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My friends and I tumbled out through the portal, landing in a heap of limbs and wings.



"Rainbow Dash!"


Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Spike ran forward. I smiled as Spike wrapped his claws around my leg.

"I'm so happy to be out of those horrible bodies," Rarity said as she wrapped a hoof around Sweetie Belle and hugged her close.

I laughed. "At least you won't ever have to get to them again."

"It's nice to see all of you have made it home safely."

We all looked up and saw Princess Celestial standing in the doorway.

"Princess!" I ran forward and hugged her.

She chuckled as she wrapped a hoof around me. "Spike informed me about what had happened. I assume you didn't have too much trouble?"

Fluttershy whimpered slightly.

I flattened my ears. "Fluttershy kinda broke her wing but other than that it was good!"

"Yeah! And our magic was still relevant in that world too!" Rainbow flew up and kicked the air with her back hoof.

Celestia's eyes widened. "Is that so? Well I'd love it if you wrote me a letter about your adventures. I'm afraid I have some important business to attend to in Manehattan so I can't hear about it right now."

I nodded my understanding. "I'll be sure to send you a letter!"


I walked back in silence with my brothers as we mourned the loss of our friends. No, they weren't friends. They were more than that.

Each of his had developed a special bond with one of them and now there bond was broken. My heart wouldn't stop aching.

Mikey was looking at the cupcake recipe he'd been given. Leo was wringing one of Fluttershy's marred first hers between his fingers. Raph was humming a folk song Applejack had taught him and I was holding the portable portal we'd spent so much time trying to fix.

We arrived at the dojo and Master Splinter came over to us. "Where are your friends?"

I sniffed slightly, wiping my eyes on the back of my hand. "They... Went home, Sensei."

"I see..." He stroked his beard. "I'm sorry for your loss."

We all shrugged.

"Training is cancelled for tomorrow. I believe you four need some time to recuperate."

"Hai Sensei..." We murmured.

I watched as he walked away. I looked at my brothers and I could tell they were all reflecting my face.

"I'm going to miss them," Mikey whispered.

"We all are Mikey." Leo set a hand on his shoulder. "But all good things must come to an end. Otherwise they wouldn't be good anymore."

Mimey nodded, then frowned. "I don't get it."

We all laughed.

I smiled. Yeah. Things would be good.

A/N- oh... My gosh you guys! I actually wrote a good ending for once! 

Thanks you guys so much for reading! I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did writing it! I will be moving onto my next book called The Mutanoids, which is going to hav the same concept of mutagen but a totally different mindset and backstory so keep an eye out for that!

Remember to stay smart and keep reading and I'll see y'all around!

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