Girls Night Out

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A/N: Hey Guys! Another one-shot for you guys, this is actually going to be a chapter for one of my future books so stay tuned! :)


Regina, Emma, Ruby, and Ella were sitting, taking shots after shots. But they deserved it, they all had busy lives and it was good to catch a break every so often.

"God, you know, I've ached for this every since I saw that patron bottle in Regina's office." Ruby said, a small laugh escaping her lips.

Regina chuckled and shook her head. "That patron bottle was a reminder for me to stay away from alcohol, my own personal challenge."

They all chuckled.
"Cheers to that!" Ella said, as they all clinked glasses and giggled.

Emma deeply exhaled and coughed softly. "Damn, I don't remember the last time I've felt this good." She admitted, tossing her hair back behind her.

"Agreed, we should do this more often." Ruby nodded, playing with her red streak in her hair.

Regina grinned, and raised a brow suddenly thinking of a great idea. "You know what would be even more fun?" Regina asked.

They all looked at Regina with their heads tilted. "Hmm?" Ella asked.

"Dancing!" Regina said, taking Ruby's hand and dragging her to the dance floor.

Ella and Emma looked at each other and shrugged.
"Might as well." Emma chuckled, hooking her arm through Ella's and following behind Regina and Ruby.

All of them, began dancing freely, with no care in the world what anyone thought of them. Tonight, was their night, and nobody could ruin that.

"Get it Regina!" Emma laughed as her friend sucked in almost every guy's attention in the bar. Regina was always the fun one, especially when drunk, and she could also be incredibly sexy at times.

A guy with a dark mustache began grinding up behind Regina, but Regina wasn't having it. She pushed him away, making him crash into one of his friends.

Ruby shook her head and chuckled at her friends approach towards men.
Almost if she hated them, but they never knew why. When Ruby first met Regina, Ruby had thought Regina was lesbian for a quick second, but then she learned about Daniel, and Leopold, the two assholes who had cheated on her. It was awhile back though, they didn't understand why she couldn't move on with somebody else.

"I'm gonna go use the restroom real quick guys!" Regina shouted through the loud music.

Emma grabbed Regina's wrist. "Feeling sick already?"

"No, just gotta pee!" Regina whispered loudly in her friends ear, breaking free of her and scurrying towards the bathroom.

Regina was almost there until a guy came out of nowhere, making her stumble into him, spilling beer all over his shirt. She tripped back, but luckily he caught her from her waist. "Shit, I'm sorry!" Regina said, gathering her balance back.

He laughed. "It's quite alright, not the first time it's happened." The man shrugged.

She simply nodded, and gave him a nervous smile, moving past him and into the bathroom.

The man, also known as Robin, watched as she entered the bathroom. The woman was stunning, and she looked very sexy in black, and a hint of red.

"Robin, come shoot some back with us!" Will, his brother, called out to him, waving his hand over to his group of friends also.

Robin took one last look at the bathroom door as it closed. He shook his head and turned around to find a blonde, curly haired woman with a red leather jacket.
"Look who's blushing." The woman snickered, crinkling her nose.

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