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For once in his life, Connor didn't wake up wrapped in the same plastic tube. He was held tightly in his boyfriend's arms. Brad helped him sleep. For once, he was peaceful. For once, he was happy.

The boy instantly reached for his phone and turned off his alarm. Even though Brad said he didn't care, he would still feel horrible for waking him up. The boy skillfully replaced himself with his pillow in Brad's arms before getting up and changing his tank. Sunday mornings were never so relaxing. And then Brad came into his life.

Connor put his tank on his back before walking downstairs. He wasn't greeted by his mother, so he assumed she hadn't gotten up yet. He also hated that his own mother had to wake up for him.

He felt like a burden every single day. Something in his mind told him he was a burden. Something in his mind told him he was pointless. He couldn't help thinking that it was residual from his father's words, but it wasn't. It was his own mind. His demons were his fault. He pushed himself into a hole he didn't know how to get out of. It was too dark to see the walls.

He quietly took his medicine before getting a bowl of his favorite cereal. He pulled himself onto the counter and sat with his legs crossed, enjoying his meal in silence and darkness.

But the darkness went away soon after, and the light of his life lit up the room. Literally and metaphorically.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Brad questioned, his crackly morning voice sending shivers up Connors spine.

"U-um. I just.. I wanted you to sleep longer." Connor replied and finished his cereal.

"But I told you I'm fine with waking up early."

"You are, but I'm not okay with it.  Just because I have to get up early on the weekends doesn't mean everyone else has to."

Brad let out a little sigh and grabbed the bowl from Connors small hands before placing it in the sink next to him. He then stood in front of the boy, putting his hands on Connors hips and pulling him closer. He looked up at the boy who was now slightly taller because of the counter and placed a small kiss on his chin.

"I understand your feelings, but if I didn't wake up, we wouldn't have as much to do this." He mumbled before kissing the sick boy slowly.

Connors worries left his mind as he wrapped his arms around the warmer boy's neck. His eyelids fluttered closed and he forgot about everything around them.

But he forgot too soon.

Connors mum had walked downstairs and started into the kitchen until she saw her son with his lips locked to another boy's. She quickly scrambled backwards and only walked into the room when the two had pulled away. 

"Morning, boys." She said with a happy smile.

You may think of this as a cancer perk, his mum being so okay with this. But Kelly was genuinely happy that her son found someone.

A thick blush coated Connors face, "um, mum..." He started but didn't know how to finish.

Brad just stood still, he knew this feeling of being caught all too well. He was like a deer in headlights.

"I'm happy for you two." She said chirpily.

"Wh- what?" Connor questioned and Brad turned around with a questioning stare.

"You think it really matters to me that you're gay? All I care about is my son being happy. And of course, you too Bradley."

Connor got up instantly and hugged his mum. "Thank you so much." He whispered.

Everything else was so hard in his life, he was happy for his "coming out" to be easy. Brad wished it was this easy for him.

The rest of Connor's Sunday was as uneventful as always, the worst part being when Brad had to leave. The boy never felt colder in his bed until that night.

Short update, my apologies

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