Like Father, Like Son

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A/N: Hello Guys! I really hope you enjoy this one-shot, sorry I've been so inactive. :( been busy with school and well, life.😂


With one swift motion Regina pushed the front door open and let out a sigh as she felt the breeze from the house hit her face. It had been quite a hot and hardworking day for her, and she was exhausted.

Closing the door behind her she made her way into the kitchen finding Roland sitting at the table with a paper and pencil in front of him.

His cheeks flushed red with embarrassment and he quickly flipped the paper over, folding his hands on top of the paper neatly. A small and nervous grin spread across his lips as Regina made her way towards him.

"What you got there, homework?"

Roland shook his head and shuffled the paper away from her as she went to reach out to grab it.

She raised a brow at him. "Roland, is there something you want to talk about?" She asked with a small smirk.

"Hello, My Love."

Regina was greeted by two familiar arms snaking their way around her waist and a planted kiss on her cheek.

She softly giggled as he took her hand.

"I have a surprise for you." He said in almost a whisper.

She turned back at him and grinned. "Do you now?"

Roland took the advantage to quickly turn the paper over and begin jotting something down. His handwriting was hard to read, at least to Robin. Regina had just enough experience with Henry's writing when he was Roland's age.

Regina slowly turned back to Roland and found him quickly writing something down.

Robin brought his lips to her right ear before softly whispering in her ear, "What is he up to, today?"

She shrugged and crossed her arms.

Roland popped his head up from the paper and began folding it into the shape of a burrito.

"Daddy, when are we gonna have a play-date with Sarah again?" Roland asked nervously, stuffing the folded paper in his back pocket.

Robin gave his son a dramatic shrug. "Possibly today at the barbecue, why, is that little letter for her?" He asked.

Regina nudged Robin's shoulder and chuckled.
"Don't tease him."

Roland sighed and rushed past the both of them with a mischievous smile, bolting upstairs to his bedroom.

Both Regina and Robin couldn't help but laugh because of their little prince's first crush.

Robin spun Regina around to face him. "I remember those days, don't you Milday?" He raised a brow at her.

Of course she did, how on earth could she forget about them?
She knew exactly how it all started, all because she gave him a small smile in the library when she had caught him staring. Somehow, he had charmed her enough one day and finally worked up enough courage to ask permission to visit her in her office someday. It would be once every week, then twice, then thrice..

"Hmm, you mean the days when you would bring me flowers every day in my office, along with some coffee?"

Robin chuckled and nodded.
"Could you blame me for wanting to get to know such a wonderful woman?"

Blushing, she shrugged and rested her two arms upon his shoulders.

"I don't know how you did it, but you did."

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