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Warning: self-harm
"Hey, honey. How was your day at school?" Connor's mum asked once he got into the car to go home.

"Surprisingly enjoyable." He answered as he put his bag down at his feet.

"Did you make any friends?"

"I actually did." He nodded.

"Wait, really?" She asked shocked. You would think that's odd, but she knows her son and she knows he isn't particularly great at letting people talk to him.

"Yeah. Three of them."

"Oh my, who are you and what have you done to my Connor?"

The boy rolled his eyes and let out a little laugh.

Once they arrived home, Connor's phone vibrated in his pocket. He already knew who it was.

Bradley: hey Conrad

The two boys had exchanged numbers just after lunch, and honestly Connor couldn't wait for a message. He hated not talking to anyone but his family.

Conrad: is that my name now?

Bradley: yes it is. Conrad.

Conrad: then I shall call you Curly

Curly: oh wow ur so original Conrad.

Connor rolled his eyes before taking out his notebook to work on homework. He was the kind of kid to turn his phone off to work on schoolwork.

"Con, can you watch your brother while I run out to the store?" Kelly asked her son.

"I have no other options, do I?" He looked up at her.

"Be nice. I'll be back." She said before walking out the door.

About thirty minutes into Connor being alone, he remembered he wasn't alone. He hadn't seen Lewie this entire time.

He let out a little huff because he knew he had to check on him. For such a young guy, Lewie is extremely depressed.

He was the target of Simon's abusive attacks. Not physical, but mental abuse.

Connor put his tank on his back and slowly made his way upstairs. When he reached Lewie's room, he was no where to be seen. He started panicking until he heard crying coming from the bathroom.

And then he really started to panic.

He moved quickly to the door and started knocking at a rapid pace on the door.

"Lewie please open up. Please tell me you're okay." Connor called into the bathroom, violently trying to open the door.

No answer, just sobs.

"Lew-" he started but remembered there was a key on top of the door frame. He reached up and grabbed it, unlocking the door and running in.

He saw Lewie leaned against the tub with a blade in hand and a bleeding arm.

Connor quickly pulled the blade from his younger brother's hand and flushed it down the toilet before pulling his brother to his feet. He sat him down on the edge of the tub.

"I'm sorry Connor" his brother cried helplessly as the sick boy wet a cloth with warm water.

Connor walked over to Lewie and grabbed his arm, slowly placing the cloth over his bleeding wounds.

"I'm sorry too. Why didn't you come to me? We talked about this. Lew, you've been clean for so long. Why now?" Connor used his free hand to wipe his brothers eyes.

"Someone told me today that I'm worthless, and all I could hear was dad's voice. I couldn't stop thinking about it Con"

Once Lewie's cuts were clean and bleeding less, Connor sent his brother into his room to put on a sweatshirt while Connor cleaned up the bathroom.

Back when their dad was still around, this was sadly a normal event for the two. Connor always felt the need to protect Lewie from everything. Their mother doesn't even now about Lewie's problems.

Connor walked out of the now clean bathroom and joined Lewie on his bed.

"I don't want dinner." Lewie stated.

"Too bad, you're eating it."

"I just want to sleep. I don't want to do anything ever again."

Connor thought for a second before remembering what always cheered his brother up.

"Not even Battlefront?"

After a pause of silence, Lewie spoke up. "Okay, let's play Battlefront." He said weakly.

Connor smiled and helped his brother up and walked with him downstairs. As Lewie was setting up the game, Connor glanced at his phone.

Curly: Conrad

Curly: condor

Curly: Dora

Curly: Connie boy


Curly: :(

Connor sighed and picked up his phone.

Conrad: sorry, I was doing homework

Well, that wasn't entirely a lie.

I keep updating because I keep getting ideas. Someone help my thumbs hurt

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