The moment

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They sat and talked about how their work was going, him for the hospital and her for the veterinary service she ran with his dad. After a while the front door opened and his father called in that he had gotten the milk. It looked to Harry as if he got more than just milk seeing as he had three shopping bags in his hands.

"James Potter, I said milk not a load of junk food for you and Sirius to eat while watching the football." His mother said sternly, his father looked a bit sheepish as he started to unpack all the food he had gotten. Seeing as what emerged from the bags was mostly crisps, biscuits and fizzy drinks his mother had been right. They watched him for a moment and then Harry decided to speak while he father was distracted.

"So then sorry I haven't been round I've been a bit busy." He said and his father immediately stopped what he was doing and turned round to face him, so much for the being distracted thing. His dad gave him a glower but Harry could tell by his eyes that he wasn't really that mad.

"What is more important than me?" He asked and gave him a mock pout. He quickly finished putting away the remaining bottles of fizzy drinks into the fridge and he tuned round to lean on the counter. "I mean I am your father, I created you," he was going to continue but his wife turned around and gave him a look, "I helped create you," he amended and Lily gave a satisfied nod. "So I am one of the most important things in your life." Harry couldn't help but smile.

"You know you just called yourself a 'thing', right?" he teased and his father huffed.

"Yeah well I am important. I suppose with your old age you're forgetting about us." He sighed and joined them at the table. Harry thought that his dad couldn't be any more ridiculous.

"Well it's just that there is another important person in my life now." He said hoping that at least one of his parents would pick up the subtle hint. Unfortunately, it was his father who spoke before his mother got the chance.

"You've got yourself a girlfriend!" he exclaimed rather loudly startling his wife a little.

"Yes I do have a partner, we've been together for three years now and I've just moved in with them." He said carefully, he wasn't quite sure that this was the moment for the grand outing. His father frowned.

"Wait a minute. You've moved in with some girl who you haven't introduced to your parents yet." He quickly chanced a glance over to his mother. She was sat there with a thoughtful expression on her face. Suddenly she motioned slightly with her head, indicating that he could have a privet word with her now if he wanted to. He had a feeling she had guessed. He shook his head, squared his shoulders and looked at his father.

"Dad, I haven't got a girlfriend, I'm seeing a man. I'm gay." He said and James stared at him. Harry swallowed, getting more and more nervous the more his Dad just sat there and looked at him. Then he suddenly seemed to snap out of it.
"And you've only just decided to tell us this now?" He asked. Harry nodded. "Well I didn't see this coming, did you?" James turned to his wife and asked. Lily shook her head. "Well I can't say I'm not surprised, but is he good to you?" He asked and Harry nodded vigorously.
"I wouldn't have moved in with him if he wasn't, and I think you'd like him." James nodded slowly,
"Like football does he?"

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