Chapter 2: Let Me In

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A/N: So here comes part two. I hope you will enjoy this and I'll try to update as soon as possible. With love, Arisa.

Allison's POV:

When I exited the rest rooms I was about to ask Lydia if everything was okay since I had heard her squeaking but was shocked to find out her surrounded by a group of four and Lydia laying on the ground. Anger boiled inside of me and when I saw a dark haired boy about to hit Lydia. I grapped his hand and growled:

"Leave her the fuck alone!"
"Well hello there gorgeus you must be new around here?" the boy said to me with a dumb smirk on his face not even flinching after what I'd just said to him.
"That doesn't belong to you one bit. Now please leave my friend alone." I said dryly.
"Playing hard to get I see? Well my name is Scott McCall and I'm the hottest guy of this school. These are my friends Stiles Stilinski, Malia Tate and Kira Yukimura. You should leave that faggot for good before she tries to fuck you and join us." Scott introduced cockily.
I felt so angry at this point that I just slapped his face and told him: "I would never hang out with someone who hurts just an a beautiful and innocent girl as Lydia!"

Scott was so shocked that he stumbled backwards and I used that change to lift Lydia from the floor in bridal style and press her protectively into my chest.

"And just so you know McCall, my name is Allison Argent and I won't ever let you hurt Lydia again!" I yelled at him before running back to the rest rooms.

I placed Lydia softly onto the toilet seat and pushed her hair away from her face. What I saw next made me feel worse than I had ever felt. Lydia's face was covered in tears and on her left cheek had a burning red mark of a hand. I softly caressed my hand on her unharmed cheek and whispered: "Why?"

Lydia only shook her head and started to sob so I gently took her into my arms and started to rub her back softly in calming circles.

"Sssh it's okay Lydia it's all okay now. I got you baby girl. They won't hurt you ever again. Not anymore. I'm gonna protect you don't you worry about it." I whispered into her ear and felt her raise her head from my chest.

She looked me with her teary eyes and tried to say something but then looked away. I turned her head from her chin to look back at me and softly smiled at her and asked: "What is it sweetie?"

"I-I... I-it's just that... Wh-why are you so ki-kind to me? Do-don't you see how hi-hideous I am?" Lydia sobbed out.
"Oh sweetie you're not hideous. You're freaking gorgeus! And I want to help you you were so sweet and kind to me from the start and besides we're friends aren't we? I mean if we weren't you probaply wouldn't be in my lap right now *chuckle*. And there's something special in you Lydia Martin. Just please let me in and tell me what has happened to you." I told her gently but firmly.

Lydia's POV:

I took a long and shaky breath. Should I tell Allison everything? About how I got bullied, about my parents, about why they called me faggot? What if Allison would start to hate me then? I would loose the very first friend of my life. I struggled with my thoughts but finally decided that Allison deserved to know the truth. I took another breath and held back a sob.

"So... Whe-when I was little I was always the shy girl who wasn't interesting enough to others. I-I was always ignored and no one wasn't interested in me, tho-though it hurted I didn't let it get to me. I was go-good at school and teachers used to like me back then. I had the most lo-loveliest parents bu-but when I turned seven years old the-they passed away a-and I..." at that point I just broke down and Allison held me close and whispered to me over and over again that it was okay and that she was there.

After I had calmed down enough I continued: "A-after they passed away my grandmother came to look a-after me but she passed away two years a-ago and now I live a-all by myself. Wh-when I started high school everyone ju-just ignored me bu-but after granny's death Scott, Stiles, Kira and Ma-Malia started to bully me. At first it was name calling and stu-stuff like that but the-then they started to beat me up. And no-now were here." I finished and looked down tears still running down.

Allison just sat there in silence obviously in shock. Then I felt her rise my chin up and she made me look at her.

"I... I'm so so sorry about everything Lydia. So sorry. But from now on you won't be beaten up again or all alone. Because now I'm here. And as I said I'm gonna protect you." Allison told me and kissed my forehead.
"Is there anything else Lydia?" she asked.

I started to think again that should I tell her that I liked girls. Would she freak out? Somehow I managed to find the courage and I opened my mouth and told: "A-actually... I'm not sure if you heard what they were ta-talking about or not but they called me faggot. A-and there's a reason for that. I-I like girls... When Scott fo-found my diary once he read it out to everyone at school a-and now everyone thinks I'm a freak fa-faggot..."

I heard Allison gasp and I was ready to stand up from her lap and ran away but instead she pulled me into hug and said to me sadly: "I don't give a fuck about do you like boys, girls or both. And neither should anyone else. And just so you know I'm into girls too. And never, you hear me, never let them call you that again. You're not a freak or a faggot. You are amazing and beautiful Lydia. And believe me I'll make sure these guys will pay for what they've done to you."

"A-Allison I... Y-you don't have to... I-I don't deserve someone li-like you..." I whispered.
"Hey Lydia look at me sweetie." Allison gently pleaded.

I turned my hazel eyes against her dark chocolate brown one's and felt tear roll down my cheek. She wiped it away and continued: "Yes I don't have to but I want to. More than anything. And if something someone like me doesn't deserve someone like you. Now please no more crying. Everything will be okay."

I wiped my last tears away and gave her a small shy smile. She instantly smiled back but then her smile frowned and my eyes widened in fear. Did I do something wrong?

"Your bruises. They need to be healed. Where do you live?" she asked seriously.
"Just a five minute walk from here." I told her.
"Okay. Well we're totally gonna skip today since it's already friday anyways and I seriously need to take a look on your bruises. And just please let me help." she pleaded.
"O-okay. But I don't wanna be a burden you really don't have to skip your first day because of me." I whispered.
"Oh c'mon I really don't like school and classes too much. But I know I like you and I want to help you. So let's get going." she told me with a chuckle.
"Thank you." I whispered and hugged her.

She instantly hugged me back and kissed my cheek. Then I rose from her lap and helped her up. She kept her hand around my waist and helped me limp out of the rest rooms to the corridors and then out of the building. I felt so tired and kind of dizzy and I didn't notice how my shoe lace was open and I tripped onto it and started to fall but Allison quickly catched me before that could happen. She decided that it would be better for her to carry me so she took me onto piggypack ride. I told her where to go and couldn't help but love her scent. She smelled like chocolate and midnight air and her scent had already started to give me comfort.

Finally we reached my apartment and I hopped back to the ground and grapped my keys. We stepped inside and we left our shoes there. Then I lead Allison to my bathroom and she started to take care of my bruises. She asked me to take of my dress and leggings so that she could check if I had any bruises there and I immideatly froze. I knew there would be alot of old marks and scars but did as she told me to. She gasped at the sight and I could feel tears in my eyes. Now she at least would find me hideous. But to my surprise she started to kiss my marks. Softly her lips traveled through my skin and touched every single one of them. I started to sob harder. No one had ever shower me affection like this before. I was confused and glad. After she had kissed my scars and pruises she put some plaseters and bandages to the new one's and helped me put my clothes back.

After that I showed her around my small apartment and she asked if she could stay for awhile which I gladly aproved. We sat on my couch and Allison took me into her arms and I rested my head on the crook of her neck. I felt so safe and so loved. And I thought that I might have fallen in love with my saviour.

"Lydia?" Allison called my name and I snapped back to reality and looked into her gorgeus eyes.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Would it be okay if I stayed over this weekend? I really wanna speed time with you." she asked with a warm smile.
"O-ofcourse. I-I would love that." I whispered the last part.
"Awesome thank you sweetie." she said and kissed my forehead.

Yep I was definetly head over heels. This would be an interesting weekend indeed.

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