A Secret Behind the Doors

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Hey. I'm Charlotte Willis. People call me Char. And this is me behind closed doors.

"Mrs. Baker, I can use the piano after school today, right?" I asked, her once everyone was out of sight. She looked up at me, "Yes, of course! Until you have to leave for the late bus!" I smiled and picked up my things from one of the chorus chairs.

She smiled back at me and then walked back into her office. As I walked out, I saw a boy, getting up from the water fountain. Had he heard me? Will he find out? No, no, no, he couldn't have. He's just drinking water!

"Did you hear anything I just said to Mrs. Baker?" He shook his head, "No, of course not! I'm just drinking water. This is my next class with Mrs. Wall..for study hall. I nodded, "Alright. Well I have to get to math class. Bye."

I have only talked to this boy a few times, but his name was Aiden Summers, everyone knew that.

I mean everyone.

Aiden Summers was the fastest guy in the grade. It's a record for the school. He's in my gym class. His locker is also next to mine. I know that most people's lockers are around people who's last names are similar with their first letter, but my school is pretty odd once you're here for a few weeks. He tried to talk to me every once in a while, but we never really talked that much. Did I also mention he's Mr. Popular? Yeah, even though he's a Softmore, he's still popular. Plus his sister is the most popular person in school.

I have to admit he was attractive.

Very attractive.

I got to class as quickly as possible, being one of the first people to arrive.

"Hi, Charlotte." Mr. Ambro said to me.

I sighed, some of my teachers were still calling me Charlotte. Charlotte sounded too...long. And proper. So I tell people to call me Char.

This is my first year at Fairtop High School..but I'm going into my Softmore year.

"Char. It's Char, Mr. Ambro." He nodded then wrote today's lesson on the chalkboard.

I walked out of third period and went to my locker to get my English notebook and another book for me to read.

I quickly went to English class and read my Harry Potter book until the bell rang.


Lunch was boring. I quickly ate my sandwich then continued to read my book. I was used to sitting alone during lunch. I didn't get noticed by many people at school, which I quite enjoyed.


"Char?" Ms. Sinagan asked me. I left lunch early sometimes so I could read longer.

"That's me." I said, walking into the classroom.

"Char, I don't know why you don't just let the entire school see your talent at the winter showcase!"

The winter showcase was when any student who goes to the school can showcase their talents to the entire grade. So it was a talent show. It's usually musicians, though. Only a few dancers perform. It had to be four minutes or less. There was one for winter and spring. I never really wanted to show anyone the fact I could play piano. Or violin. Or viola. Or guitar. Or the fact that I could sing... A bit.

"Ms. Sinagan..I'd rather not."
Ms. Sinigan was my youngest teacher. She was probably in her early thirties or late twenties.

"Why not? You're an amazing singer and all of your teachers here know it. Especially Mrs. Baker."

"Ms. Sinagan, I don't like that kind of attention. I don't like the spotlight. People here know me as the nerd who stays quiet. But if they find out, then they'll think of me differently. They'll know me as the girl who can-"

I was cut off by the chatter of my classmates coming in. I grabbed my book and began to read as Ms. Sinagan frowned and walked back to her desk.


Seventh period was so boring. Science. I'm a straight A student, but that never meant I particularly liked that class. Mr. Jennings always tried to make jokes during class even though they were never funny.

"Charlotte Willis, can you tell me-"

"Char. Char Willis." I interupted.

"That's right. Char Willis true or false; does heat rise or fall?"

Wow, this question was easy. I'm in softmore year, shouldn't I get a harder question? Anyone who couldn't answer this question is just plain stupid.

"Easy. Rise."

"Good job."

A boy in the back of the class coughed, "Nerd" The rest of the class laughed while I blushed then went back to reading my book under the desk.

"Jerry. Apologize." Mr. Jennings said, but all Jerry did was laugh.

"Hell no. She's a nerd. Can't deny the truth." Jerry and his science partner were the only ones laughing now.

Mr. Jennings walked to the back of the class to his desk and grabbed a pen and a blue slip. He wrote something quickly then handed it to Jerry and his friend.

"Detention?! I get detention for telling the truth?!" Mr. Jennings ignored him, then continued his class.


Well the first chapter was boring, I know.

Usually the first chapter of my works is boring, introducing people and explaining certain things, but I promise it will get more interesting.

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