Chapter 1: Nice To Meet You

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A/N: Hello everyone this is my very first story and I really wish you will give it a change. I really love Allydia and I can't wait to hear what you think of my story. I will have the second chapter uploaded soon since it's almost ready. With love, Arisa.

Third person POV:

Lydia Martin struggled to find the off button of her alarm clock and in the process she got tangled in her blanket and fell down to the floor.

"Great." she mumbled while rubbing her now arching back and finally hitting the off button.

She streched sleepily and checked the time. 7:30. That meant she would have 30 minutes to get ready for school. Another day in hell. Wonderful! Oh how she wished she could just skip the whole thing for forever. In Beacon Hills high school she really wasn't too popular. The opposite to be exact. She was very shy and kinda nerdy so no wonder everyone just basically ignored her or bullied her. She had this group formed by four of the most popular people at the school, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Kira Yukimura and Malia Tate, that bullied her every single day and since she didn't have any friends she was all alone with the bullying. Today was the first day of her senior year and she was terrified. She could only imagine all the things that would happen this year and she felt so nervous that she just wanted to puke.

But instead of doing that she rised up from the floor and changed to her favourite outfit. A wine red dress with thin chestnut brown leather waist belt, a light grey gardigan with brown buttons and big pockets, black leggings and brown leather boots. She brushed her curly strawberryblonde hair and just left it open. Then she took her reading glasses and books from her school desk and put them to her brown leather backpack. She put her backpack on her back and looked into her mirror. She felt disgusted and disapointed at herself and walked fastly out of her room to downstairs.

She grabbed an apple from the kitchen table and read the note her parents had left for her years ago. Her parents had passed away when she was only 7 years old and now she left all by herself since her grandmother had passed away two years ago and since she was already 17 none of her relatives hadn't wanted to take care of her anymore. Though it had been years since her parents death she still read their note every morning to give her some strength.

"Hi sweetheart! It's mom and dad here. We left to get some groceries this morning so please eat a properly breakfast and don't be late from the school bus. We love you, have a nice day!"

Lydia could feel tears burning in her eyes but she guickly wiped them away and finished her apple. Then she left her apartment and started to walk to school. Her heart beated fast and it was getting hard to breath. She closed her eyes and started to think:

"What is wrong with me? Why can't I be strong and confident and don't give a shit about others? Aargh this is so stubid! The more I get afraid the happier those four will be. Just pull yourself together Martin!"

Her thoughts were soon interrupted while she felt herself bump into something or more like into someone and she fell onto her butt. She slowly opened her eyes afraid to see who it was but once her eyes were fully opened they widened in shock. Infront of her stood the most beautiful and handsome looking girl she had ever laid her eyes on. She had brunette hair that was in soft curls and she had gorgeus dark brown eyes that looked at Lydia full of curiosity. The girl smiled softly at her and Lydia instantly noticed her gorgeus dimples. The girl offered her hand for Lydia and helped her back up. Now that Lydia was standing she also noticed that the girl was alot more taller than her. "Well I'm very short anyways but nevermind that now." Lydia thought.

"I-I'm sorry." Lydia stuttered and tried to ran away but felt the girl grab her hand.
"Hey it's okay, really. Please don't run away I want to hear your name first beautiful." the girl told while smiling gently at Lydia.
Lydia felt her cheeks flsuh bright pink and managed to whisper: "Ly-Lydia. My name is Lydia Martin."
"You have a very pretty name Lydia. My name is Allison Argent and I'm new here. I'm starting my senior year here. Would you like to show me around?" Allison told and asked with a wink.
"I-I... Yes." Lydia managed to answer.

She felt like mentally kicking herself for making herself seem just an a fool around Allison. And why was Allison calling her beautiful? No one thought that way about Lydia. Not at school, not at home, well since she lived alone and her relatives really didn't give a shit about her and not anywhere else either. She felt so confused and at the same time she felt hope. Could she finally make a real friend? She got back to reality from her thought when she felt a poke on her cheek.

"Hey dreamer the bell rang shall we go inside?" Allison chuckled.
"Oh yes le-let me show you your homeroom. What's your cl-class?" Lydia asked shyly.
"My class is 11A." Allison simply answered.
"We have the same class..." Lydia breathed out and tried to hide her smile.
"That's amazing! I really want to get to know you better. You seem interesting and gosh you're so beautiful." Allison told excitedly.
"I-I'm happy too." Lydia told and smiled shyly at Allison.
"So lead the way." Allison chuckled and took Lydia's hand.

Lydia felt herself blush while being tucked by the gorgeus brunette. Was she dreaming? Was Allison really a real person who really had just said all those things about her? Didn't Allison realise how disgusting and worthless Lydia really was? Apparently not. Finally they reached the second floor and the right corridor. Lydia told Allison that they had arrived and Allison let go of her hand. She felt like she immideatly was missing something but shook that thought away. She stepped into the class and could already hear some mean whispers about herself and she lowered her head and took her seat from the back. She was surprised to notice that Allison sat next to her and gave her a charming smile. She must not have noticed the whispers and Lydia was very glad about that.

"Good morning everyone! It's nice to see you after vacation. I hope every single one of you is ready for your senior year and I expect you to behave like one's too please." their teacher, Mr. Harris told them sternly.

The class was over suprisingly fast since every now and then Allison would whisper some funny comments to Lydia's ear and make her giggle quietly. The bell rang and everyone ran away to the corridors. Allison and Lydia walked out together and Allison told Lydia she needed to use the WC so Lydia took her to the rest rooms and left waiting for Allison outside. She sighed and leaned onto the cold wall. Just when she was about to break into happy smile because of thinking about Allison she felt someone raising her from her collar. She squeaked in fear when she realized who it was. It was Scott McCall and behind him Lydia could see Stiles, Kira and Malia too.

"So how was your holiday you faggot? Had fun while fucking some other bitches? Oh sorry I didn't realize. Ofcourse you had no one to fuck. Well anyways don't think just because it's senior year now we're over. We're not over until we've had enough fun with you." Scott smirked and pushed Lydia to the wall.

Stiles came behind Scott and started to kick Lydia and Lydia fell to the ground. Then Kira slapped her face leaving there an angry looking red mark. Malia looked down at Lydia and spatted onto her. Just when Scott was about to punch Lydia's stomach someone grabbed his hand.

"Leave her the fuck alone." Allison basically growled.

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