Chapter 3

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I awoke to distant voices, clearly coming from outside my door.

"Is he sick?" I identified this voice as Tré.

"I dont know. But somethings not right." sighed the second of the voices. Mike.

I frowned to myself, I was worring them.

Sighing, I draged myself into a sitting position.

"Let me talk to him." Tré said. His tone confident.

My heart raced. No no no. He couldn't come in, they already think somethings wrong.

There was a silence on the other side of the door before Mike gave in.

"Alright, I'm gonna go play some bass"

Both pairs of footsteps faded away giving me time to adjust my shirt and rub my eyes.

A few moments later Tré burst through the door, several bottles of beer in his hands. He tossed me one which I swiftly opened and gulped down.

He raised an eyebrow but didnt comment.

I put down down the empty bottle and looked at him.

"Can I help you Cool?" I said with a bored tone.

"I dont know Armstrong. Can you?" He threw himself down on the bed next to me. I stiffened as I felt his body heat. He was close. To close.

I reached for another bottle and did the same as I did with the first. Burping loudly afterwards.

"What do you want Tré?" I hissed, using a harsh tone.

I regretted it as soon as I said it as he immediately shrunk into the bed, looking down with a hurt expression.

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay" Tré mumbled.

"Yeah well im fine." I knew I shouldn't be so hard on him, I just wanted him out. I can't think straight when he's around.

I reached for a third bottle but Tré hit my hand back.

"Go easy Billie" He warned.

I replied with a simple "Fuck off" and began drinking the beer.

I could feel his eyes on me but I didnt care, within a few minutes that beer was gone too.

"I just want to help you" He said in a small voice.

Deep down those words meant something but I dont give a shit about Tré tonight.

I snorted. "You're the one making it worse. You are always on my mind. I cant eat, sometimes sleep because im thinking about you. You wanna know whats wrong? I'm in love with you!"

It felt good to say that. It was a weight lifted off my shoulders. I glared at the wide eyed Tré.

"Now go away" I slurred, collapsing against the soft pillows.

I closed my eyes and listened. Soon enough I felt the bed move and the door shut. Sure I felt bad about what I said to him but I couldn't care less tonight.

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