The Big Decision

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"I want to tell them today." Harry Potter announced as he walked into his kitchen. Remus Lupin looked up from the pan of bacon he was frying.

"Tell who, what?" He asked the young man careful as he turned the heat on the stove down and slid the bacon onto a plate. Harry put the orange juice carton back in the fridge after he had taken a swallow, sat down at the table and answered him,

"My parents." Remus took a deep breath which Harry didn't miss, "I want to tell my parents that I am in a relationship with the love of my life." Remus smiled slightly at the words Harry used, but he was still very hesitant. He set two plates of bacon sausages and eggs down on the table and sat.

"Harry, if you want to tell them I have no right to tell you no, but are you sure?" he asked carefully.

"Listen, I know you're worried, and with what happened to you you have a right to be, but I really do want this. We've been going out, in a serious relationship, for more than three years. And the fact that they've been pestering me about coming over so they can see their son's new place, I want them to know about you before they come over. I just think my parents should know the name of their son's boyfriend. Don't you?" Harry said this in a reasonable tone not once raising his voice because Remus did have a right to be wary.

"It's just, you know... I" He stuttered and looked down at the table. Even though he couldn't quite get the words out Harry understood and took his partner's free hand. Remus looked up,

"They aren't going to be like you think," he reassured, "I know your parents reacted badly when you came out but they are not going to be like that." And even when they knew that what he had just said was a complete understatement it did help a little. "And plus, times have changed, people have different opinions now." Remus huffed out a chuckle.

"You know you're making me sound old right?" Harry laughed a little too and then started on his breakfast.

After a while of sitting in comfortable silence Remus looked up.

"That's not the only thing I'm worried about." He said quietly and Harry snapped out of the day dream he was having about Remus.

"What's the other thing?" he asked gently but Remus looked down again, "c'mon you can tell me. At the start of this relationship we agreed to tell each other everything." He reminded him carefully, Remus kept his gaze down.

"It's just that they'll probably expect someone a bit younger is all." He said in a quiet voice. Harry frowned a little but he put his hand under the man's chin and moved it so that they were looking at each other. He ran his thumb along Remus' jaw softly,

"We also agreed that after the age thing broke us apart that first time we would never let it again." Harry said firmly, Remus looked into his eyes and he saw that what he was saying was the truth and he saw all the sincerity that went with those words. Remus nodded a bit sheepishly.

"You're right, as usual."

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