The Close

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Being dead wasn't so bad. You can change clothes whenever you wanted to, no school, you don't have to sleep, plus Aiden and I could kiss without anyone scolding us.

Yeah, yeah, lust is a deadly sin, but Aiden and I are already dead, so it's no issue. Emily always asked how heaven was, and if God truly was there for me and if he was nice. I answered yes to all of these questions.

"Well I'm gonna go see daddy now, k?" She nodded with delight painted across her face, "Say hi to him for me!" I laughed then left the physical world.


"Dad?" I asked, walking into the meadow again. His head shot up from the beautiful flowers as he walked towards me.

"Hi, Char." He said. I smiled, he used my nickname!


"I need to know how you died." Dad said, staring at me as we sat down.

I sighed, "I killed myself."

He seemed very surprised. Well, any parent would if their child passed away. Tears were threatening to fall in his eyes and then he hugged me very tightly.

"Why? Why, Char, why?!" He asked, sobbing on my shoulder.

I was almost speechless. All I did was pat him on the back and say I was sorry, that'd it'd be okay cause I was with him now.


Before Emily went to bed, I went to go see her. Emily tried to tell mom that she could see me, but mom still though Emily was going mental.

Th following night, Emily told me mom had hired a shrink for her. Mom thought Emily was thinking of imaginary friends since I had passed away. I sighed, "Were you?"

"Was I what?"

"Depressed. Mom was talking with Margaret on the phone about you." She shrugged her shoulders, "No. You're here with me now and I can talk to you." I smiled, "Well that's good. You should go to bed. Mom will think you're getting worse if you keep talking to me."

"But I want to talk to you! I missed you!"

I sighed, for once she had to let me go. Emily has to be a big girl now. She was only without me for a few hours. Now she has to know what it feels like to have me without her.

"I know, Emily. But as I stay this way, you'll be sick, healthy, old, young, an growing quickly. I'll always be a ghost while you'll be a human. You need to let me go now, Emily."

Tears rushed down her face. She ran towards me and put her arms around me without touching my ghost self. "I don't want to let you go! Char-Char! Please?"

I felt warm tears go down my face, "I'm sorry, Emily. You're a big girl now. You can live your life without me." She shook her head and buried her head into my chest as we sat down, but her head just went right through me.

"Emily, I love you. And don't you dare ever forget that, okay? Your a big girl now. Keep school as your first priority. Make good grades and everything, listen to mom. No matter how annoying she can be sometimes, you have to listen to her. And respect her. You're the only daughter she has left and she doesn't want to lose you, too. Just be a good little sister. For me, Emily."

She nodded as she wiped her tears, "Charlotte, I love you."


"Aiden.." I said, approaching him again on the white bench. He never seemed to leave that bench. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked as a look of concern was painted on his face.

I ran into his arms, crying. I had left my little sister alone in such a cruel and big world. Why the hell did I do that? I told Aiden everything, and he tried his best to comfort me.

"Why did you leave her? You can visit her as long as you want and as many times you want."

He was right, but I didn't want her telling people she could see ghosts or people making fun of her and her going to a shrink even though she didn't need one. She might as well let me go.


I told my dad, too. Well, about everything, really since he wasn't there. I caught him up from the point he left, until this point while we were sitting in the meadow, talking.

"You should go see her. She'd want to meet you. You should catch up with her."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, "Go see your daughter."

He nodded then walked away. Aiden came to meet me at the meadow. We just laid down there together and stare into each other's eyes.

I wanted this moment to last forever, but I know it wouldn't. Aiden was my everything, my world. And now everything can be utterly perfect and amazing.

"Char, I love you."

"Love you too, Aiden."

Heaven was perfect. It was just like it was described in the bible. A beautiful garden, along with a meadow, and lots of trees. It was so beautiful. I'll be up here in heaven forever with my father and my love, Aiden. The three of us would be perfect up here, wearing all white like angels.

Eventually I'll see Emily again. And maybe mom, too to prove to her that Emily wasn't crazy when she talked about seeing me after I passed away.

Like I said, heaven was so perfect.

Little did I know that everything would change.



Hopefully you all enjoyed it. And I have another story called "Hello Again" so please check that out if you have the chance.

So..I probably will be writing the broken family one first. It's going to be fun. K. Bye.


It'll be out soon.

Bye byeeee.

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