Letters to Lucy

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Natsu sat next to Happy, tapping the pencil that took him what felt like hours to find in his messy home. He glanced over at wall of memories that had Lucy's maid outfit, a souvenirs from Galuna island, and memories from multiple different missions including the request of the very first mission he went on with Lucy. Happy had discovered Lucy's letters to her mother, and he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe it'd help to write to someone. He tended to use his fists to do his talking but recently that seemed to cause more harm that what it was worth. Natsu sighed and grabbed a piece of paper, it wouldn't hurt to try, maybe it'd help even.

Dear Lucy,

So I don't really know how to do this kinda thing. I'm not the greatest writer, not anything like you anyways. I don't even know what to write about. I'm glad you're safe. I can't believe your dad would do that. I think I should thank you properly for helping me out with taking down Gajeel. Of course I'd never admit this but I don't think I would've been able to beat him without you. I don't know how I'd live with myself if I didn't, something about you Lucy just makes me not want to let you go. I'm glad you didn't really go back home, that you were just standing up to your Dad, Fairy Tail wouldn't be the same without you. It's weird to think that you weren't in it your entire life like the rest of us, it feels like you've been here the entire time. Um, I'm not sure what else to say really so I guess bye for now. I'll just go talk to you in person.


Dear Lucy,

Jellal and Laxus were a real pain in the ass, the Oracion Seis too. It's been awhile since I wrote you, we've been busy though. You've gotten much stronger now, you even beat Bickslow! And Angel too! You've caught up to us really quick which is saying a lot cause we've been doing this our entire lives. I'm glad I went after the fake Salamander that day, if I hadn't things would be so different. Would you have found a way to join and if you had would we have formed a team? Or would you have been trapped back at home at a mansion that felt more like a prison to you than a home? Ugh, thinking about you not being here makes my head hurt. I'm glad you're my friend and partner. I can't help but wonder what adventures we'll go on next, I know that they'll be good if I have you by my side.

I'm thankful I can call you my best friend and I know Happy is too. It's weird to think that I'm actually liking this writing thing, I'm not great at it yet, but I know why you do it. You know, with all of the craziness going on, I'm lucky. I've made it to your side right when it's needed, I truly hope I can always do that. I'm kind of freaked out by that, I'm starting to care a lot more about you. I don't think I've cared this much for someone ever, not even anyone from the guild. I don't know what I feel anymore and I think that's the scariest part. I don't know. Happy keeps wanting to go fishing so talk to you later Luce.


Dear Lucy,

You know, I think I'm starting to get the hang of this whole writing thing. I even got a little hiding spot just like you! I might need to work on my consistency but other than that this has been going pretty good. Anyways, we just got back from Tenrou and although I'm trying to be happy, it's hard. I think it's hard on everyone, but you especially. You don't deserve the pain you have to go through, I wish I could protect you from that too. It was supposed to be good, after Edolas, we were supposed to come out of Tenrou Island S class! You helped me out a lot on Tenrou, you caught my scarf, you stopped me from falling, and you gave me hope.

It broke my heart to hear you crying, I know it didn't seem like it, but I didn't want to upset you even more by seeming sad myself. I'm glad you went on that mission with me and got the original team, the two of us, back together again! Although the more I'm with you, the more I scare myself. I think I'm starting to fall in this thing that Igneel explained to me called love. I've never felt it before and I know Gildarts told me that fear isn't evil and it shows me what my weakness is. And Lucy? I'm scared cause I think you're my weakness, one that makes my heart skip a beat and risk my life to protect yours. It's all so confusing, I don't know how I should feel.

I have to go, Happy is bored which means he's going to start reading this over my shoulder and he'll tease me about it.


Dear Lucy,

We won the games! I told you we'd win! We beat the dragons and Future Rogue and had a blast in Crocus! It seems like this always happens, things start off good and then take a turn for the worst. We made it out just fine though. Maybe things'll lie low for awhile and give us a break. Then again all of this excitement makes all of us stronger which is good. You grow stronger every day, soon enough you'll probably be able to beat me.

Lucy, I can't get you off my mind, I really think I'm in love. I don't think I can tell you just yet, I don't think you like me anymore than a friend. It's funny, you always seem to help me somehow in my fights, but the one battle I can't win is the one against you, in a way. I love you so much, I'd rather you be my friend then nothing at all. I found love right in front of me, and it hit me harder than any punch anyone has ever thrown at me. One day I'll get the courage Lucy, I promise, I just feel like I don't know what to say or think, it's all so confusing.

I've to go, I told you I'd meet you at the guild.

-A very confused Natsu

Dear Lucy,

I'm sorry my letter wasn't good, when it came time to write one I knew you would actually read, I didn't know what to say. I'm sorry I'm leaving, but I realized after fighting Tartarus that I need to be stronger, and for that I need to do some training. My training could be dangerous, I'm not sure and I don't want to risk you getting hurt. You'll be with guild so I know you'll be safe.

I ran into Gildarts the other day and I told him about how I felt, he knew what it was like. It was nice to talk to him about it. Gildarts knew what it was like to love someone and he reassured me what I was thinking wasn't crazy, that I wasn't crazy. I'll be coming back soon, I learned a lot and grew a lot as well. It'll be nice to see everyone again, it'll be nice to see you again. The hardest part of this journey was the fact that I never stopped missing you. Sorry this hasn't been that long, I haven't gotten much of a chance to write while training.

See you soon,


Dear Lucy,

It's started, what very well may be our final battle. I'm scared for the guild, for me, for you. I don't know how this will turn out, I'd like to hope that we'll win this one, just like we always do but Zeref is strong. Stronger than me or Makarov or the Ten Wizard Saints, hell, maybe even stronger than all of us combined. You're so strong now Luce, probably the strongest celestial mage to ever live and I'm so proud of you. I'm the luckiest person in the world to be able to call you a guild member, a teammate, a friend. I never say how thankful I am that Makarov took me in. I'll cherish the bonds I've formed and the family I've made for the rest of my life, however long that may be. I think we have a fighting chance, we've got a reason to win, we've got friends, and above all, we've got each other. I don't know if today is my last day but just in case it is, I love you Lucy.

I love this neverending adventure we've been on and I'll never forget the memories we've made, never. No matter how many days, months, or years pass I'll always cherish everything we've done. I hope this isn't a goodbye, but in case it is, I want you to know that I wouldn't change a thing because no matter what happens, I got the chance to know you, Lucy Heartfilia, an amazing, powerful, and beautiful girl who stole my heart without me even realizing. I hope to see you soon, for now I've got to fight.

-the boy in love, Natsu Dragneel.

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