at it. So I did.

Bus as I entered the park, A paper plane came out from nowhere and landed safely on the ground. I picked it up and took a look at it. It was a blue paper plane. I don't know but that plane looks so magical to me. A reason for me to keep it on my bag.

Then suddenly, I saw a girl running. She's beautiful. She looks like she's trying to catch the papers that was flying in the wind. When the papers landed on the ground, I ran to help her with those.

When we both got up, I looked at her. I don't know but something about her made me smile on the inside.

Her name was Hailey. We talked. And we talked. And we talked. I want that conversation to still go on, but it seems like his little brother wants to play more.

So she went back into the playground and we said goodbye to each other.

I'm looking forward on meeting her again. There's something about this girl that is interesting. I don't know what it is but one thing is for sure, I'm eager to find out.

When I reached home, my little sister, sophie, ran into me and hugged me.

"Hey there sophie." I said.

"So how was your tour here honey?" Mom said.

"Everything's great here mom. I think I like it here." I said.

"That's wonderful. Oh by the way, We'll leave tomorrow to buy groceries." Mom said.

"No mom. I think I can do that. Just give me the list and I'll buy it myself." I said.

"Are you sure Gray?" Mom asked.

"Yes mom. I'm sure. We've been through a 4-hour drive. You should take a rest. Leave all the groceries to me." I said.

"Oh okay. I'm so blessed to have kids like you and Sophie." Mom said as she hugged me and my sister.

"I'm blessed to mom. That I have you and Sophie. I personally think it was a great choice to leave dad." I said.

Mom went silent. And so was Sophie. Until mom spoke up.

"We should not talk about that honey." Mom said.

"Oh sorry mom. Didn't mean to. Uhm oh, what's for dinner?" I said to change the topic.

"Oh Gray, I'm glad you asked. I cooked your favorite, Barbeque." Mom said as she opened the plate on the table.

"It smells really good mom. Can we eat now?" Sophie said.

"Yeah. I'll just make a juice. But you two, sit there on the table and wait." Mom said.

After mom made the juice we started to eat dinner. While I was eating, I still couldn't get Hailey out of my mind. Then I noticed that mom and Sophie was looking at me.

"What mom? Sophie?" I said.

"You look different brother." Sophie said.

"What different?" I said.

"You're smiling Gray. And I can see that your smile is a bit different from before. It looks like it has a meaning." Mom said.

"It's nothing mom." I said with a smile.

"Are you sure honey?" Mom replied.

"Yes mom I'm sure." I said.

"I think my brother is in love." Sophie said that made me surprised.

"What are you talking about?" Mom asked Sophie.

"Mom, I have seen that smile before. I saw that the day that Gray got Hannah's number. Her ex-girl-" Sophie said but I talked to stop her.

"Hold it right there. Hannah and I are done. And we don't need to talk about it anymore." I said.

"Your brothers right Sophie. Let's just enjoy the meal okay?" Mom told Sophie.

"Oh alright. Sorry brother." Sophie said with a sad face.

"Don't frown. It's okay. It's not a big deal. No pressure." I said and then she smiled.

"Who want's dessert?" Mom said that caught my attention. I love desserts.

"What's there mom?" I said.

"I made Creme Brule. Your all time favorite!" Mom said.

"What recipe did you use mom?" Sophie said.

Mom makes Creme Brule. Our favorite was our Grandmother's recipe because it's more delicious. But dad prefers another recipe. The recipe from the his favorite show. That's why everytime mom's make these, she always uses that recipe. Good thing we moved here, so we can do things we want.

"Your favorite recipe. Grandma's." Mom said that made me and Sophie smile.

"Let's eat it mom." I said.

Then, she served the dessert.

I am now contented with the life I have. My mom, my sister, me, a new house, a new life. Everthing is going great. This is it. The one thing I wished for, happiness.

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