YOU DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, you are gonna die! @CelestePotter had suggested it. Some can be a bit unrealistic, but we are wizards and anything can happen. Hope you like it!! AND KEEP THE IDEAS COMING! I NEED THEM! And sorry for the long wait. I know there shitty, but it's hard to make original ideas on how you make you die. At least, not all are not surprising anyway.

Harry: It was war. Voldemort was going after Harry to kill him once and for all. But you didn't want it to happen. One day, you and Harry where in a Forrest hiding from snatchers. " Y/N, are you ok?" Harry asked. "Yeah." You said absently, but you where far from ok. You just had this feeling that something was going wrong. That a terrible thing was going to happen. "I know that you're not ok. I know it." Harry said, taking you in his arms. But then shouts came from outside. "Open up! We know that you are in here Harry Potter!!!!!" "It's sounds like a witch." You muttered. " No. I'm not Harry Potter." Harry said in a cool voice. "NOW!" And the snatchers came in. They took you and Harry. And surprise surprise, Voldemort came in. "Now now Harry, come to die." He said. "No." You said. "What." Harry said. If you are going to kill Harry, kill me to." You said. "Y/N, no!" "Avada Kederva!" Voldemort shouted. You jumpy in front of Harry and saved him, Killing yourself...

Ron: you and Ron where walking in the park. It was a sunny day, and everyone was out. You and Ron where walking next to a lake. Everyone was having a good time. "So, Y/N, having a good time?" Ron asked. "If it's with you, then yes." You said, smiling. "Where are we?" Ron asked suddenly. You and Ron had arrived in a dark area. The lake also seems to end there. "I don't know Ron." You said, taking in your surroundings. "Look who we have here." A voice said. "Who are you?" Ron asked. "Who, me?" The person asked. "Well yeah, you're the one we're talking to you." You said. "Ok, I'll come." The person came out of the shadows. "Dolohov!" Ron shouted. "Yes, it's me. And now, let's end it here. You aren't supposed to know that I'm here." He said. "So how are you going to do it?" You asked. "Let's begin with you then." and with that Dolohov shot the stunning spell at you. You flew backwards the lake in. "Y/N!" Ron shouted, but it was to late. You where stunned, so you couldn't move. So you sunk to the bottom of the lake, without being able to do anything about it.

Draco: you where at Draco's house. It was the holidays and Draco had the idea to let his parents meet you. So they can see what a wonderful woman you where and accept it. So, after a week, you hopped that you where accepted. Draco was very nervous about something. "Hey, Draco, is there something wrong?" You ask. "Why are you asking?" Draco asked back. "You seem very nervous." You ask. "It's my parents, they don't like you." Draco said. "What!" You said, shocked. You had worked so hard. Draco hugged you tightly, while telling what he had heard of them. "And I don't know what to do next." He said. "Draco?" You said, slightly scared. "I'm always here to protect you." Draco said. "Not for long." Lucius, Draco's father had stepped in the room. "Father, what are you doing!" Draco said in shock. "Finishing her." Lucius said. "No. Please don't." Draco begged. "Let Y/N live." Draco pleaded. "No." Lucius said, and with that final word he killed you without showing any mercy.
(Somehow I picture this: Lucius from AVPS comes dancing in, does a few pirouettes and then Draco runs to him and shows a picture of him on the potty)

Fred: It was a field trip to the woods. Well, more of a camp because it was for a week. The best thing was, Fred was with you, and whole Gryffindor house. It was going to be a fun camp. You went rafting, canoeing, climbing, Quiddich and much more, all with Fred. It was the last evening of the camp, and there was a big bonfire. Everyone was dancing. But, then, a roar came from the trees nearby. There came a other one from the opposite side. "Fred, what's going on?" you  asked? "I don't know Y/N." Fred said holding your hand. Then all hell breaks lose. A ton of Griffins stroke the camp, killing everyone in there path. "Run!" Fred said and you both took of. But you weren't fast enough.  One griffin had slashed one of his claws on your back. You fall in Fred's arms. "Y/N!" Fred said in shock. You where losing blood fast. "Anybody! Help me!" Fred shouted. It was no use. You where weakening by the second. "Help!" Fred shouted once more, tears streaming down his face. "I love you, Y/N." He said. "I love you to." You said back, and took your final breath. (I almost cried while making this one.)

George: Gryffindor had won the Quidditch cup! As usual, there's a big party in the tower. But first, preparation. "Ok, first we need decorations." Lee said. "I can draw stuff." Dean said. "And food?" Fred asked. "Watch out! Fred is turning into Ron with all the food!" George joked. As a result he got shoved by Fred, and a glare. "But seriously? What about food?" Ron asked. "Shut up Ron. You only think about food. Y/N and George, would you get some food?" Fred asked. "Ok. Coming Y/N?" George said with a smile. You and George went to the kitchens. There was a big surprise, there was no house elf in sight. "Where did the house elf's go?" You ask. "Look, there." George pointed to dark figure. "I must kill. Keep them away, is I job. There will be dead, otherwise I is unhappy." the figure muttered. "Em George, is there something wrong here?" you said. "There's definitely something wrong here." George said. "I kill now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She said and turned and shot a spell towards you. You flew  towards  the wall and banged your head. A bit to hard, because the hit was fatal. And George was heartbroken.

Oliver: It was a dark,sad day. Everyone was not in there mood today. Except the Gryffindors. They where chatting, running around, having fun in general. As for you, you where cuddling with Oliver. He was playing with your hair.  "Like the view?" He asked, with a smile on his face. "Emm" you said while you're blushing. "I take that as a yes." Oliver said, and kissed you on the cheek. "I love you." You said in is chest. "Mm? What was that?" Oliver asked? "I love you."you repeated. "I love you to." Oliver said, hugging your tighter. Then suddenly, the lights went out. You instantly grab Oliver's hand. "Hello hello." A voice boomed trough the common room. Everyone was silent and frozen.  "Good that you all listening. This school is in danger. Get ready." and the voice disappeared. A few seconds of silence, then the school started to shake. Panic rose. "You're gonna be ok." Oliver said reassuring. Then the outer wall broke open. An invisible force pulled people out. To their death. You where one of these people. "Hang on!" Oliver shouted. You where hanging on Oliver. "No. I'm gonna let go." You said. "No Y/N!" Oliver shouted. "Yes. I don't want you to die." You said. "But..'' Oliver began but you had let go. "NO!" Oliver yelled while you plummeted to your death.

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