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Connor woke up in the middle of the night and just stared at the dark room. The only light reflecting off the walls was the dim glow of the monitor next to him. He had tried to go to sleep three times now, each time he'd wake up an hour later. He missed Brad. Sleeping was hard without him, even after months of practice. Brad warmed him up in ways blankets never could.

Brad was in a similar situation. The only difference being he hadn't slept at all. He couldn't stop thinking about Connor being all alone in the hospital. Granted, their were employees and other patients, but his room was so lonely and Kelly and Lewie had gone home. He stared at his phone, debating on whether to call Con or not.

I shouldn't wake hi-

He was quickly torn from his thoughts at the sound of his phone ringing. He smiled when he saw the name and held the device to his ear.

"Why are you awake, dork?" Brad questioned playfully.

"I can't sleep." A groggy voice came through.

"Well, you need to try to, Tris."

"I can say the same for you." Tristan returned, his tired tone turning into an attitude.

"Alright, alright. What do you want at," he glanced at his alarm clock, "four in the morning?"

"This has been bothering me all night,"

"Just tell me." Brad started to get a bit impatient.

"Okay... what's the best way to come out?"

"Wait, what?"

"I'm very gay, you see."

"I'm picking up on that."

"So I need to know how to come out."

"You're actually asking the guy who had to leave his house because his parents hated that he was gay?"

"Okay... so how do I come out?"

"You're an impatient one"

"Just tell me, Brad."

"My only suggestion is to get it over with because that's the worst thing to hold in. I can't tell you how because I kind of failed."

"Well how did Connor come out?"

"His mum just saw us kissing. I wouldn't recommend that one either. It was really just a cancer perk."


"So what makes you want to come out so badly anyway?"


"You really thought I wouldn't ask you?"

"Fine. I may or may not be in love with the person in the room above you."


Brad walked into the hospital early the next morning. He decided he was skipping lessons, because he's so responsible. He says its to help Connor get better, but it's really for himself. He had to take a day to know Connor was okay and to relax after constantly stressing about the sick boy.

He had packed his backpack full of things for them to do. A laptop, cards, their homework, snacks, and he even grabbed Connors favorite beanie.

The boy knocked on Connors door before entering and shutting it behind him.

"Hello, love." Brad greeted and instantly sat on the end of Connors bed.

"Hiya." The boy returned, turning off the horrible TV show he was being forced to watch because of the hospital's channels.

"You look tired." Brad said, commenting on the boys dark circles under his eyes.

"When don't I look tired, honestly?"

"That's true. Close your eyes."

"What? Why?" The small boy questioned.

"Just do it." Brad said as he started unzipping his backpack.

The sick boy let out a sigh before letting his eyelids fall shut.

Brad grinned before placing the grey colored beanie over his boyfriends head. "Okay, you can open them now."

"Well I can't see what you've done because it's on my head." Connor laughed and took it off, his face lighting up once he saw what it was.

"I'm the best, I know." Brad teased.

"You really are." Connor let out a little giggle as he pulled the hat back on.

"So, do you want to do homework, or watch movies?"

"Is that really even a question?"

Brad cackled happily before sitting next to his favourite person. He grabbed the laptop from his bag and placed it on their laps. They chose a random movie off of Netflix before cuddling up to each other and enjoying their day together.

I don't really have an authors note other than we are going outside for P.E. today and I'm too young to die

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