Happy Birthday, I'm in love with you.

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A/N: Hello hello! I had so much fun writing this one-shot. There's lots of angst but lots of cute moments in this. Also, I think I forgot to mention a long time ago but most of my fanfics are AU's. This one takes place in the missing year.

I really hope you guys enjoy!
Don't forget to leave your reviews. I love hearing from you guys.
Forgive me if there are some spelling errors, I'm not perfect!

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Today was her birthday. And not only had no one cared, but no one cared enough to know. Which she was somewhat grateful for. Regina hated celebrating her birthday. She hated surprises, she hated the whole concept. For years she just pushed it aside and tried her hardest to forget about it. But even she couldn't do that.

In the morning, she woke up to the sound of birds singing a song next to her window, and the sun in her eyes. She had groaned and turned the other way so she wasn't being blinded by the sun any longer.

She had slept in for another couple of hours, but then she soon realized that she just needed to get the day over with and get up out of bed. So that she did. Dressing herself in a casual dress and applied a lighter makeup look than she usually did. Regina huffed as she remembered the council meeting that she had missed this morning. Now not only would Snow bug her about her birthday, but this as well. She rolled her eyes, and set her lipstick back inside her small bag.

Here went a long day.

It seemed like everyone was gone.

They must have went on another Witch Hunt, she had thought and shrugged it off. It didn't really matter. All that mattered was getting through the day without any setbacks or triggers. She took a seat at the kitchen table and strummed her fingers tips on the cold, hard wood. It was quiet, too quiet, and it was starting to make her feel anxious. Her foot tapped against the floor and she scanned her surroundings nervously, knowing one noise was enough to set her off at this point. She decided that going back to her chambers was a better idea. At least there she knew not one person could bother her.

Something was up, and she knew it.

But as soon as Regina stood up, and went to make her way towards her room, a loud crowd appeared from what seemed like out of nowhere and yelled, "Surprise!"

Regina jumped, her body turning to face everybody that participated in this cruel act. Laughter fled the room and she cringed internally, and when she faced Robin, her heart sunk deeper into her chest. She gasped for air, and tears sprung to her eyes. She needed to get out of there, and quickly before she showed her vulnerability to the whole kingdom. Not thinking twice, she shoved past Robin and straight toward her chambers, not looking back once. Her main focus was getting back to her room and staying in there the rest of this stupid day.

As soon as she stepped into her chambers, tears fled from her eyes. She hated birthdays of all days of the year. Having people gather together to plan something for their loved one, it was all complete bogus. It was a day to celebrate the existence of someone, and nobody ever wanted her alive. She was the Great and Terrible Evil Queen for gods sakes. No one ever treated her like she truly belonged at the castle, and they never would.

The one, and only person who desperately cared about, and loved to company her was the damn Thief. Robin, precisely. He couldn't leave her alone. Every minute that she spent in this wretched castle, he made sure to annoy her every second of it. But she couldn't be too miserable because he was also the one person who understood her like nobody else did. If something were to happen to her while doing a simple magic trick, he was right by her side. If she were to be having bad day, he would make it his duty to better it. And maybe, just maybe she adored that about him. But today was one of the days that she couldn't tolerate one word from anybody. Not even him. Especially not him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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