Zombeh!Matt X Reader

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Here is the long awaited Zombeh!Matt X Reader!! and yes I'M SORRY I PUT EVERYTHING IN BOLD


After a camping trip to the hills you return exausted and you cant wait to crash into your soft bed and head to snooze town.

After catching a long awaited rest you wake up to some screaming outside and slowly run to the kitchen to grab your nearest weapon, a rolling pin. You look out the window to see a man getting eaten alive by a zombie! You scream and burst your door open gazeng at the grizzly sight that is happening before you.

You swiftly jump out and smash the zombie across the face, only this causes more zombies to get mad at you!

Fighting back was a hard job, there were to many of them. Just af you were going to give up a boy in a Blue hood and hollowed out eyes picks you up and takes you into a house "You okay there?" He says while looking down at your clothes that are ruined with blood "U-uh.. I guess, thanks for saving me...." You say awaiting for the man to give you his name "Oh, I'm Tom!, you are?"

"I'm Y/N" You say smiling at the boy, after an awkward silence a boy in a green hoodie shows up "Uh.. tom we've ran out oh col-AH HELLO THERE!" He says shocked to be in the presense of another survivor from the outbreak of zombies. He steps closer "Well, My name is Edd, It's nice to meet you Y/N" He says and clears his throat "Would you like to help us on a quest to get the cola?" He says with a smirk across his face "Sure!" you cheer and with that you three exit the house into the street of zombies

"GAH! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!" You shout while smashing your rolling pin  into a zombies skull Tom and Edd sigh And continue killing other zombies "Get used to it, girl" Tom shouts back over the groaning of zombies. The killing continues until you get to a clearing of a store and you rush in looking for cola "FOUND IT!!" Edd howls while running to It, Leaving you and Tom slowly walking behind him, before anyone could speak Tom's phone starts to ring "I-I-Its.. MATT!" Tom sounds shocked and edd replies "Bu-but HE'S D-DEAD?!" Tom Answers the phone while shaking "Y-yes?" Tom stutters

"Ah! Hello Tom! Hello Edd! It's me.. The one you left behind... Well as you know I said you would regret leaving me behined yes? Well, I see you have a new member with you no? And this girl sure does look... Beautiful" You blush and giggle, causing Edd and Tom to look over at you. Tom sighs "Yes.. what are you saying?" Tom says bitterly Before this supposed 'Matt' Guy could answer a window is smashes and a gang of zombies enter the shop

"ATTACK" You scream running to the front zombie knocking him straight out, while fighting the hoard of zombies you decide to start convosation "So... This Matt person! Whats his problem?" You ask "Well, He was one of our best friends, then the whole zombie outbreak and his arm got bitten off, we didn't know what to do so we just ran away.. and left him" Edd says with a tear in his eye "Awh Edd, Its okay" You stop what your doing and try to walk over to him but


Someone knocked you out but you can  hear edd and tom "Y/N!! NOO!" Then Suddenly a wave of darkness goes through you...



You wake up in some sort of dark room lying on a bed "Thank god your awake" A Male voice says you look up to see A guy In a Red hoodie but his skin is a pale green "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" You leap back and glare at the guy "Calm down Y/N.. I won't hurt you" He says

"So tell me exacly why I'm here? And who are you!?" You sit up waiting for the pale green guy to answer your questions "Well, to answer that my name is Tord, A friend of Matt and Edd, well until this happend" He motions to his zombie self "And... I think I'll leave that for Matt to explain, But I'm warning you now.. Matt can be a bit.. vicious at times, He just can't control himself... Please be careful, I don't want to see you get hurt"

Tord gets up and walks out of the room "Matt will be here soon" And with that A Ginger zombie with a Purple hoodie and a green overcoat walks in "I suppose your Matt" You say In an angry tone to look up at this guy "Why yes, I am Matt, And you must be Y/N!" He says with a big smirk across his face he tries to walkcloser to you put you push him away "Tell me why I'm here!" You scream while kicking him in the nuts "Y/N! I'm not gonna hurt you... Well If you listen to me I won't" He winks at me "And your here because.. Revenge is sweet, sweet heart, It is very sweet" He look me up and down at my blood stained clothes "Hmm" You Hit him across the chest causing him to wince "Your so fiesty... I like it" He says "excuse me?" I say wondering about the words that left his mouth he said nothing until... "I'll be back n a second DO NOT LEAVE!" He says and with that leaves the room

You head towards the door and you wait a moment till you think It's okay to try and escape You slowly turn the door handle and you rush out the door but you are quickly stopped by a hand and a boney hand holding your sholder "Nah- ah- ah Y/N, I only went to get you some spare clothes" He says forcefully pushing you back into the room and handing you the clothes "Change... Now!.." Matt says and your face goes red a bit "Not Infront of you!" You look down to his black shoes "I can't take my chances of you escaping again.." He explains and you turn around "Fine..." you slowly peel off your tank top that is soaked in blood which leaves you in your sports bra, It's kinda lucky you left in that because If you only had a bra on It would have been uch worse..

You Try to get A fresh Black shirt on but It's too small "Uh.. Matt?" You say turning around and he also faces you and you throw the shirt at him "Its Uh.. Too small.." You say, stuttering as you feel your face go a deep shade of red

Matt slowly walks closer to you "Matt.. what are you doing.."

He stays silent

"Matt!! What are you!-" You were shut up by his cold lips being pressed against yours, you should have pulled away but you just can't help it, He seems so, alive.. you know?.. To be dead and all but You can't help it.. After a while you pull away flustered. "What was that for!?" You gasp


DONE! I might make a part 2 but only If I feel like it.. Okay Hope you enjoyed and 1200 words? WOWEEEEEE I'M shocked anyway k BYWEEE -DRT

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