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I was running through the wood when I tripped over something. I looked at my feet to find blood and a trail of it. When I looked at what I tripped over I screamed. It wasn't a something, it was a someone but not just anyone. It was Caleb my mate.
I started screaming and crying then nothing. It was pitch black until I shot up in my bed gasping for air. I started to look around until I felt someone grab my hand then tingles. It was just Caleb. I looked over to him and saw the worry in his eyes.
Then before I could ever think Caleb had grabbed me up and put me in his lap. I was in between his legs and he was behind me.

"Shh...shh Percy it's ok. Your ok, I got you I got you."

I didn't know I was crying until he wiped my tears away. It felt nice being in his arms. All the tingling and warmth. I just lay there with my eyes closed and head of the n his chest.

"Where am I ?"

"The hospital. You passed out yesterday."

"Cool, so when can I go home?"


  I really wanted to get up for some reason so did my wolf, plus I had to go like bad. Once I told Caleb I got up and when to the bathroom. I started walking out and saw Caleb a sleep. He's hot when he sleeps. I started having this feeling that something was gonna happen.
Then it hit me, I was gonna puke. Over the toilet puking is not fun. As soon as I started puking Caleb was behind me ,holding my hair,rubbing my back to try to make me feel better. Which did make me feel a little better. He also helped me clean up and get back in bed.
  When the doctor come in I was playing with Caleb's fingers while he sat in the chair next to me.

"So what's wrong with her?"

"She just was dehydrated and hungry. She will be fine and she can go home tomorrow."she smiled and left

"I'm gonna go so you can rest,okay?"

"No stay please. I hate feeling alone."

"Don't worry I'll be here just go to sleep."

All like that I let the darkness take over.

Hey people that's a pic of Caleb's wolf

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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