/ xviii /

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Imogen stood at the arrival hall, nervously chewing on her bottom lip as her eyes scanned over the crowd. Her stomach lurched almost painfully at the thought of seeing Ashton in real life. Although they'd spoken a few more times after he told her they were going to be in Singapore real soon, she didn't expect that day to come that quickly.

She sat in a tiny booth in Dunkin Donuts, taking small sips of her coffee in an attempt to sooth her nerves. Her leg still bobbed up and down anxiously, eyes flickering to the screen which signaled the arrival of flights. 

Imogen couldn't help but wonder what meeting Ashton would be like in person. Would it be one of those situations where interacting online was comfortable but in person it was just plain awkward? Would he find her irritating? 

Desperately shaking the negative thoughts off, she assured herself that everything would be alright. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and she was not going to let her doubts screw this up for her. Just then, her phone vibrated in her hand and a notification popped up, driving her nerves into a frenzy yet again.

Just arrived, see you in a bit x

ashie ; 5:03AM

it's way too early to be out of bed. ur lucky i love u


thank god for coffee


i'm at dunkin donuts btw in case ya wanted to know


Imogen placed her phone back on the table as she stared at the line of girls waiting at the airport. They were dedicated; some of them had been there since 9 the previous night. She certainly hoped they wouldn't mob the band though, things would only get messy.

Slightly more than ten minutes later, the hushed whispers turned to little squeaks of excitement as they spotted a certain lanky tall blonde coming down the escalators behind the clear glass panel, a guitar strapped over his shoulders as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. The rest of the band and their crew were in tow, spotting the crowd that was waiting for them.

Imogen had a clear view of Ashton, and could see his eyes roving over the crowd, probably trying to spot her. The bright pink "Dunkin Donuts" signs caught his attention, and his lips broke into a huge smile as Imogen gave a small wave. Ashton leaned over to Dave -- the security personnel standing next to him -- and whispered something into his ear. The burly man swung his gaze over to Imogen, and nodded once. 

The automatic glass doors swung open, and the venue erupted with noise. Chatter filled the air, asking for photos and videos from the band. Security rushed into position, creating a clear walkway for the boys to walk through. 

"Hey, it's chill man, give us ten minutes," Imogen heard Michael's voice, watching the blue-haired boy slightly push past security to meet fans. 

Her secluded booth in Dunkin Donuts gave her a clear view of what was going on in the airport terminal. Everyone was relaxed and in a line, chatter and laughter could be heard as fans got their photos and hugs, which was quite surprising considering how they were mobbed at airports sometimes.

The band finally got to the end of the line, waving goodbye to everyone as they made their way out of the airport. "See you at the show tomorrow!" Calum yelled over his shoulder, making the fans cheer loudly.

Follow us from a distance, I pointed you out to Dave just now so he'll look out for you

ashie ; 5:30AM

So so excited xxxxxxx

ashie ; 5:30AM

Imogen downed the rest of her coffee, already feeling the caffeine jitters start to set in. She slid her phone into her jean pocket, running her hand through her hair as she slowly walked in the direction the boys left in. She could see security looking out for and gently away girls who tried to follow them, but they left her alone.

Dave was waiting at the sliding carpark doors with his arms crossed, and Imogen tried not to be too intimidated as she approached him. 

"Imogen?" He questioned and she nodded, flashing him a weak smile.

"Hi Dave," She tested out, hoping she would get some form of response. She'd always thought Dave was super cool.

"I finally meet the infamous Imogen. Ashton never shuts up about you," Dave quipped, and Imogen could feel her cheeks start to burn. 

"What does he say about me?" She laughed nervously, trying to play it off as casually as possibly. Imogen followed Dave through the dimly lit VIP carpark, stopping in front of a black SUV.

"Many things," Dave answered cryptically, pulling the door open for her. "Get in."

She did as she was told, climbing in and was immediately face to face with all 4 members of her favourite band.


oh no i am a terrible person sry about the short chapter

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