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"You know, I'm enjoying this lovely 'walk' with you, but it's getting quite cold."

"Sorry, it is November after all."

"Ah, November. The time when stores ignore Thanksgiving but the rest of America sure doesn't."

"All the stores are already advertising Christmas."

"Are you excited?"

"Never was a big fan."

"You don't like Christmas?"

"I'm just saying I could live without it. Some holidays are just a little unnecessary, you know?"

"You literally cried last night because you found out you missed National Cook For Your Pets Day."

"That is a completely different story and I am appalled you would compare the two. You know how long I spent finding cat sized table settings."

"I apologize sincerely. Can we get inside?"

"We will go into the nearest restaurant and demand the warmest table they have to offer!"

"Don't think that's a thing."

"I worked in a restaurant. It totally is."



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