First I love you

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Harry: you and Harry where outside in the sun. Outside by the lake. You where in Harry's arms, enjoying each other's company. Harry gave you one of his cute smiles that you loved. " Hey Y/N." Harry said in a soft voice. "What" you mumbled in his chest. " You do know that I love you." He said. " Yeah, and I love you to." You said back.

Ron: Valentine's Day was today. You where reading a book that you got for Christmas. Then Ron came in and asked you to come with him. In the forest he had made a picnick ( did I spell this correctly?). " Ron thank you!" You shouted. " hey, I love you Y/N, why not? " he said. Let's say it was a wonderful evening.

Draco: Draco had the brilliant but stupid idea to mess with Dumbledore. " So, how do you want to mess with Dumbledore?" You asked. " First we lure him out of his office. Then we figure something out. " Draco said. " How?" You asked. " Ever heard of Peeves?" He asked. " Than what?" You ask. " No idea. " he said. Then you had the idea to change the password to: have a break, have a kit Kat. " That's why I love you" Draco said.

Fred: you and Fred where practicing Charms. Actually he was helping you with the Summoning charm. You where getting better but the objects kept flying around. But in the end you successfully gotten a book out off Fred's hands. Fred tackled you with a hug. " I love you Fred. " you said. " Y/N, I love you to.

George: as usual George was pranking someone with Fred. But somehow Mr Norris had busted them and they are stuck in Filtches office. And then you had a plan formulated in your  head. " Peeves! Can you do me a favour? Try to get Filtch out of his office and drive him nuts ok?" Peeves was glad to do it. And the twins got there escape. When George found out it was your idea he said he loved you a little to much.

Oliver: Oliver had called a Quidditch training. As you where on the team, you had to come to. You where seeker. When the training began everything looked fine. But then Mother Nature felt like something else and it started raining. In 10 minutes the whole team was soaked. " Oliver, can we please stop. We're gonna catch a cold out here." You said. " Ok, only because I love you" he said.

A/N, sorry that's some are longer than others. And if you had a request, please tell me! And I'd added the song Lily, 'cause I think it fits with this.

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