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    I walked in the door with Carter following behind. No one was home, so that made me happy, which means I have an hour before anyone gets home. When I got to my room I mediately broke down. Carter asked me what happened as he picked me up and put me on my bed. I told him as he when to the other side of my bed,layer down and  pulled me into his arms.

"Why does he have to be my mate. Out of all people in the fucking world, it had to be him." I complained to Carter

"I don't know Perc. I really don't know."

    After we were done talking Carter when home. I felt like I needed to puke which made me run to my bathroom and puke my brains out. After puking I felt weak and I looked pale which scared me but I was really got scared when I heated my bathroom door open. I turned around to see my brother and then nothing.

Caleb's p.o.v.
I was walking up to the hospital to see my dad. He's very sick so I come see him everyday after school. As I was walking down the hallway when I saw Trey. He looked worried and angry so I started walking towards him. Once I did that he scened me and turned around. He knew I was his sister's mate, which made this easier.

"Trey what's wrong"

"It's Percy, she passed out a few hours ago and she's still out of it"

   After he said that I ran in to the room. She was hooked up to a heart Monitor and had an IV in her arm. As I when to touch her she flinched. I just stood there watching her. I left once to go see my dad.
  I told him about her and what happened then left. When I got back I sat there next to her holding her hand. I'm not gonna leave until she wakes.
That's a pic of Percy's wolf Akilles

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